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Use The word 'yellow', these 5 English phrases that beginners must know!

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Learning phrases is not a difficult thing for beginner English learners to learn. The thing that makes people think the phrase is difficult, they just don't understand the context or its everyday application. So, here are the English phrases that use the word yellow along with examples of its use, yes!

1. Yellow brick road

This phrase has the meaning of a person's belief and belief in a success or struggle. Examples of use:

1. Jenna took the internship thinking that it would be the yellow brick road to her dream job.

This means that Jenna takes the opportunity of an internship to achieve her hopes of working at the job she desires.

2. Drew, you get out there and follow your Yellow Brick Road.

It means, Drew, you can go out there and follow what you believe.

3. The first step on the yellow brick road to fame and riches.

That is, to become famous and rich, the first step is to believe in it.

2. Yellow dog

You can use this expression when someone has a despicable nature. Examples of use:

1. All politicians are yellow dogs that can't be trusted.

This means that all politicians who behave in a despicable way cannot be trusted.

2. He is a yellow dog, and nobody would like to get along with him.

That is, he has despicable behavior, and no one wants to be with him.

3. Yellow light

You can use the phrase yellow light when someone is slow to respond or doesn't even respond at all. Examples of use:

1. She was totally giving you the yellow light.

Meaning, he really gave a slow response.

2. Sally took the comments from her teacher as a yellow light.

This meant that Sally was digesting her teacher's comments very slowly.

4. Yellow press / journalism
You can use this next phrase for a journalist who does not prioritize facts in his news presentation, but is only looking for sensation. Examples of use:

1. I can't believe you read those tabloids — they're just yellow press stuffed.

Meaning, I can't believe you read those tabloids — they are just looking for thrills.

2. The venomous attacks on foreigners that appeared in the yellow press.

This means that foreigners who have been attacked by poisonous reptiles are reported and become a sensation.

3. Yellow journalism is hardly educational and informative, but a lot of people love it.

That is, sensational news is not educational and informative, however, many people like it.

5. Yellow bellied

You can use yellow bellied when you or someone has a timid nature. Examples of use:

1. George is a yellow-bellied guy.

This means that George is a cowardly man.

2. The girl students were so yellow-bellied that they even feared their own shadows.

This means that female students are very timid, even in their own shadow they are afraid.

3. The gym is mine. So you can take your band of yellow-bellied losers and crawl out of here.

Meaning, the gym is my passion. So, you and your fellow losers are crawling from here.

So, those are 5 English phrases that use the word yellow. It turns out that it's easy to learn phrases in English, right?
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