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ikutan juga ya..
yang baru married dan siap2 mau punya baby, boleh nih punya ini..


numpang bandwidth nya yah buat jualan DVD Parenting

Total 8DVD+7CD, isinya:

DVD Dunstan Baby (Bahasa Bayi) - 2DVD @20rb
DVD Ivy League Baby (Baby Massage/ Pijat Bayi) - 2DVD @20rb
DVD The Happiest Baby by Dr.Harvey - 2DVD @20rb
DVD The Happiest Toddler On The Block By Dr.Harvey - 1DVD @30rb

7 CD Music For Baby @10rb.



DVD Dunstan Baby

Format: DVD
Total: 2DVD@20rb
Free shipping around Jabotabek area.

Mau tahu Bahasa yg dipakai bayi untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang tuanya? Apakah dia lapar, ngantuk, tidak nyaman dll? Cocok untuk yang mempunyai bayi berusia 0-3 bulan. Pernah dibahas dalam Oprah dan Liputan 6 SCTV.

Summary: Dunstan Baby Language is a claim about infantile speech patterns and language acquisition in humans. The claim is that across cultures and linguistic groups there are five sounds, each with a meaning, that are used by infants during the beginning of the language acquisition period. The hypothesis was developed by Australian former mezzo-soprano, Priscilla Dunstan, and has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Between 0-3 months, infants make what Dunstan calls sound reflexes.[1] According to Dunstan, we all have reflexes, like sneezes, hiccups, and burps, that all have a recognizable pattern when sound is added to the reflex. There are other reflexes that all babies experience, and when sound is added to these, a distinct, preemptive "cry" will occur before the infant breaks into what Dunstan calls the hysterical cry. Dunstan claims that these preemptive cries can indicate what the infant requires (e.g., food, comfort, sleep, etc.), and they escalate to the hysterical cry if they are not answered. As the infant matures past 3 months in vocalization, the sound reflexes become replaced with more elaborate babbling. (source:



Format: DVD
Total: 2DVD@20rb
Free shipping around Jabotabek area.

Pijat Bayi dapat menenangkan bayi dan membuatnya tidur lebih lama. Nga Percaya? Buktikan saja.. Diterangkan dengan jelas step by step nya.. emoticon-Smilie emoticon-Blue Guy Peace

Summary: Aimee's Babies is much more than just a baby massage DVD! Aimee not only gives complete, easy-to-follow instructions on Baby's First Massage®, but also explains the reason for each stroke and the positive effects it has on your baby's growth and development. Her interactive program is SENSORY BASED to stimulate ALL of your baby's senses, not just touch.

Aimee Ketchum's extensive knowledge of your baby's brain development becomes apparent as she explains dozens of easy exercises and simple techniques to stimulate baby's sense of touch, vision, hearing, balance, movement, and position in space.

In only a few minutes per day, you can aid your baby's development and stimulate your baby's senses while having fun! Aimee's tips and techniques can be used any time, any place, including bath time, mealtime, playtime, bonding time, travel time, and even while standing in line at the supermarket. (source:

"The DVD is appropriate from birth through about 12-18 months. I actually give it out to expectant moms when I teach developmental classes at the maternity hospital I currently work at. I encourage parents to watch it before they even have the baby because the developmental information starts right away, for example, the importance of tummy time, the use of baby massage to help baby heal from the trauma of birth). It makes a great shower gift! The can begin to massage their infant immediately. I am certified in Baby's First Massage which is geared toward newborns and even perfectly fine for pre-term infants. It helps them to gain weight and regulate their body temperature. The only time you don't want to massage a baby is if they aren't medically stable, if they have a fever, a malignancy or a fracture. Otherwise massage is fine any time, at any age!" (source: http://successthroughplay.blogspot.c...-and-love.html)



Format: DVD
Total: 2DVD@20rb

Free shipping around Jabotabek area.

Diterangkan dengan jelas cara untuk menenangkan bayi yang rewel dan cara untuk membedong baby sehingga baby nya terasa hangat dan aman seperti masih di perut ibunya. Perfect untuk yang baru punya baby nih.. biar nga terlalu stress kalau babynya bangun malam hari. emoticon-Blue Guy Peaceemoticon-Blue Guy Peaceemoticon-Blue Guy Peace

Summary: Do you learn better by watching rather than reading? Here is a chance to see how to transport your baby from screaming into minutes. Watch as, step-by-step, Dr. Karp teaches new parent how to switch on their baby's powerful calming reflex. English and Spanish In "The Happiest Baby" Dr. Karp reveals a treasure sought by new parents for centuries... the "calming reflex" (the automatic "off-switch? for any baby?s crying). No wonder thousands of Los Angeles parents, from working moms to superstars like Madonna and Michelle Pfeiffer have turned to Dr. Karp to learn his secrets for making babies happy. Elisabeth Bing author and co-founder of Lamaze International "The Happiest Baby on the Block is fun, fascinating and convincing. I highly recommend it to all new parents." (Running time - 38 minutes.)

The DVD also contains 3 bonus chapters: 1) Dr. Karp answers 25 questions from parents about calming babies and helping them sleep. 2) A Spanish dubbed audio track of the entire 38 minute teaching video. 3) Three tracks of calming white-noise sound that is an extraordinary mix of womb sounds and a newly designed pulsation that babies love (even though it sounds a little odd to the ears of an adult) Each track can be played individually, played in sequence or repeated for hours to gently guide your baby into a deep level of relaxation. (SOURCE:



Format: DVD
Total: 1DVD@30rb

Free shipping around Jabotabek area.

Menerangkan cara untuk menghilangkan amukan balita dan membuat balita menuruti kata kita tanpa perasaan terpaksa, cocok untuk anak umur 1-4 tahun. Pernah dibahas di majalah Parents.

In THE HAPPIEST TODDLER, parents learn:

* The #1 rule of good communication – the “Fast Food Rule.”
* Four easy steps for translating anything into a child’s primitive language - Toddler-ese.
* Foolproof ways to encourage good behavior (time-in, praise, rewards, “gossiping”, etc.).
* How to quickly halt misbehavior (using good communication, ignoring and time outs).
* Smart solutions to the prickliest problems of the toddler years (including sleep issues, toilet training, separation anxiety, biting, picky eating, sibling rivalry, fears, etc).




Apa itu Pocoyo? Pocoyo adalah acara TV animasi untuk anak-anak preschool yang berisi cerita pendek berdurasi sekitar 6-7 menit saja. Dalam waktu sesingkat itu, ceritanya mengandung unsur pelajaran, tetapi dibuat lucu dan simpel sesuai target audiencenya.

Format: DVD
Total: 1DVD@25rb

Free shipping around Jabotabek area.


CD Music for Baby:

1. Love Chords For Mom
2. Compilation Classic For Expecting Mom
3. Compilation Beethoven and Chopin For Baby
4. Sounds For Silence (Berisi suara2 seperti di dalam perut ibu, untuk menenangkan bayi dan membuatnya tidur lebih lama).

5. The Mozzart Effect
6. Mozart for Baby
7. New Baby Music and Nature Baby Music


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