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The Critical Importance Of The Discovery Phase In Software Development
The Discovery Phase of the Software Development process is one of the most important phases, but it's all too often overlooked. Simply put, it includes gathering facts to determine what will be needed in terms of resources and time to complete a project successfully. 
It takes place before the design phase and allows you to think about how the project will be completed. Time should not be wasted, as you have to research before committing valuable resources to the project.

If you overlook this phase of the Software Development process because it is unfamiliar, it can become a arduous later in the process. If a program is not designed for success, with all requirements thought through ahead of time, then there is little chance for completion as planned. 

Having a thorough Discovery Phase before designing a solution ensures that no key steps are missed, and fewer resources are wasted down the road when implementation begins.

The Discovery Phase allows you to determine the scope of a project before starting in earnest. It may include research such as web searches on a specific subject matter or gathering data that will provide answers to questions at hand.

The goal is to eliminate as many unknowns as possible before moving forward.

In the end, this phase provides you with a blueprint for success down the road in the implementation and design of the software project. It allows you to determine all necessary resources before the beginning of implementation to avoid surprises along the way. Rushing through discovery can cause problems with implementation, which will require even more time and money to fix later on in the process.

What Is The Importance Of the Discovery Phase in Software Development?

The main goal of developing any software is delivering quality products/services at affordable prices as fast as possible and reducing the time-to-market for your product/service.

Let's look at some of the benefits you can get by introducing the Discovery Phase in Software Development.

You can find out what you require for developing your software application or system. This is important because it helps you plan upfront and follow the right path throughout your project instead of wasting time in the wrong direction.

It also helps your team know exactly what they have to do. There is no confusion among them about their responsibilities and assignments during any phase of the project.

This way, the duration of the project remains shorter than before. Moreover, you can reduce the cost too. You'll be able to deliver quality products/services faster, which means more money from every job than a situation when you deliver products/services without proper planning.

It also helps you to avoid scope creep. Scope Creep is one of the major reasons behind most software project failures and delays. It is a situation when a client asks for an additional feature that was not there initially or out of scope but demanded after the staff starts developing an application or system.

What To Consider In The Discovery Phase In Software Development? 

You may think it's easy to plan out everything from A to Z, especially if you already have an idea of what needs to be done, but it's not that simple. There are many things to consider in the discovery phase, and one of the most important is how you plan on monitoring your budget. 

You must allocate enough funds for this to happen. A good thing to do is break down everything that needs doing into smaller tasks or subtasks to allocate those amounts accordingly as each task will require money and time to be put into them individually. 

If you have tons of ideas shooting through your head all at once, take some time off from these thoughts for a while and then go back later when you feel more relaxed.

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