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'Rolling out the red carpet is a disgrace': readers on Trump's state visit
'Rolling out the red carpet is a disgrace': readers on Trump's state visit

Your comments on the president’s UK visit and reaction to tweets calling Sadiq Khan a ‘loser’

‘Surely an unprecedented move in the history of diplomacy?’

Absolutely despicable for a visiting head of state to arrive in a country and directly insult the mayor of its capital city before they’ve even left their gigantic phallus of an aircraft. Surely an unprecedented and boorish move in the history of diplomacy? Jeremy Hunt’s spineless deflection of this insult reveals how far the UK has fallen – how far, indeed, the Tories are willing to go on putting up with this humiliating farce.

That the US is demanding the NHS be on the table in a post-Brexit trade deal is the most damning verdict yet on this decade of Tory misrule.

The fact Trump has brought along his family, who, by all accounts, seem to consider meeting the inordinately dull Windsors to be the highlight of this visit, tells us everything about the tackiness of his brood. Not least, their shameless fantasy of becoming the reigning dynasty of an American monarchy. Macademiac

"That the British state has rolled out the red carpet for Trump in this way is a total disgrace."

That the British state has rolled out the red carpet for Trump in this way is a total disgrace. Worse, it is politically and strategically inept. If the UK were a party, people would be tearing up their membership cards in disgust and dismay at how it has lost its way. Thank goodness it isn’t, and the people of Britain have a reason to stay and turn back the tide. DavidLoveday

By what possible measure is Trump “the leader of the free world”

By what possible measure is Trump “the leader of the free world” as described by Hunt? That’s a description that should not be automatically applied, when the facts don’t warrant it. Trump is not leading the free world, the free world is ignoring him on so many levels, from global warming, to trade, to diplomatic policy. Bart1785

‘It is outrageous that so many public figures in Britain are allowing this vile creep into England’

To expand on what another person has said here, thank you Mayor Sadiq Khan for saying publicly what most private citizens think about the dreadful and repulsive Trump. It is outrageous that so many public figures in Britain are allowing this vile creep into England to insult all and sundry. More strength to your arm and your speech, Mr Kahn. Kohanga16

'Rolling out the red carpet is a disgrace': readers on Trump's state visit
Anti Trump banners on Vauxhall bridge, London, on Monday. Photograph: Mark Thomas/REX/Shutterstock

‘Trump being invited to attend D-day commemorations is an insult to all who fought’

I’ve never been so ashamed to be British. That we are rolling out the red carpet for this vile individual makes me want to vomit. That a draft dodger who thinks Neo Nazis are “very fine people” is invited to attend D-day commemorations is an insult to all who fought. The fact that he is president does not entitle him to a state visit. Watching the Tories kowtowing and licking their lips that they’ll now be able to sell off the NHS to him is the lowest that party has ever fallen – and that’s saying something. dizzyweg

‘It’s totally appropriate for Labour to boycott’

    Hunt also said, “I agree with him that it is totally inappropriate for the Labour party to be boycotting this incredibly important visit. This is the president of the United States.”

Personally, I think it’s totally appropriate. Being president doesn’t entitle him to a state visit, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to count the number of them who’ve had one on one hand. The invitation was ludicrous in the first place and Trump’s shown himself to be undeserving of any respect regardless of the title he has. If anything, he’s devalued the presidency to the point where it’ll be hard to take the next office holder seriously. UniversallyCynic

‘This man is an anomaly, he is not the America I know’

Remember previous visits, some state occasions, some business, by US presidents? All, at the time, probably the most powerful men in the world. All courteous, wearing that strength and power with dignity, respect and a sense of responsibility. Over the years I have agreed with some, such as Obama, and disagreed with some, such as GW Bush. But I have never been contemptuous of an American president until Donald Trump. He lands slinging insults and taking partisan positions in local affairs, he doesn’t give a damn about anything. He brings his whole family for an electioneering photoshoot. I love America, I have worked there and I have travelled widely on both coasts and in the middle. This man is an anomaly, he is not the America I know. He is a disgrace and he must soon be over with. AlanP10

‘We need to keep him onside, even if his policies are often wrong, or awful’

While Trump remains a ‘divisive’ (ahem...) figure, he does represent NATO, which is our most important military alliance. An alliance in which the democracies, particularly Western democracies, rely upon to defend ourselves from those who oppose democracy. It is vital particularly at the time of the D-day commemorations to remind Trump that the cost of undermining NATO could rebound on the US as well as Europe. The death of so many shows that we must not risk our hard won peace by alienating Trump who in turn could undermine NATO.

We may have to hold our noses when Trump visits, but he does represent the most powerful and important defensive alliance in the world. We need to keep him onside; even if his policies are often myopically short-sighted, blinkered, wrong, or awful. RPDolan

haiyaaa ciilaaka wuuthuutt waaa

Opa Trump satu2(?) nyeee POTUS yg tdk mo pusing dgn Political Correctness waaa!!!!

Moga2 Opa Trump masih bisee ngac*ng dan terpilih kembali biar makin banyak yg kelejetan waaa!!!!

M A G A 2020

'Rolling out the red carpet is a disgrace': readers on Trump's state visit

'Rolling out the red carpet is a disgrace': readers on Trump's state visit

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