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met pagi agan dan sis. Dsni ane mo share game WBG yaitu Arcane Legend. Di dalam game ini hanya ada 3 job yaitu warior, assasin dan mage. Dan semua job tersebut merupkan gender lock, jadi ga bsa plih2 kelamin. Setalah memperdalam game ini, ane mo kasih tau hal2 yang blm ane jelasin sbelummnya. Silahkan di cek di bawah ini emoticon-Big Grin

1. Warior
Seperti di game MMORPG lainnya. Warior merupakan tipe tanker yang memiliki HP dan dan DEF tinggi. dan STR merupakan main atribute dari warior itu sendiri.
Spoiler for Penampakn warior:

2. Asasin
Agan2 pecinta game MMORPG pasti dah ga asing lg sama yang namanya Assasin. Assasin memiliki dodge dan crit rate yang ckup tinggi di banding dgn job lainnya, karena atribut utama dari seorang asasin adalah DEX.
Spoiler for Penamapakan Asinan:

3. Mage
Mage merupakan job yang paling banyak memiliki skill AoE. Rata2 mage yang ane temuin dsni. Mereka adalah tipe support. Karna hanya job mage yang punya skill heal area. Mage sangat lemah dalam DEF dan juga low HP. Main Atribute dari mage adlaah INT seperti game2 MMORPG lainnya.
Spoiler for Penamapakn mage:

Untuk agan2 yang masih bingung dengan skill build dan alokasi atribut point, untuk masing - masing job. Agan bisa langsung liat di forum resminya arcane legend.
Spoiler for Skill build:

Fitur didalam game ini hampir sama dgn game MMORPG lainnya ( Guild, daily quest, pet/Companions, auction, dungeon dan ada storynya jga).Khusus untuk auction hanya bsa di akses di great city of kraag dan traveler outpost. Untuk fitur2nya ane mo review pada bagian pet/companion terlebih dahulu(yang lainnya menyusulemoticon-Big Grin).

PET/Companion merupakan salah 1 hal yang penting di game ini. Selain membantu agan dalam membunuh monster, pet juga bisa memberikan bonus atribut kepada tuannya. masing masing pet memliki bonus atribut yang berbeda2 satu dgn lainnya. Syarat untuk mendapatkan bonus atribut yang ada pada pet adalah menjaga tingkat happiness pet itu sendiri.
Spoiler for Pet:

Spoiler for Bonus Atribute:

Spoiler for Tips:

Guild merupakan salah satu fitur yang ditawarkan oleh game Arcane Legend. Fungsi guild itu sendiri hanya sebatas komunitas untuk berkumpul dan sharing msalah/kesulitan seputar game ini saja.
Spoiler for Guild:

Untuk kontrol, game ini tidak menggunakan mouse, tetapi menggunakan keyboard ( A S D W).
Spoiler for key shortcuts:

Terkahir untuk memainkan game ini, agan/sis kudu pke Google chrome. Pertama agan masuk ke "Chrome web store" . Nah abis itu tinggal ketik "arcane legend"di kolom search. Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa lihat di bawah :
1. Stelah buka GC, klik chrome webstore(CWS) yang ada di pojok kanan bawah layar.
Spoiler for chrome webstore:

2. Ketik Arcane Legend dikolom search.
3. Pilih "tambah ke chrome" pada applikasi Arcane legend".
Spoiler for Tambah ke chrome:

4. Tunggu sbntar nnti ada popup dari chrome untuk confirm new appliaction. Dsni ane kasih conth pke applikasi lain karna AL dah terinstall dalam chrome ane
Spoiler for popup:

5. Tambahan dari agan JamZee, ternyata game ini bisa dimainkan melalui browser apa saja dgn syarat tetap menginstall applikasi Arcane Legend melalui Chrome web store. Untuk memainkannya bisa lewat sini

Tips ini hanya untuk agan2 yang belum tau cara buat shrotcut desktop untuk semua applikasi Google Chrome :
1. Hal yang pertama harus agan lakuin adalah membuka browser Google Chrome, stelah itu klik plihan applikasi yang ada dibagian bawah-tengah layar monitor agan atau tanda panah yang ada disebelah kanan layar monitor. untuk lebih jelasnya bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini.
Spoiler for Applikasi:

