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Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]
Ragnarok Online SEA

Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]

Ragnarok Online SEA is a newly launched server [Launched recently on 27 - DECEMBER - 2017] and is one of the only ACCURATE to official revo-classic server. As the name goes, our game-servers are optimised for the SEA region and we can only guarantee the lowest latency for the users within this region. Ok another private server, what makes ROSEA special?

Accurate Renewal/kRO Mechanics

We fully implement Renewal mechanics in our server. All our monster database uses updated stats and drops from kRO

Scaled Renewal Content

Being a partial classic servers has its flaws, where most updates are frozen in the year 2007/2008. We, however are not. We bring all updated renewal features such as RODEX, Achievement System, Navigation systems as well as jRO headgears, costumes and items. Our long-term goal is to make renewal maps, monsters as well as instance dungeons to be accessible to players using currently available Revo-Classic Jobs. In-short, we combine the best content from all the official servers [kRO, jRO and iRO] into one balanced, unique and fun package.

Imbalanced Cash Item? Pay to Win?

Sick of servers where people with donation wings trash you around? In Ragnarok Online SEA, donators are only rewarded with items that speeds up their progression. Donation items offered in this server are obtainable via our custom-designed ROSEA Ringgit Systems. The term pay-to-win does not apply here since there are no OP custom donation items.


We currently have only around 120~240 population. Come join us now emoticon-Big Grinand experience RO like how it used to be: Party Levelling and a chance to make new friends !! Our party bonus and low exp rate ensures that people work together towards being stronger !!

Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]
Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]
Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]

Don't worry about bots as we are using the LATEST GEPARD SHIELD protection [2018] emoticon-Big Grin

Main Website:

Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]

World Boss System

A new system we used for event where everyone who participate can gain prizes.
Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]
Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]
Ragnarok Online SEA - Revo-Classic [iRO Restart]

Why play ROSEA instead of other servers?

1) Extremely commited GM Team. All of our bugfix are done by the game's Development Team, ensuring rapid bug fixes. Our developer team are also contributors to the rATHENA project source code.
2) Balancing. We have done A LOT of balancing patches even 1 month in our server lifespan. We thoroughly test, calculate and implement these balance patch and not by our own opinions and assumptions.
3) Diplomatic GM Team. We accept feedback from players and discuss with the community whether to implement a certain feature.
Diubah oleh matkem 11-10-2018 01:52
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