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naniharyono2018Avatar border
(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...
See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape then washed away the shore
By Daniel WolfeOctober 2, 2018

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...
Tsunami waters receding.

Following a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on Sept. 28, a tsunami brought 18-ft waves to Palu, pummeling the coastal town on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. As first responders and civilians search through the wreckage, with the death toll rising past 1,200, satellite images provide a broad view of the devastation.

Palu is the capital city of Sulawesi and home to 300,000 Indonesians. Known as the city of the valley, it’s nestled between the archipelago ranges west and east of the city. Sitting at the end of a 20 mile (32 km) long cove, Palu is usually protected against ocean waters. It surprised disaster authorities when tsunami waves channeled down the inlet moving at speeds of 100 mph. This satellite image from Planet Labs shows sediment runoff from receding flood waters.

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...

Taking a closer look at these images, you can see how the public parks, cafes, residences, and monuments along the coastline all but disappear from view.

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...
Imagery provided by DigitalGlobe reveals the fate of coastal residences alongside a Palu shopping mall.

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...
Further east along the coast, the tsunami waters destroyed a bridge, flooding nearby homes.

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...
Closer inland the effects of the earthquake are clear. Landslides from the shear mountainsides ran through villages.

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...

(Sattelite Image) See how the Palu earthquake shifted the landscape ...

Resources for aid are already tight, as NPR reports, with relief workers still busy in Lombok, where an earthquake struck in August. Without heavy equipment, relief workers in Palu have been removing rubble by hand.



Ini adalah laporan terbaru tentang citra satelite gempa PALU, sebelum dan sesudah kejadian.

Dianjurkan agan melihat link aslinya bila menginginkan melihat perubahan gradasi gambar, dari sebelum gempa dan tsunami dan kejadian sesudahnya.


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