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  • IDEFORU 2019 : Intergrasi untuk mempercepat penyebaran data dan memperkuat negara

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IDEFORU 2019 : Intergrasi untuk mempercepat penyebaran data dan memperkuat negara
Hai Guys, Tahun 2019 akan  kita lewati. banyak sekali yang telah kita  dapatkan dan kita pelajari ya .. termasuk banyak banget saran yang telah kami publis..  kita akan coba kumpulkan dan berikut rangkumannya : 

1. Intergrasi data Publik dan data Private 

Perkembangan teknologi menjadi suatu hal yang dilihat orang baik / terkadang  tidak  bahkan berbahaya untuk sebagian orang. Tetapi percaya atau tidak, perkembangan teknologi yang begitu sangat cepat perlu kita respond dengan pengembangan intergrasi data dan pengolahan data yang baik.

Dalam sejumlah survery yang dilakukan oleh lembaga lembaga besar di dunia, menunjukan bahwa kemajuan dan percepatan perkembangan teknologi tidak di dukung oleh infrastructure dan intergrasi data yang cepat sehingga pengolahan data menjadi sangat minim dan tidak memiliki fungsi apa. 

Lihat lengkapnya di sini :   https://newsevengenerationsiklan1.bl...egration.html

2.Automatically Artificial Intelligence For Human

Artificial intelligence is one of the newest things even a breakthrough in the old world like the 1990s. Where in that year many people had begun to design and even many were considered crazy by some people because of it.

This can be seen from some people who have crazy ideas in their time. That year many people thought about science fiction contained in widespread animated films. Perhaps the most remembered by children is the animation Doraemon - Fujiko F. Fujio.

Where in the film there are science fiction tools that help humans to do something. From easy things too difficult things. And without us realizing that dream came true in 2000. With technology developing, many things happened even realized. One of the things that most feel is a transliteration/language translator tool.

Lengkapnya di sini :   https://newsevengenerationsiklan1.bl...igence_16.html

3. Economic 4.0: Sharing Power in future business

Many people think that business is a business that we do ourselves to be able to survive and even develop ourselves in financial form. 

At first, the activities of doing business or making an effort to develop themselves in the financial concept carried out by the person. Where people individually and even their groups will develop what they are, involve their own "business empire". So that the benefits will be returned to him and have hopes of returning with multiples.

Even the idea emerged even in the realization of a concept called patent rights, license fees sharing even other commitments. Of the many costs incurred by consumers, so that goods appear similar but not the same as cheap prices to pirate.

Lengkapnya di sini :  https://newsevengenerationsiklan1.bl...n-future.html

4. Regional Systems and Social Institutions in Online Governance

There is a lot of bad news that is quite disturbing about various problems that occur in the state of the socio-political system, especially between countries that have begun to develop online systems.
The online system is a product that is created based on very ideal thinking from definite decision-makers. But with the use of people with local wisdom systems and even greedy human beings, making the system even harder to walk.

This will be an impossible thing to do when this system uses humans as a motorbike. This also happened on a fairly large scale, namely in the socio-political system in a country.

Hopes are dreamed of when countries around the world begin to establish a system so that the entire life of his country can run as it should, very efficient and free from undesirable things.

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6. A synergy of integrated data systems with one multi-system in the state

In the current era of globalization, data is no longer an expensive or difficult word. But data is the language and form of every person's information, especially in the digital age. It is undeniable that data in today's life is a necessity in human life. Like humans who have just been born into this world, must have complete data (who is his mother, who are his parents, what blood type, what date of birth and what time).

We cannot say that this is not important. So that requires the recording of data properly, quickly and precisely. And if the data presented is wrong, a lot of bad things will happen. Suppose that A has wrong data on his birthday, then the data that must be used is wrong data for the rest of his life. Because birthday data is used everywhere like in a bank, data on id, making a deed, and so on.

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7. Indonesian Data Transplantation - Technological System 

a word "transplant" is a word in a medical procedure which transfers an organ that has a certain work from one body to another so that the organ can be used by others with the same function If the organ functions properly, then the organ can do what its functions and the person who receives the organ can work as usual.

This is a basic philosophy in the formation of an integrated system suitable for Indonesia. Where the data transplantation system is interrelated, mutually perfecting and independent information disclosure.

Lengkapnya di sini :   https://newsevengenerationsiklan1.bl...antation.html

8. The public investment fund: to strengthen and develop a country's industrialization

Perhaps many think is Investing in the public sector Where some companies or companies ask for help from the public sector. This has been widely discussed by several people who have expertise in the economic field.

Public Investment Funds are different from this, public investment funds are funds that are collected based on full awareness as part of the development of public companies and strengthen the country's economy through shares on the stock exchange and other instruments in the world of finance and legality.

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