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Frequently Asked Questions on Futurism
Since the concept of futurism (or any future-oriented ideology) is relatively new, many questions have been asked about this ideology! This thread will curate the most frequently asked ones, so that later down the line questions similar to it can be directed here as a way to control traffic on this forum.

We welcome any other questions, but please do so by making threads and continuing discussions.


The core ideology of Futurism is a forward-looking movement that emerged in the early 20th century, particularly in Italy, with the publication of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's "Futurist Manifesto" in 1909. Futurism celebrates modernity, technology, and the dynamism of the industrial age. It embraces the rapid changes brought about by advancements in science and technology, seeking to break away from the traditions of the past and propel society into a future shaped by progress and innovation.

At its heart, Futurism exalts the power of the machine, the speed of modern life, and the aesthetics of industry. It finds beauty in the movement, energy, and noise of urban environments, contrasting with the serene and static aspects of earlier artistic styles. Futurists believed that technology and industrialization would liberate humanity from the constraints of the past and lead to a more dynamic and exciting existence.

The movement emphasized the rejection of sentimentality, nostalgia, and romanticism, advocating for a clean break from traditional artistic forms and a focus on the ever-changing reality of the modern world. Futurists sought to capture the essence of this rapidly evolving reality through a new artistic language that conveyed movement, speed, and the energy of the technological age.

Futurism also manifested in literature, poetry, architecture, music, and performance art, all sharing a common goal of embracing the future and rejecting the established norms of the past. The movement's ideology was not limited to the arts but also extended to social and political spheres, advocating for a society that embraced progress and embraced change.
Diubah oleh stereobrain 29-07-2023 05:11
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