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Tibet: China Destroys One of the Largest Buddhist Sites in the World
Tibet: China Destroys One of the Largest Buddhist Sites in the World

Tibet: China Destroys One of the Largest Buddhist Sites in the World

Recent satellite imagery has revealed that China has partially destroyed Yarchen Gar – one of the world’s largest Tibetan Buddhist sites. The demolition followed the deployment of nearly eight hundred Chinese troops in the area and the forceful evictions of over 3500 residents including seventy nuns who were forced to undergo “patriotic re-education”. These actions reflect the increasing systematic suppression of freedom of religion in Tibet by the Chinese Communist Party which closed off the site and detained former residents in an attempt to silence any form of outcry over the demolition of the site.

Chinese authorities levelled almost half of Yarchen Gar – one of the world’s largest Tibetan Buddhist sites – in August, according to recently published satellite images.

London-based NGO Free Tibet reported that a densely populated area on the west bank of the river running through Yarchen Gar in Palyual County, eastern Tibet has been reduced to bare ground.

Monks and nuns have also been forced out of their homes and places of worship in the area, with research group Tibet Watch confirming the removal of at least 70 nuns in July.

“These latest images demonstrate once again the Chinese Communist Party’s contempt for the Tibetan people, who are forced to endure being evicted from their homes and torn away from their communities on the orders of a government that they do not even recognise as their own,” said John Jones, campaigns and advocacy manager for Free Tibet.

“The CCP knows full well what it is doing is cruel and deserving of the highest condemnation, and that is why they cover it up by closing off the site and detaining former residents… The satellite evidence is clear and undeniable.”

Established in 1985, Yarchen Gar is a Buddhist monastery complex that previously had a population of around 10,000 people.

However, Free Tibet said that photo evidence suggests Chinese authorities planned to open the site up to tourists, with a hotel and several cark parks constructed to the north of the community and roads widened.

The latest round of evictions in Yarchen Gar began in July, with US-backed Radio Free Asia reporting at least 3,500 people being removed this year, citing local sources. The demolitions followed in August.

Tibet Watch reported that 70 relocated nuns were sent back to their native Jomda County, nearly 300 kilometres away, and were forced to undergo “patriotic re-education” for two to three months.

Chinese authorities have reportedly deployed 600 military personnel in the area, and foreign visitors have been barred for the time being.

Free Tibet had previously reported demolitions and evictions in Yarchen Gar, with 1,000 residents forced to leave in 2016 and authorities tearing down 3,500 homes in 2018.

haiyaaa ciilaaka wuuthuutt waaa

Tofu Heads keluar dr Kebodohan,Berhala dimusnahkan waaa!!!! emoticon-Ngakak (S)

Dupa Heads menangis gak bisee apee2 waaa!!!! emoticon-Frown

Atawa ini cuman Propaganda Bule Juru Selamat Duniyeee haaa????

Tibet: China Destroys One of the Largest Buddhist Sites in the World 
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