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Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power
Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

But balance shifts in eyes of some key U.S. trading partners and allies

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

The past decade has witnessed significant changes in the global economy as many nations around the world have struggled with the Great Recession and its aftereffects. While the United States and other relatively wealthy Western nations have slowly bounced back from the crisis, economic growth rates have been low compared with those of China, India and other emerging economies. Still, the prevailing view among publics around the world is that the U.S. is the top global economic power.

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

Across 38 nations polled by Pew Research Center, a median of 42% say the U.S. is the world’s leading economy, while 32% name China. Across all of the countries surveyed in Latin America, as well as most in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, publics tend to believe the U.S. is the top economy. And by a 51%-35% margin, Americans name their own country rather than China.

But in seven of the 10 European Union nations in the study, China is considered the leading economic power (it is tied with the U.S. for the top spot in Italy). A plurality in Russia also holds this view. And China leads the U.S. by a two-to-one margin in Australia – a longtime U.S. ally, but also a country whose top trading partner, by far, is China.

Over the past year, perceptions of relative U.S. economic power have declined in many of America’s key trading partners and allies. The trend can be seen in several European countries, where views about the economic balance of power have fluctuated in recent years. Following the onset of the financial crisis nearly a decade ago, Europeans increasingly named China, rather than the U.S., as the world’s leading economic power. But in recent years, as the American economy slowly recovered, the pendulum began to swing back in the direction of the U.S. This year, however, the pattern has reversed itself again, and in countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain, China is once more seen as occupying the top spot. But these shifts are not limited to Europe; perceptions have also changed significantly in countries such as Canada, Brazil, Mexico and the Philippines.

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

ne thing that China and the U.S. share is that leaders of both countries are currently viewed negatively around much of the world. A median of 53% say they do not have confidence in Chinese President Xi Jinping to do the right thing in world affairs. Still, a much greater share (74%) express little or no confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump. Xi is less well-known globally than Trump, however: Roughly one-in-five do not have an opinion of the Chinese leader, while only a median of 8% have no opinion about Trump.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also receives slightly more negative assessments than Xi (59% have no confidence). German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the only world leader included on the survey who receives positive marks on balance – 42% have confidence in the long-serving leader, and just 31% say they do not.

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

Overall, global publics tend to express positive views about China. A median of 47% across the 38 nations polled have a favorable opinion of China, while 37% have an unfavorable one. Global ratings for the U.S., which have declined sharply in the first year of the Trump administration, look very similar: A median of 49% see the U.S. in a positive light, while 39% offer an unfavorable view.

Regionally, China receives its most positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, where it has invested heavily in recent years. At 72%, Nigerians’ assessment of China is the most positive on the survey. The only other country where at least seven-in-ten express a favorable opinion is Russia (70%).

While Europeans are divided on China, the share of the public with a positive view has nonetheless increased significantly in some countries, including Spain, France and the UK. Opinions have moved in the opposite direction in several major Asian nations, with a particularly steep decline in South Korea. Drops in Indonesia, India and Vietnam were also significant.

One issue on which America has a much stronger global image than China is individual liberty. Across the nations polled, a median of 54% say they believe the U.S. government respects the personal freedoms of its people. Just 25% say this about the Chinese government.

These are among the major findings from a new Pew Research Center survey conducted among 41,953 respondents in 38 countries from Feb. 16 to May 8, 2017.

China’s international image

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

A median of 47% across the 38 countries surveyed have a favorable opinion of China, while 37% express an unfavorable view. Majorities or pluralities in 24 countries give China a positive rating.

The most favorable views of China are found in sub-Saharan Africa – a region where China has invested heavily in infrastructure and development. Positive opinions surpass negative ones by a more than four-to-one margin in Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania. In Ghana, 49% have a positive image of China, down 31 percentage points since spring 2015. This may be due, at least in part, to recent frictions between the two countries over mining practices in Ghana.

In Latin America, positive sentiment toward China is highest in Peru. Roughly half in Brazil, Venezuela and Chile also have positive feelings about the Asian economic giant.

Russians are also positively inclined toward China, with seven-in-ten expressing favorable views of their neighbor. In fact, Russia has the second-most positive opinion of China, after Nigeria.

In the United States and Canada, publics have mixed views of China. Canadians are favorably inclined toward China by a 48% to 40% margin, while Americans lean in the opposite direction (47% negative vs. 44% positive). U.S. attitudes toward China have softened since 2016, when 55% had an unfavorable view of the Asian power. There are significant partisan differences in the U.S., with Republicans more likely to have negative views of China (56%) than Democrats (41%).

In the Asia/Pacific region, opinion is mixed. Favorable opinion of China ranges from a high of 64% in Australia to a low of 10% in Vietnam. In Australia, positive views of China have increased 12 percentage points in just the past year (as favorable views of the U.S. have declined 12 points). But favorable opinions of China have also fallen over the past two years in Vietnam (-9 points) and Indonesia (-8).

The decline is particularly notable in South Korea, where favorability of China has fallen 27 points since spring 2015 and now hovers near historic lows.

Globally, U.S. still seen as leading economic power, but gap with China is narrowing

Survey respondents were asked which is the world’s leading economic power: the U.S., China, the countries of the EU, or Japan. In 24 of the 38 countries surveyed, most see the United States as the global economic leader.

China, meanwhile, is named the world’s top economy in 12 countries, double the number of nations who saw China in the economic lead when the question was last asked in the same countries between 2014 and 2016.

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa

Globally, More Name U.S. Than China as World’s Leading Economic Power Siancay....siancay omitofu....
Diubah oleh .hahaiyaa3 26-07-2017 12:25
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