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evidence of the Prophet Isaiah? 2,700-year-old clay seal found in Jerusalem 
A 2,700-year-old clay seal found in Jerusalem may bear the 'signature' of the biblical prophet Isaiah.

Researchers  believe the Hebrew script impressed into the clay once read 'Belonging to Isaiah the prophet.' 

If it did, the clay would be the first direct evidence of the existence Isaiah outside of the Bible. 

Archaeologists discovered the damaged clay seal during excavations at the Ophel, and area in East Jerusalem in between the 'City of David' archaeological site and the 'Temple Mount'.

According to the Hebrew bible, the Torah, Isaiah's call to prophecy roughly coincides with the beginning of the westward expansion of the Assyrian empire.

He was a counselor to Judean king Hezekiah and encouraged him to fight against the Assyrian army that arrived in Jerusalem in 701 BC.

Archaeologists found the impression of a King Hezekiah seal 10 feet (3 meters) from the Isaiah impression.

Isaiah's name ('Yesha'yahu' in Hebrew) is visible on the seal, however damage to the seal has meant that archaeologists are unsure as to whether it refers to the Biblical Prophet Isaiah, or someone else with the same name who lived during that time. 

'We appear to have discovered a seal impression, which may have belonged to the prophet Isaiah, in a scientific, archaeological excavation,' Eilat Mazar, an archaeology professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said in an announcement in the Biblical Archaeology Review, which will publish the study associated with the research.

Salah satu bukti bahwa Jerusalem adalah milik Israel. Dan salah satu bukti bahwa Alkitab adalah benar. Nasboong selamat terguncang. Bertobatlah. Yesus Kristus adalah Jalan, Keselamatan, dan Hidup.
Diubah oleh lionfenz 24-02-2018 01:14
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