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[brainstorming]kelahiran yesus dari perawan di alkitab?
meski kaskus sudah lama sepi,dan mngkn ga akan ada yg reply,TS coba rangkum pikiran TS selama ini mengenai kelahiran yesus dari perawan

tradisi kristen abad 1,apakah mengenal yesus terlahir perawan?

tulisan2 tertua kristen adalah surat2 paulus..perkiraan 50-60 masehi,tidak menulis virgin birth,aneh krn paulus begitu byk menulis dan memperinci doktrin kristen

tulisan tertua kristen yg menulis tentang virgin birth adalah :

ignatius of antioch,abad ke 1 secara tegas menulis :

In his letter to the Magnesians, Ignatius wrote:

"Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and baptized by John."

In his letter to the Ephesians, Ignatius wrote:

"The birth of our God was not from sexual union, but from the will of the Father.

polycarp of smyrna,diperkirakan abad ke1-2,hanya scr eksplisit menulis :

"For I know that he who was from the beginning, who was with the Father, and was manifested to us, Jesus Christ our Lord, was not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." (Polycarp, Letter to the Philippians, 7:1)

perlu dicatat bahwa ada kecurigaan tulisan2 ignasius&polycarp seluruhnya atau sebagian diantaranya palsu dan bikinan abad ke 4-5


Some of the letters attributed to Ignatius of Antioch are considered to be forgeries. These forgeries were likely created by later Christians who wanted to put their own theological ideas into Ignatius's mouth.

There are a few reasons why scholars believe that some of the letters are forgeries. First, the style of writing in some of the letters is different from the style of writing in other letters that are generally considered to be authentic. Second, some of the ideas in the letters are not found in other early Christian writings, which suggests that they may have been developed later. Third, some of the letters contain references to events that happened after Ignatius's death, which suggests that they could not have been written by him.

Here are some of the letters that are considered to be forgeries:

* The Letter to the Smyrnaeans
* The Letter to the Magnesians
* The Letter to the Trallians
* The Letter to the Philadelphians
* The Letter to the Romans


Some scholars believe that it is authentic, while others believe that it is a forgery.

There are a few reasons why scholars might believe that the Epistle to the Philippians is authentic. First, the style of writing in the epistle is similar to the style of writing in other early Christian writings that are generally considered to be authentic. Second, the epistle contains information about Polycarp's life and teachings that is not found in other sources. Additionally, the epistle was accepted as authentic by early Christian writers, such as Irenaeus and Eusebius.

However, there are also reasons why scholars might believe that the Epistle to the Philippians is a forgery. First, the epistle contains some theological ideas that are not found in other early Christian writings that are generally considered to be authentic. Second, the epistle contains some historical inaccuracies. Additionally, the epistle was not mentioned by early Christian writers until the 4th century.

Ultimately, the question of whether the Epistle to the Philippians is authentic is a matter of scholarly debate. There is evidence to support both sides of the argument, and it is likely that the truth lies somewhere in between.

kesimpulan : tradisi kristen mengenal virgin birth yesus pada abad ke-1 antara dipertanyakan atau tidak ada

4 injil kanonik


hanya matius dan lukas yg menceritakan tentang virgin birth.di markus tidak,dan di yohanes ada hny berupa penggalan ayat bukan narasi cerita&scr eksplisit/multitafsir saja.jadi kita perlu fokus ke injil matius dan lukas.

injil matius tertua yg pernah ditemukan berupa serpihan fragment, papyrus 4,64,70, hanya beberapa ayat saja. yg sayangnya tidak memuat matius 1&2 yg menceritakan tentang virgin birth

injil lukas tertua yg pernah ditemukan,p45&p75, antara akhir abad ke 2/awal abad ke 3.yg lengkap adalah p45..tapi lagi2 kehilangan ayat tentang virgin birth,krn p45 dimulai dr lukas 3:18


kemudian kita jg perlu mencermati kritikan celcus,yg dinukil oleh origenes(tengah abad ke-3),disana celcus mengkritik tentang kisah virgin birth yesus.meski celcus menyebut byk injil,ia tidak menyebut injil matius&lukas,mengindikasikan bahwa antara celcus tau kisah tersebut dr tradisi oral kristen.

setelah fragment2 papyrus tertua lukas dan matius,kita perlu melihat codex tertua,codex sianiticus,abad ke-4,ternyata sdh memuat awal injil lukas tentang virgin birth

selanjutnya kita perlu melihat sekte2 plg awal kristen,terbagi menjadi 3 golongan:

-kristen paulus yg kemudian mengklaim sebagai orthodox/aliran lurus

-sekte2 gnosis,yg sebenarnya adalah byk aliran yg berbeda2

-kristen yahudi,yg scr umum menganggap yesus bukanlah tuhan,tp cm nabi

tulisan2 kelompok kristen paulus,sdh kita bahas di awal.

kemudian gnosis,pentolan tokoh gnosis plg terkenalnya adalah valentinian,byk sekte gnosis mengikuti(dengan modifikasi)konsep valentinian.bagi valentinian,yesus lahir dari sophia(wisdom)+manusia yesus.

kemudian kristen yahudi,salah satu sektenya plg awal yg tercatat sejarah non kristen adalah ebionit,mereka sdh ada sblm yahudi melakukan pemberontakan yg menghancurkan bait allah kedua.yg berarti ebionit sdh lbh dulu ada sebelum injil markus ditulis.

kristen ebionit menolak paulus,tidak percaya yesus tuhan,mereka beranggap yesus hanyalah nabi.mereka melakukan hukum taurat secara ketat.injil yg mereka pakai adalah injil para yahudi(gospel of hebrews) dan injil matius tanpa bab 1&2,tnp kisah virgin birth yesus.

kemudian perlu jg dicermati marcion,yg sekte kristennya mampu menyaingi kristen orthodox pada masa kejayaannya.marcion memakai injil lukas..lagi2 tanpa ayat tentang virgin birth.

virgin birth,unik?

kisah virgin birth sendiri tidaklah unik sama sekali pada dunia greco roman.ketika alexander the great ingin mendeitifikasikan dirinya,ia mengarang cerita virgin birth.begitu jg octavianus caesar,lengkap dengan kisah tipe herodes bantai bayi,dimana senat melarang pendaftaran bayi baru lahir krn tanda langit yg ditafsir srbagai ramalan akan kelahiran seorang raja/kaisar yg akan memimpin romawi(yaitu octavianus).belum lg kisah2 mitologi/keagamaan greco roman tak terhitung byk nya dewa2 yg lahir scr ajaib.

kesimpulan TS : diantara 4 injil kanonik ,hanya 2 yg memuat kisah virgin birth,yaitu lukas dan matius,dan keduanya tidak ada(atau belum TS temukan) sampai codex sinaiticus(abad ke-4),sebelum itu virgin birth yesus adalah tradisi gereja,yg entah dimulai dr kapan disisipkan ke alkitab.seperti markus long ending & comma johanneum,(bedanya yg terakhir jelas kapan pastinya mulai disisipin ke alkitab dan siapa pelakunya)
Diubah oleh dispenserr 08-06-2023 08:10
sav.grezza dan anticult memberi reputasi
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