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Wonderful Indonesia Bus Operated in Red Square, Moscow
TEMPO.COJakarta - Indonesian tourism is being promoted in Russia through the operation of hop-on-hop-off buses with Wonderful Indonesia logo across its capital, Moscow. The buses are parked at the Red Square, adjacent to Grand Kremlin Palace. Displaying Borobudur temple and 2018 Asian Games Jakarta-Palembang, the bus will take the route of main roads starting June 1-20.

Another bus showing tourism destinations in Bali will operate in different routes across the city. Aside from the bus, Wonderful Indonesia will greet Moscow citizens and tourists through digital billboards in two strategic places namely Novy Arbat dan Yerevan Plaza for a month, June 15-July 16.

The program is also advertised in one of the world’s main destination and the second largest city of Russia, St. Petersburg. As many as 17 big buses featuring Indonesian tourism destinations will start operating on June 18 until September 9 and yet another 4 big buses on June 18-August 19, and 4 minibusses on June 18-July 15 this year to making rounds along several main and busiest roads in St. Petersburg.

Indonesian Ambassador to Russia and Republic of Belarus, M. Wahid Supriyadi, stated the promotion have been done continually in Russia that was set as the host of 2018 World Cup in June-July.

He recalled several events have been held at the end of April until May 2018 such as Indonesian Culinary Festival in Moscow and Indonesian Culture Exhibition featuring wayang kulit (traditional puppet play) of Ki Anom Suroto and Ki Bayu Aji in St. Petersburg, Moskow and Korolyov, Moscow Region.

“We hope the Russian people and tourists will be seduced and attracted to visit Indonesia through this Wonderful Indonesia. And also, the third Festival Indonesia will be held in Moscow on August 3-5 this year,” said Ambassador Wahid.

Russia is reportedly a potential country for Indonesian tourism. The number of the foreign tourists visiting Indonesia had increased gradually over the years. Based on ministry’s data in 2017, 110,529 Russian tourists had entered Indonesia, increased by 37.28 percent compared to last year’s at 80,514 persons. The figure was the highest among those international tourists entering the country.


di indo bakalan ad yg teriak2 komunis emoticon-Big Grin
padahal bagus buat promo wisata emoticon-Big Grin
Diubah oleh rumputteki99 06-06-2018 15:03
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