2. Setelah itu klik kanan applikasi Arcane Legend, beri tanda centang pada bagian Open Fullscreen, stelah itu pilih create shortcut. untuk lebih jelasnya bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini.
Spoiler for Shortcut + fullscreen:

3. Sekarang agan2 bisa maen AL langsung dari desktop. Buat agan2 yang punya tips lainnya bisa di share dsini, nnti ane taro page 1. Selamat mencoba dan happy gaming emoticon-Cendol (S)

Sekian paparan ane tentang game ini. klo masih penasaran nih ane kasih skrinsotnye.
Spoiler for Character:

Spoiler for DI kota:

Spoiler for Lawan momon:

Maaf sbelummnya klo ada agan2 yang kurang sependapat dgn pandangan ane tentang game ini. Ane cm niat share aj ganemoticon-Malu (S). Jgn diemoticon-Blue Guy Bata (L)yaa..
Ni thread pertama ane gan dan baru aj ane update.. hehe
Ayo gan ikutan maen... sero lhoooo.....emoticon-Cendol (S)

Untuk agan/sista yang ingin sekedar bertanya atau berdiskusi seputar game Arcane Legend di Facebook, bisa join grupnya disini

Spoiler for Update Promo Code:

Spoiler for Cekidot:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Poll ini sudah ditutup. - 22 suara
Jam brp biasanya agan agan pada hunting
Jam pagi 08.00 - 11.00
Jam siang 12.00 - 15.00
Jam sore 17.00 - 20.00
Jam malam 21.00 - 24.00
Jam kalong 01.00 - 04.00
Tergantung sikon
Diubah oleh tikripiw 12-03-2013 12:27
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Quest: [Daily] Potent Dyes**
Prerequisite: Strong Magic
Accepted: Grimm
Description: Bring Vitor 25 of these potent dyes
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Vitor
Reward: Surprise Item, 115g

Quest: [Daily] Measuring the Arcane**
Prerequisite: Deep Dark Secrets
Accepted: Sierra
Description: Measure the Arcane Energy Fonts for Berni since he cannot focus
To complete: Examine the glowing purple rocks scattered around the campaign
Turn in: Burni
Reward: 115g

Traveler's Outpost
Quest count: 13
Daily quests: 1
Quest: Barkley's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: Find Dorte!
Accepted: Woodruff the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Barkley in Brackenridge Forest
To complete: See description
Turn in: Barkley
Reward: 30g

Quest: Sheeba's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: Find Lisbet!
Accepted: Woodruff the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Sheeba in the Aqueducts
To complete: See description
Turn in: Sheeba
Reward: 40g

Quest: Hedwig's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: Find Wiznit!
Accepted: Woodruff the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Hedwig in the Village
To complete: See description
Turn in: Hedwig
Reward: 40g

Quest: Grimm's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: Find Vitor!
Accepted: Woodruff the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Grimm in Gold Mine
To complete: See description
Turn in: Grimm
Reward: 40g

Quest: Sierra's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: Find Burni!
Accepted: Woodruff the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Sierra in the Gold Mine
To complete: Talk to Sierra
Turn in: Sierra
Reward: 40g

Quest: Eternal Flame
Accepted: Benadikt
Description: Explore the Watchers' Tomb and report back to Benadikt
To complete: Complete the Watchers' Tomb - Level 1 (defeat Fractured Fel)
Turn in: Benadikt
Reward: 120g

Quest: Terror Tombs
Prerequisite: Eternal Flame
Accepted: Benadikt
Description: Eliminate all necromancers from Watchers' Tomb, Level 2
To complete: Complete the Watchers' Tomb - Level 2 (defeat Yrena the Deathless)
Turn in: Benadikt
Reward: 120g

Quest: Darkest Depths
Prerequisite: Eternal Flame, Terror Tombs
Accepted: Benadikt
Description: Clear the third level of the Watchers' Tomb
To complete: Complete the Watchers' Tomb - Level 3 (defeat Krack Krushbone)
Turn in: Benadikt
Reward: 200g

