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HTC Desire HD New lounge part-II

Full Technical Specification

HTC Desire HD full review

Dengan tidak mengurangi rasa hormat kepada TS sebelumnya juga para sesepuh2 DHD dan atas persetujuan bersama. Maka di buat lah rumah baru DHD part 2.
Tujuan agar lebih tertata rapi, baik informasi, tutorial dan link2 lain yang bersifat membantu pengguna/user DHD yang lain.

  1. Dilarang nge-Junk, OoT (Out of Topic), one liner, gambar dan icon berlebihan.
  2. Dilarang berjualan atau memberi link jualan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung
  3. Dilarang memposting hal-hal yang berupa SARA, BB, Flaming, kata-kata kasar/kotor, caci maki.
  4. Bila memposting berita atau tutorial dari tempat lain, harap mencantumkan sumbernya, serta nama penulis asli (untuk tutorial).
  5. Untuk tutorial, harap untuk tidak sekedar copy-paste atau menerjemahkan tanpa memahami isi dan resiko dari tutorial tersebut.

HTC Desire HD Lounge - Part 1

PartyChat Gtalk
Untuk Setiap warga baru lounge Desire HD disarankan untuk bergabung di PartyChat GtalkUntuk berkonsultasi, tanya-jawab, sebelum melakukan rooting dan hal-hal lain untuk mencegah mis-informasi dan kerusakan pada Desire HD anda.
silahkan add dhdkaskuser@im.partych.at di gtalk,im+,nimbuzz,ebuddy,dll.
setelah join harap ganti alias dengan id kaskus, ato akan di tendang dari room emoticon-army:

beberapa command list di party chat :

  • /leave -> Leave this chat room. You can rejoin by sending another message to the room. If the room is invite-only, you may need to be re-invited.
  • /list -> See who is in the chat room.
  • /alias newalias -> Change what name you show up as in the room.
  • /invite someemail -> Invite someone to the room.
  • /me someaction -> Tell the room what you're up to. If you type /me is rolling his eyes, everyone sees [youralias] is rolling his eyes.


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No Root Screenshot It v 2.0.4

This application will instruct you to download and install a free desktop application on your Windows or Mac. Once installed, you must run the desktop application with your phone attached to your computer. This will enable screenshots on your phone.
Once you've done this, you can disconnect your phone and take screenshots whenever you want. However, every time you restart your phone, you'll have to connect it to your computer and run the desktop application again. If you restart your phone frequently, this app may not be for you, as it may prove to be too inconvenient.
Your phone will NOT be rooted or temp-rooted in any way. No system files on your phone will be altered.
If your phone is already rooted, please download the normal "Screenshot It" application from the Android market.

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