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Apakah Ada Yang Kena Banned?
Apakah ada yg pernah kena banned accountnya?

Account Kaskus ane belom pernah kena banned, aman

Bikin tret ini karena hanya ingin membantu banyaknya orang yg kenak bannedemoticon-Big Grin

Tahun 2013 ternyata akun Twitter ane kena banned/suspended hingga account menghilang, alasannya karena ane spam ke semua account karena ikut kuis yg mengharuskan mention sebanyak mungkin untuk follow account tertentu. Ane bingung, ini kenapa? lalu ane googling, ternyata account suspended karena nyepamemoticon-Leh Uga

Lalu ane kirim email pakai email yg terdaftar, meminta maaf kepada twitter seperti ini, email-nya, untung masih ane simpan


This account was suspended for sending multiple unsolicited messages using the @reply and/or mention feature. These features are intended to make communication between people on Twitter easier. Twitter monitors the use of these features to make sure they are used as intended and not for abuse. Using either feature to post messages to a bunch of users in an unsolicited or egregious manner is considered an abuse of its use, which results in account suspension.

Lalu dibalas oleh twitter setelah beberapa hari

Your account will be unsuspended within 24 hours. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal.

Be sure to review the Twitter Rules, as repeat violations may result in permanent suspension:

Thank you,

Twitter Support

Ane rasa Kaskus juga sama, lakukan permintaan maaf wahai para kriminal kaskus yg pernah kenak bannedemoticon-Leh Uga

Kirim email yg meminta maaf atas kesalahan yang diperbuat, gunakan bahasa yg sopan ke pusat bantuan kaskus, ini ane ketemu, klik aja

kalau berhasil, kasih testimoni yah di bawahemoticon-Smilie

Forests are such rich and diverse ecosystems; there is no substitute for them. We must protect what is there and bring other Land Under Shade to whatever extent possible.

The purpose of our lives is to be happy

Get busy living or get busy dying
Diubah oleh ushirota 22-03-2023 02:05
penyukabiru dan 13 lainnya memberi reputasi
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