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Types of Digital Marketing Content That You Must Use
Since 10 years ago we have known the term "content is the king" in the world of internet marketing. Unfortunately for beginners who have just entered the world of intenet or digital marketing for businesses do not know what content is, what are the benefits, and how to make it.
If you want to use digital marketing for business start learning to make content as an initial capital, because otherwise you will have difficulty stepping next, if it can be at the beginning then it will not last long.
Simple types of content are: images, videos, text, and also sound, either one or combined. For example this article there are two namely images and text.
Here we will explain in more detail the types of digital marketing content
A. Content Types Based on Benefits and Objectives
1. Informative Content
Content both images and writings that provide information. For example what is your business, how to order, where is the location of the store or address, what is the vision of the company's mission, and information about the business profile.
I think this is the most basic content that you should be able to create easily. The information is very much and very useful for the reader.

2. Educational Content
Many people always find out, in addition to wanting to know they also want to learn something what is for them useful. As the article you read this is one type of educational content. Especially for a new type of product or service, you have to start with educational content.
Types such as tips, ways, how, understanding, and anything related to the theme of your business, so as to add value to the digital media marketing you use
The importance of informative and educational content
Both types of content above seem less selling or do not offer products, but actually very important, have a very positive side that builds a level of consumer confidence in your media.
Especially in the online world that does not know each other between sellers and buyers, you should be able to show content that is useful to them before they are interested in buying.
3. Content Interactions
The type of content that invites audience interaction, usually more to social media, especially Facebook and Instagram. On social media can invite interaction is the most important content, because the higher the level of interaction then your account the higher the value.
Sometimes for business accounts, it is a bit difficult to build this interaction content because it is often considered sales content, so followers are lazy to interact.
The smaller the engagement or social media interaction, the smaller the value of your social media account in the algorithm.
b]4. Content Story or Review[/b]
This is a very strong content value in the eyes of the reader, if you can really make the story real, then the reader will be able to many times increase his interest in your product.
You can create about the user experience, or about product reviews you sell to share experiences and images with potential customers who have never used it.
This type of review can be in the form of text writing, but also more interesting if there is a video if your product has value in visualization.

Diubah oleh lynna123 19-03-2021 07:53
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