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vitamins for hair loss

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What are the best vitamins for hair loss that come with a quick effect? Do you suffer from hair loss and want to put an end to hair loss problems? The best solution is to take important vitamins to prevent hair loss. Vitamins play an important role in hair growth, repair and prevention of hair loss. Vitamins such as biotin, vitamin C and D help reduce hair loss.

You can get your daily dose of vitamins by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, but unfortunately many people skip meals for lack of time or choose poor quality foods. Fruits and vegetables are rarely added to the daily diet, which leads to various diseases related to vitamin deficiencies, including affecting your skin and hair, leading to hair loss or baldness and spots on your nails.

Food is the best source of the vitamins you need for hair growth and the best way to get these nutrients is to eat a truly balanced, food-based diet that includes plenty of nutrient-rich foods. However, if you fail to get enough in your diet, supplements may be Dietary supplements are beneficial and work best in individuals who are already vitamin deficient, so check with your doctor to determine if you have a deficiency.

hair loss vitamins
1. Biotin:
If you want to have healthier hair, biotin is one of the most used supplements for faster hair growth and thicker hair. Biotin is a B vitamin, and it plays a key role in maintaining healthy hair. While most people get a good dose of biotin from the food they eat each day, it is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that your body can't keep it and expel what it doesn't use. So you need to get enough of it every day and from food sources of biotin: mushrooms, avocado, eggs, salmon, peanut butter, and you can also take a biotin supplement.

2. Zinc:

Zinc plays an important role in the growth and repair of hair tissue. It also helps keep the oil glands around the follicles to function properly. Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. Studies show that zinc supplementation reduces hair loss caused by zinc deficiency. However, there are some anecdotal reports that supplementing with a dose of Too high a dose can also contribute to hair loss.For this reason, it may be best to get zinc from whole foods. Foods rich in zinc include oysters, beef, spinach, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, and lentils.

3.Vitamin D:
Low levels of vitamin D are associated with alopecia, a technical term for hair loss, research also shows that vitamin D may help create new follicles in the scalp where new hair can grow, and vitamin D is believed to play an important role in Hair production and hair loss prevention.
One way to increase vitamin D levels is to spend time in the sun. About 15-20 minutes each day is enough to get your dose. Although this is not annoying during the summer months, you may not be able to absorb enough sunlight during the winter. However, most people do not get enough vitamin D and it may be best to increase your intake. Good food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, cod liver oil, some mushrooms, and fortified foods.

4. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that repairs and builds tissue, and is essential for healthy hair growth and hair loss prevention. Besides eating foods rich in vitamin E, people are interested in the benefits they derive from its topical use. When you apply vitamin E to your scalp, it reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation, increases oxygen supply, and repairs damaged hair follicles. Food sources of vitamin E are: almonds, seeds, avocado, broccoli, egg yolks, peanuts, carrots, turnips, Sunflower seeds, fresh tomatoes, kiwi, sweet potatoes.Note: Due to its blood-thinning properties, it is also important to remember to stop using Vitamin E prior to any type of surgery.

5. Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is another vitamin necessary for proper cell growth. It helps in the production of sebum (an oil on the scalp), which prevents hair from drying out and breakage and also prevents hair loss. Food sources of vitamin A are cod liver oil, peaches, and carrots. Spinach, pumpkin, lettuce, dried apricots, cantaloupe, yellow watermelon, parsley, fish, dairy products.

 6.Vitamin C:
Most of us are aware that vitamin C can help boost our immunity, and protect us from frequent colds and other diseases, but what most people don't know is that vitamin C can help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. This is because vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, which is a vital protein for healthy hair and nails. Furthermore, a recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology notes that vitamin C is an antioxidant that fights free radicals that damage body tissue.
Food sources of vitamin C are oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, grapefruit and kiwi.

Tips that can be followed with the application of vitamins for hair loss.

Many people view healthy hair as a sign of health or beauty. Like any other part of the body, hair needs a variety of nutrients to have healthy hair. There are many tips that you can follow to prevent hair loss:
Do not overuse dryers, as high temperatures damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss.
Using henna once every two months and applying it to the scalp, it cleanses it and helps to strengthen the hair follicles from the roots and prevent hair loss.
Drink plenty of water.
Use good types of shampoo and hair products and shampoo your hair only twice a week.
Massage the hair with warm oils.
Follow a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits in addition to a diet rich in protein.

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