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  • TNI AU Will Complete All Defense Equipment Procurement in Strategic Plan III

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TNI AU Will Complete All Defense Equipment Procurement in Strategic Plan III
 TNI AU Will Complete All Defense Equipment Procurement in Strategic Plan III
At Air Force Headquarter, Air Force Chief of Staf said it would complete all procurement of defense equipment in Strategic Plan III, Tuesday (9/4/2019). Image source: AVTEN / Ery.

AVTEN - The year 2019 is a strategic and very decisive year for the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU), because it is the last year of the Strategic Plan III program as well as the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) phase II policy for the 2015-2019 period. Thus, the completion of planning tasks will be carried out entirely.
"Next year we have started Strategic Plan IV in 2020-2024. Of course, in the current strategic plan we must complete the task and also at the same time we must plan for the activities to be carried out, both in air defense development and personnel development," explained the Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Chief Marshal Yuyu Sutisna in Air Force Headquarter, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Tuesday (9/4/2019).
This year, Yuyu was determined to complete all procurement of defense equipment in Strategic Plan III. "So that, the procurement contracts that are now being processed at the Ministry of Defense are expected to be completed in 2019," he said.
He detailing, the contracts to be completed consisted of procurement of generation 4.5 fighter for replacements the F-5 E / F Tiger II, five units of C-130 J Super Hercules, 9 units of NC-212 Aviocar, 8 units H225M Super Cougar helicopters, and 6 units of UAVs MALE (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance).
Other than that, other aircraft to be purchased are 6 units of Canadair CL-415 SuperScooper Canada's manufacturer, Viking Air Ltd. This aircraft will be used for reconnaissance, search and rescue (SAR) missions, as well as fire suppression.
Other defense equipment that will be completed procurement include Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile (NASAMS), AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) and Oerlikon Skyshield air defense cannon.
"That's about the procurement that will be held in 2019. We know that the defense equipment certainly cannot now be ordered, (then) now it comes. Will gradually start at the end of 2020 and so on. So that is what I said we were optimistic that in 2024 MEF Phase III will be achieved, "he said.
In the next strategic plan, Yuyu said that the TNI AU would develop Network Centric Warfare, as well as procuring tankers and AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) aircrafts.
"Thus, it is expected that by the end of 2024 or at the end of the Fourth Strategic Plan Indonesia already has a strong Air Force, which can maintain security in the (South-east Asia) region," he closed.

sumur : saus
siapapun presiden nya yang kepilih semoga dapat menopang dan mensupport MEF tahap III
Diubah oleh mr.yakhont 10-04-2019 17:35
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