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Is This Smart Drug The Most Powerful Brain Enhancer in the World?

(CNN) Welcome To The Future These were the opening words of Dr. Raqif who appeared on The Doctors Show to talk about a highly advanced brain supplement that is sending shock-waves through the medical community.

Major pharmaceutical companies were up in arms after The Doctors referred to it as “Viagra for the Brian”. This ground-breaking pill is called Addium and many experts believe it could be the most powerful brain enhancer in the world.

It first came into the spotlight about 3 years ago when the creators of the “Limitless” movie cited Addium as their inspiration for the fictional drug NZT-48. Soon after, it garnered widespread use amongst students, athletes, and business executives.

Addium, which has no recorded side effects in any clinical trials, was soon the target of several major pharmaceutical companies who claimed it was too powerful to be sold without a prescription. Other critics in academic circles insisted that Addium provided an artificial edge for its users and was unfair to those who weren’t taking it.

This led to it being banned from quiz shows like Jeopardy! and at many top universities such as Cambridge. Facing legal pressure from Big Pharma, the creators of Addium were eventually forced to halt production of the so called "Limitless Pills".

Fortunately, after 3 years of litigation and clinical studies showing its safety, the online ban was finally lifted and the creators of Addium were allowed to resume selling from their website (Check It Out).

Its reappearance has thrilled users around the world.

We tested it ourselves — is it all hype?
With so much praise from the media and countless reviews from people experiencing success with Addium, we at CNN Money investigated.

Practically everyone in our building volunteered to test it out, but we chose our Health & Science Editor, Alan Frasier. Below is his account of using Addium over a 4 week period.

My Results — 4 Weeks on Addium
Week One
Trying to buy Addium proved to be tougher than I imagined. It was sold out on their website immediately after coming back on the market from a few reports. Some eBay sellers were asking just as much as $300 per bottle. I secured a bottle at their regular price ($39.95 with their sale) after waiting for the restock to come by.

Within 18 minutes, The mental fog and stress I’d been carrying around vanished instantly. I reached a level of alertness and concentration I’d never experienced before. Sounds didn’t even register. It was like walking around on a winter day after it just snowed. It became easy for me to ignore distractions and outside noises. Best of all, there weren’t any of the negative side effects like I get when taking prescribed ADHD medication.

Week Two
I was a bit concerned that Addium would discontinue it's current effects on me. Not so. I felt the steadiness of the focus and energy continuing to be there after a week long. After a 10-hour work day my energy levels were still high, and I was focused and determined to finish all tasks for the day. Addium improved my ability to focus and function, and I made absolutely no change to my diet, exercise or work schedule. My results came from only taking Addium.

Week Three
The effect’s of Addium are still with me, and I was pleased at how many items on my to-do list were crossed off. Previously, I had problems starting and completing tasks. It had me laser-focused on the job at hand, and I am suddenly able to get things done before I move on. I noticed throughout the week I was hardly ever stressed, and I was able to control my emotions without losing focus. I expected to run out of steam around the third week due to my body getting used to the ingredients. But my energy levels haven’t dipped at all. They remain steady throughout the day.

Week Four
I was given the nickname “Superman” at the office, as I’ve become most productive member of the staff. I give all the credit to Addium. The drug worked as well this week as it had in previous weeks. My mind is crystal clear and I’m able to recall stored memories with near perfect accuracy. It’s unbelievable how much has changed in just 4 short weeks. It’s not like I became a genius overnight after taking Addium, but it’s definitely improved my memory and the speed at which I process new information.

The Verdict
Over the past 4 weeks, I found myself bouncing out of bed, sometimes even before my alarm went off because I couldn’t wait to take Addium. Things that used to annoy me were no longer an issue. I hardly got stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and get back into peak performance mode.

One thing I didn’t expect was the euphoric feeling I got while doing work on Addium. As a result, I’ve enjoyed my work so much more and my mood has greatly improved. In fact, my co-workers keep making fun of me for walking around with a permanent grin on my face.

I’ve tried modafinil and countless other smart drugs, but this is by far the closest thing to feeling like you are the guy from Limitless. Don’t just take my word for it though; this is something you need to experience for yourself.

Spoiler for source:

Hebat banget neh obat,sudah terbukti loh..

nb : kalo gak ngerti bahasa inggris,pm ane aja,nanti ane ludahin muka lu emoticon-Ngakak
Diubah oleh bacchanal 20-08-2015 22:31
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