Quest: Who Goes There?
Prerequisite: Darkest Depths
Accepted: Ahnold
Description: Identify the resurrected skeleton warriors in the Watchers' Tomb
To complete: Kill enemies in the Watchers' Tomb and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Ahnold
Reward: 70g

Quest: Dead Diary
Prerequisite: Who Goes There?
Accepted: Ahnold
Description: Recover quest journals from ancient warriors in the Watchers' Tomb
To complete: Kill enemies in the Watchers' Tomb and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Ahnold
Reward: 70g

Quest: Vanished Valor
Prerequisite: Dead Diary
Accepted: Ahnold
Description: Recover the Crest of valor amulets from resurrected warriors of the Watch
To complete: Kill enemies in the Watchers' Tomb and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Ahnold
Reward: 275g

Quest: Ydra Forest
Accepted: Mage Messenger
Description: Gustav asked you to investigate and then meet him at the bandit's fortress
To complete: Talk to Karin in Ydra Outskirts
Turn in: Karin
Reward: 250g

Quest: [Daily] King Dude Ditty
Accepted: Kincaid the Bard
Description: You must defeat the evil nobles of old in order to complete the bard's song
To complete: Complete the map by defeating the mobs to gain access to the next area
Turn in: Kincaid the Bard
Reward: Story Token, 30g

Ydra Outskirts
Quest count: 6
Daily quest: 1
Quest: The Troubled Turtle
Accepted: Donatello
Description: Help out the Troubled turtle by finding his old Master.
To complete: Talk to Ahnold in Traveler's Outpost about "seeking an old Master..."
Turn in: Donatello
Reward: 300g

Quest: To Catch A Killer
Prerequisite: Ydra Forest
Accepted: Karin
Description: You have to hurry and stop them before it's too late
To complete: Avenge Karin's father and kill Stahl the Ydra Outskirts boss
Turn in: Sealed Letter
Reward: 500g

Quest: Pen Pals
Accepted: Sealed Letter
Prerequisite: To Catch A Killer
Description: Locate the assassin's contact and find out what she knows
To complete: Kill enemies in the Rook's Hideout until a Sealed Letter drops
Turn in: Sealed Letter
Reward: 340g

Quest: Fear No Evil
Prerequisite: The Troubled Turtle
Accepted: Donatello
Description: Collect 50 masks from evil Rooks
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Ahnold
Reward: 300g

Quest: Get A Clue
Prerequisite: Fear No Evil
Accepted: Donatello
Description: Get clues from the Rook's chests
To complete: Open chests/break boxes for a chance quest item to drops automatically*
Turn in: Ahnold
Reward: 300g

Quest: [Daily] The Shredder
Prerequisite: Get A Clue
Accepted: Donatello
Description: Collect 50 Shredders from evil Rooks
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Ahnold
Reward: Surprise Item, 300g

Rook's Hideout
Quest count: 5
Daily quests: 0
Quest: The Space Between
Accepted: Ghost of Morgana
Description: Did this mysterious Captain betray his soldiers for some selfish purpose
To complete: Examine the Ancient Alter in the Tombs of Kraag III
Turn in: Ancient Alter
Reward: None

Quest: The Lonely Frog
Accepted: Kermut
Description: Help the Lonely Frog by introducing him to a princess
To complete: Talk to the Tavern Keeper in the Slurred King and lead with "Thanks, lovely lady!"
Turn in: Kermut
Reward: 5g

Quest: Mother in Peril
Accepted: Sealed Letter (Rook's Hideout)
Prerequisite: Pen Pals
Description: If you can save her (Mother), maybe she will reveal the Rook's Plans
To complete: Defeat the boss Mother in Rook's Hideout
Turn in: Mother
Reward: Spidersilk Helm of Tenacity, 550g

Quest: Trolling
Prerequisite: Mother in Peril
Accepted: Mother
Description: If a Troll is corrupted and let loose in a city, it would spell disaster...
To complete: Defeat Klutus in Ydra Forest
Turn in: Sealed Letter (Ydra Forest)
Reward: Troll Ring of Force, 625g

