gozaimas mau koreksi om, kalo samsung yang seri S dan seri A5x-A7x itu 3 tahun OS dan 4 tahun security(kalo ga salah security ini seri S yang 4 taun, yang A lupa)
sbnernya sih lebih ke Tesla yang buat, tapi Edison yang mematenkan, beberapa kali terjadi sampe akhirnya war of currents juga terjadi, katanya sih gitu
halo om om semua, salam kenal nih, ane mau nanya, udah ada yang pake neo-vqs blum disini? vz chassis om, naksir ane pgn coba2 hahahaha btw mobil ane baru 1, dash-1 emperor MS chassis hehehehe
Sok sok an bener nanya gitu yak, lah dia ke amerika macem orang tolol planga plongo di kampanye Donald Trump buat apa?esensi nya apa?output nya apa? -.- aya aya wae ini si jon banting
Ane biasanya charge itu dibawa tidur atau kalo lagi sibuk di kantor ato di kampus mah pake power bank,tapi itu pun jarang karna setay saya pake power bank itu cuma buat keadaan darurat doang,dan sbnernya mitos ngecharge dari kosong ke penuh udah jadul bgt,sekarang malah mulai charge itu dari 30-40%
hayoo siapa yang whatsappnya expired? :sorry ane nih gan,whatsapp nya hari ini obsolete alias expired...bingung nih gan gimana update nya,ga ada update dari 1 mobile market dari kmaren soalnya...
gan,mau nanya dong,kan ane abis update systemUI nya maxi,terus tiba2 contacts sama dialer ane ilang gan,ga ada sama sekali jadi saya gabisa nelpon sama liat contacts,mohon pencerahannya gan biar contacts sama dialer nya ada lagi..
it was a long time not being here again :malus cuz i stuck with my school duties :hammer: but, i think sis ambro pictures are still famous :ngakaks is there any gath will be held? gathering as soon as it can!i can't wait to see you all!^^
fame of miss ambro (her beauty) always give a different taste for this forum. no one can obliterate a charm of miss ambro, proven with a competitors always rising up day by day :matabelo: an over-amped competition nerds out there. I only have one thing to say : completely awful :matabelo: TRO
Ow mastah *slap Sist ambro is only trying to be nice here...of course she will meet u after she's done with me...dont worry.... I wont be able to compete with u mastah :ngakak so,the competition begins?????:hammer
Hmm, I have known the risk...i think this is as same as we use forum like kaskus, twitter, facebook,etc. Everybody can tracking me down and find where i live, even if i do not share my number. Me and my friend on twitter share our number on the way like a share here :ngakaks but thank you for yo
jan ane udah coba ganti boot animation &shutdown animation..ane pake samsung.. udah muncul samsungnya... tp kok tetep ada smartfrenya yak...,,,?? itu kan boot anim gan bukan boot logo....
helllooooo....ada yg bisa bantu???? thank youuuuuu..... udah coba di restart??saya sih ga pernah ngalamin....atau di factory reset,tapi backup dulu gan contact dan lain lain nya...
Nice idea gan :D but i don't have an internet acces on my phone now :nohope: but, this is my number==> 089685572255 my real name is "gasan" :malus but, i saw some thread about this one...have you ask the TS by the way? ah i must ask TS....i forgot about it..sorry... Has anyone wat...
guys,how about we make LINE group or whatsapp group for this forums??please reply if you want to,and give your identity,phone number,or LINE ID if you want to,so i can make the group for us..^^ or you can give me via Visitor message...^^
i don't know why, but maybe because the meeting was placed on white house, so the terrorist attack them on that place my teacher suggest me to watch english movie using english subtitle. Try to understand their conversation through their speak, not from subtitle. Maybe it is an interesting activ...
eh emm, i made a mistake :nohope i mean kaskus english forum tees, not english first tees :Peace: weuw, thank you for sharing :shakehand2 ...which city did you learn at ef? just for information, i started from 2nd elemantry real english, not traiblazzers..i've to see some trailblazzer books and i