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[INDEX] All About Freelance

Freelence designer ...dah punya NPWP belum ?

5 Steps to Winning Any Client Project

5 Useful Things You Could Do Tomorrow

5 Tricks That Make You More Attractive to Clients

5 Useless Things You Did Today

6 Simple Ways to Promote Your Online Business Offline


Apakah Freelancer membutuhkan rencana bisnis ?

Freelancer, Kita Adalah Pejuang Independen!

Personal Branding Sebagai Senjata Rahasia Para Freelancer

Pekerjaan Tetap: Peluang atau Hambatan

Fresh Graduate Siap Tempur

Ebook gratis: Go Freelance – The complete guide to going freelance

Ebook gratis: Creative Freelancing

Mengatasi Gangguan Saat Bekerja

10 Hidden Skills of Successfull Freelancers

10 Steps to Attract New Clients for Your Graphic Design Business

10 Things to Do When a Customer Rejects Your Work

12 Things You Should Never Say to a Client

Terlalu Letih Mengejar Client

3 Hal yang ga banget untuk dilakukan ke klien

Percakapan dengan Klien: Formal atau Santai ?

3 Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Klien Secara Reguler

7 Mantra Sakti Menjadi Freelancer/Entrepreneur

Freelancer itu (Harus) Seperti Kecoa !


Apakah Freelancer membutuhkan rencana bisnis ?

Freelancer, Kita Adalah Pejuang Independen!

Personal Branding Sebagai Senjata Rahasia Para Freelancer

Pekerjaan Tetap: Peluang atau Hambatan

Fresh Graduate Siap Tempur

Ebook gratis: Go Freelance – The complete guide to going freelance

Ebook gratis: Creative Freelancing

Mengatasi Gangguan Saat Bekerja

Customer Service ala Sopir Angkot

Refreshing Singkat Bagi Freelancer

6 Hal yang sering dilupakan oleh freelancer

Cara Membuat Klien Setia Pada Anda

Membangun Kepercayaan Klien

Cara Menaikkan Harga Jasa Anda

Mengatur Waktu Anda Lebih Efektif

Mengatur Waktu Anda Lebih Kreatif (Lanjutan)

Salam Freelancer...

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6 Simple Ways to Promote Your Online Business Offline
If anyone had told me twenty years ago that I’d be responsible for marketing and selling for a service-oriented business, I’d never have believed them. Yet, as a freelancer, that’s exactly what I do. I market and sell my writing services to my clients.

Back then, if someone had asked me to list twenty potential careers in order of how interested I was in each of them, sales would have come in dead last every single time.

“I just can’t do it.” One freelancer told me. “I hate to sell things.”

Another freelancer added this: “Promoting my business seems so boastful. How can I market my products and services without boasting?”

I absolutely understand those concerns. In many ways, they echo my own fears and worries. However, if you are going to be successful in your freelancing business, then you will eventually need to learn to promote that business.

There’s been a lot written about promoting your business online. If you’re like me, then you’ve already read a wealth of materials about online promotion. You may already even excel at promoting your business online. Good for you!

Now, it’s time to explore offline promotion. When added to your online promotion, these easy offline promotion tips are sure to increase business.
Here are 6 simple ideas for promoting your online business offline:

1. Introductions

Pay attention to what you say about your work when you meet someone new. Whenever I met someone I used to simply say, “I’m a writer,” or “I work from home.” Those responses did absolutely nothing to promote my business. Most people think that a writer is the author of a novel and working from home could mean that I telecommute. Now when I meet someone I say, “I own a business that provides web content, writing, and editing services.” With that response, the person that I’m talking to gets a much clearer picture of what I actually do.

2. Friends and family

Make sure that your friends and family understand your business. I know that this can be a tough assignment. Sometimes family are the very last people to “get it” when it comes to how a freelancer earns money. However, if your friends and family do get it, then when they meet someone and describe your work to them that description will be accurate. How many times have you heard someone say that they got a project from a “friend of a friend?” That can only happen when the friend knows what to say about your business.

3. Business cards

Have one and share it with others. It’s amazing how many freelancers don’t even bother to create a business card. Yet, for many people getting a business card makes a business seem more legitimate. When you create your business card make sure to include your name, your website URL, your e-mail, and any other contact information that you may have. Once you have a business card, hand it out whenever you meet new people, enclose it with letters that you send, and give it to friends and family members.

4. Advertise

Advertising doesn’t have to be expensive. You can take out an advertisement in back of the business section of your local newspaper (look for a smaller paper). You may also be able to place an advertisement in a small, regional magazine. Often, sports teams from local schools and civic organizations are looking for sponsorship. For a small donation, the team is often willing to place an ad for your business in their program. Finally, don’t forget to explore the possibility of placing an advertisement in your local telephone directory.

5. Join a group

One of the easiest ways to promote your online business offline is to become part of an offline group. This expands your network of contacts. Most towns and cities have business-oriented organizations such as the local Chamber of Commerce that you can join. However, an organization need not be business-related for you to engage in networking. If you have a hobby or other special interest, then you can join a group that focuses on that particular interest. Even though your fellow group members may not be potential customers, they may know of someone else who can use your services.

6. Direct mail

Prepare an informative packet for a small, targeted group of businesses (or customers) in your local area that could use your services. Personalize each packet with a letter describing specifically how your business can be of help. Mail the packets out and follow through in a few weeks with a friendly call to see if the potential customer received the packet. Ask if they have any questions about the information that you provided.
Those are my offline marketing tips. They are relatively simple to follow. Most can be implemented on even a very small budget. A few cost nothing at all.

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