Quest: Lord of the Flies
Prerequisite: The Lonely Frog
Accepted: Kermut
Description: Help prove the Frog's love by bringing his Princess some flies
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Tavern Keeper
Reward: 40g

Ydra Forest
Quest count: 5
Daily quests: 1
Quest: The Solitary Dodo
Accepted: Watson
Description: (Watson) He'd like you to find a new Companion to help him out
To complete: Talk to Quimby the Witless in Windmoore tell him "Ha, you remind me of Watson"
Turn in: Watson
Reward: 70g

Quest: Beyond Redemption
Prerequisite: Trolling
Accepted: Sealed Letter (Ydra Forest)
Description: You have to defeat it (Bael) before it's allowed to finish its nefarious plans
To complete: Defeat Bael, the boss of Rook's Nest
Turn in: Elderman Gustav (Rook's Nest)
Reward: Hack Sword of Assault,700g

Quest: The Lost Keys
Prerequisite: The Solitary Dodo
Accepted: Watson
Description: Find them (keys) and return them to Quimby
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Quimby
Reward: 70g

Quest: The Dodo Stones
Prerequisite: The Lost Keys
Accepted: Watson
Description: Collect stones from the Rook's Nest bandits and give them to Quimby
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Quimby
Reward: 70g

Quest: [Daily] Dodo's Keepsakes
Accepted: Watson
Description: Find them (mementos) and return them to Quimby so he can place them again
To complete: Kill enemies and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Quimby
Reward: Surprise Item, 70g

Rook's Nest
Quest count: 5
Daily quests: 1
Quest: Fallen Companion!
Accepted: Sigrun
Description: Find Sigrun's Companion
To complete: Visit the Hauntlet and engage the Fallen Warrior
Turn in: Sigrun
Reward: 115g

Quest: On the Razor's Edge
Accepted: Elderman Gustav
Description: (Gustav) He has urged you to travel to Kraag...
To complete: Travel to Kraag
Turn in: Krobox
Reward: 400g

Quest: Severing the Bond
Prerequisite: Fallen Companion!
Accepted: Sigrun
Description: Defeat the Fallen Warrior
To complete: See description
Turn in: Sigrun
Reward: 115g

Quest: A Worthy Companion
Prerequisite: Severing the Bond
Accepted: Sigrun
Description: Find Sigrun a new Companion
To complete: Talk to Algernon in Kraag and say "You seem brave..."
Turn in: Sigrun
Reward: 115g

Quest: [Daily] Breathing Fire**
Accepted: Sigrun
Description: Fire 4 cannons at the undead horde
To complete: Fire four cannons in Great City of Kraag
Turn in: Algernon
Reward: Surprise Item, 115g

Great City of Kragg
Quest count: 14
Daily quests: 7[/b]
Quest: [Daily] Forgotten Silver**
Accepted: Krobox
Description: Explore the tombs for these ancient coins and return them to Krobox
To complete: Kill enemies in the Kraag Tombs and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Krobox
Reward: 250g

Quest: [Daily] Precious Projectiles
Accepted: Krobox
Description: Search for Locrian Crystal
To complete: Kill enemies in the Kraag Tombs and chance quest item drops automatically*
Turn in: Krobox
Reward: 250g

Quest: [Daily] The Vision
Accepted: Krobox
Description: You're going to explore the crypts and see what fortune might hold
To complete:
Turn in: Krobox
Reward: 500g

Quest: Donatello's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: The Troubled Turtle
Accepted: Rusalka the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Donatello in Ydra Outskirts
To complete: See description
Turn in: Donatello
Reward: 40g

Quest: Kermut's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: The Lonely Frog
Accepted: Rusalka the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Kermut in the Rook's Hideout/Talk to the Tavern Keeper in the Slurred King
To complete: See description
Turn in: Kermut/Tavern Keeper
Reward: 40g

Quest: Watson's Call [Repeats]
Prerequisite: The Solitary Dodo
Accepted: Rusalka the Beastmaster
Description: Talk to Watson in Ydra Forest
To complete: See description
Turn in: Watson
Reward: 40g

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