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- HYIP / Money Game / PTC / Autosurf
Bitcrow - Bitcoin Escrow Platform Script

Bitcrow - Bitcoin Escrow Platform Script

Bitcrow is an online bitcoin escrow system. If you want to have a platform where bitcoin is sold at a different exchange with cash and bitcoin not held by neither the buyer or seller, but by the escrow service, then this script is the perfect solution for you. Bitcrow is a complete escrow milestone script, 11+ payment method available here to receive payment. The code is really modular so you can modify it to your taste. You can monetize it by setting up the escrow fee and withdraw fee for cash and bitcoin. It has the latest and advanced technology that is adaptable and modern. It is fully responsive and provides top-notched features to manage your traders. Please don't forget to rate this item.
Admin management
Client accounts
Bitcoin & cash deposit history
Bitcoin & cash withdraw history
Customer service
Promotional emails
Platform review
Customer service
System configuration
Basic settings
Email smtp configuration
Terms & conditions
Social links
Withdraw & Deposit
Instant deposit
Local deposit
Cash & Bitcoin withdraw methods
News section
User management
Your bitcoin offers
Buy bitcoin
Trading records
Fund account via cash or bitcoin
Create offer
Wallet address & bank
Transaction history
Customer care
Bitcoin & cash withdrawal
PHP >= 5.6.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
file_get_contents enabled
file_put_contents enabled
Zip archive class
With the self-hosted version you will want to download the script & use a shared or vps hosting.
Step 1: Unzip script - After downloading the script you will need to unzip the script.zip file. Next you will want to copy the contents of the unzipped folder to your server.
Step 2: Create Database - Before continuing through the installation, you will need to create a MySQL database for your site. Make sure to have your database name, database user, and database password handy to continue through the installation.
Step 3: Upload database - Upload the file database.sql located in the sql folder to your database.
Step 4: Add Your Database Credentials - Next, you will need to add your database credentials to your config.php file. In the app folder you will see a file called config.php, open it up in a text editor and you should see something that looks similar to the following:
The lines that you will want to pay attention to will be the DB_HOST, URL, DB_NAME, DB_USER, and DB_PASSWORD. You will need to enter in the URL of your application as well as your database host, name, username, and password.
Demo Access:
Frontend: https://boomchart.com.ng/escrow
Admin Access: https://boomchart.com.ng/escrow/admin
Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: 1234
User Access: https://boomchart.com.ng/escrow/login
User Login: Username: user@test.com || Password: 1234
Support Facility:
Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support: support@boomchart.com.ng
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HYIP / Money Game / PTC / Autosurf

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