because toothache gives me creep's when going to the dentist..... :think:\nwhat's saying is that? :amazed:\n\n\nlike a nut forgot it's shell :o
men............ :nohope:\n\nalways turtles in the boat .... :o ...\n\n\n(kura2 dalam perahu :hammer:)\nwith one paddle, 2 or 3 islands got past :malu:\n\n\n\ndiving and drinking :metal:
then i must sue u for alimony :mad:\n\nUSD 5000/month/kid :mad:\n\nagree :mad:\nRP 5000,00 :mad:\n\n\nDEAL :shakehand
u said u wore protection :mad:\n\nhow come we have daughters :hammer:\ni lied :mad::mad:\n\nso what :mad::mad: