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4 Pesawat Militer Rusia Mendarat di Biak Numfor, Ada Apa?
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Pemandangan berbeda tampak di Bandara Internasional Frans Kaisiepo, Kabupaten Biak Numfor, Provinsi Papua, Selasa (5/12/2017). Empat pesawat Rusia yang mengangkut 110 personel militer Rusia mendarat di bandara tersebut.

Empat pesawat tersebut terdiri dari dua pesawat angkut jenis Ilyushin-76/78813 dan Ilyushin -76/78810, serta dua Bomber Tupolev TU-95 MS yang merupakan jenis pesawat pengebom strategis bermesin turboprop empat yang memiliki panjang 46,2 meter dan sayap 50,10 meter.

Komandan Lanud Manuhua Kolonel PNB Fajar Adriyanto mengungkapkan, keempat pesawat dengan 110 personel itu diterima langsung beberapa pejabat TNI AU yang ada di Biak.

Fajar menjelaskan, kedatangan pesawat Rusia tersebut untuk melaksanakan misi Navigasi Exercises atau latihan penentuan kedudukan (position) dan arah perjalanan baik di medan sebenarnya atau di peta dan juga untuk wisata alam di Indonesia, khususnya di Biak.

“Mereka datang untuk melaksanakan misi latihan navigasi jarak jauh dari Angkatan Udara Rusia. Kabupaten Biak dipilih sebagai lokasi titik akhir navigasi yang sudah dikaji oleh staf ahli Mabes TNI dan Rusia. Ini merupakan program kerja staf Mabes TNI dan Mabes AU,” kata dia.

Dalam kegiatan ini, lanjut Fajar, tidak ada unsur lain, kecuali hanya terbang navigasi yang didahului pesawat angkut Ilyushin -76 sebanyak dua pesawat yang telah mendarat dini hari di Biak dan disusul oleh dua pesawat Bomber jenis Tupoleve tu 95 ms.

“Dua pesawat Bomber ini datang tanpa dilengkapi dengan amunisi dan kamera intai, jadi murni hanya terbang navigasi. Terbang navigasi itu sendiri adalah terbang dari poin ke poin dengan mengandalkan ketepatan koordinat yang tidak melenceng arahnya dengan melewati spesifik daratan dan lautan serta mencoba pertama kali untuk terbang melintas garis khatulistiwa. Untuk misi penerbangan ke sini tidak ada unsur ancaman ataupun misi lain,” ujar dia.

Menurut Fajar, pendaratan militer rusia ke Biak ini merupakan kesempatan bagi warga di Kabupaten Biak untuk mengenalkan kesenian tari yosipancar, adat dan budaya Papua, serta tidak kalah pentingnya sebagai destinasi wisata alam dari Dinas Pariwisata Biak untuk mereka yang selama ini mencari daerah panas yang eksotik.

"Mereka akan berada di Biak selama lima hari dan akan dibawa ke tempat wisata. Mereka terbang dari Rusia dengan suhu –37 derajat celsius dan landing di Biak dengan suhu 37 derajat celsius, perbedaan suhu yang signifikan antara suhu Rusia sebagai home base mereka dan suhu di Indonesia, khususnya di Biak. Sekaligus kesempatan bagi mereka untuk menguji kesiapan dan ketahanan pesawat mereka yang selama ini hanya terbang di daerah bersuhu dingin," tutur Fajar.

Russian Newest missile defense system A-235 ''Nudol''!The Destroyer of ICBMs and Satellites!
Over time, the prospective missile defense system A-235 ''Nudol'' must replace on alert set A-135 "Amur", which at this point of time is the basis of a strategic ABM system for the Russian capital. "Amur" had military duty in the early 1990s. According to the developers of the missile defense system, it is able to solve problems and to destroy low-altitude satellites. The system operates fully automatically, including the detection and recognition of the purposes with consequent defeat of warheads ICBMs, precluding detonation of their charges.
So far, information on when exactly the system A-235 will protect the Russian capital, was not disclosed. Also are classified and basic parameters of the missile defense system. To install anti-missile missiles for it developed a new engine and the latest electronics. A-235 will consist of three levels. The structure will include long-echelon missile based on PRO A-925/51T6, capable of striking targets at a distance of 1.5 thousand kilometers and at an altitude of up to 800 thousand meters. For the middle tier will be created 58R6 firing system designed to hit targets at a distance of thousands of kilometers and at an altitude of up to 120 thousand meters.
Finally, in the near Echelon can be included 53T6M missile (probably one of them was tested on December 20, 2011) or PRS-1M/45T6 (PRS-1 missile upgrade/53T6 GAZELLE based). They can destroy targets at a distance of 350 kilometers and at an altitude, according to various estimates, 40-50 thousand meters. Presumably, the long-range missiles will be equipped with a nuclear warhead. According to unconfirmed information the range of the new missile can reach up to 1500 km and a height of hitting targets missiles by the Middle Echelon will be from 50 to 120 km.
Transporter-launcher and Launcher glass container for the new missiles will be made of fiberglass. Their development and production deals with OJSC "Avangard".
One of the successful outcome of the A-135 was missile 53T6 (NATO codification GAZELLE), which is able to intercept ballistic missiles and their head part, flying at speeds up to 6-7 km/s at an altitude of 5 km up to the borders of the middle space. On a number of parameters even this rocket still has no analogs all over the world, and on portable loads it more than 1.5 times surpasses the best foreign samples. "Gazelles" are in constant readiness for operational use. With missiles ready for use during the entire period of operation without the implementation of preparatory technical works and in any climate conditions. The reliability of the defeat of ballistic missiles were fitted with 53T6 nuclear charge.
The A-135 system is in service with 9th Missile Defense Division (village of Sofrino-1). In the same place is located the unique "Don-2n" radar, which, in addition to detect attacks enemy ICBM interceptors on them command and control complex includes the control of outer space. Externally, the radar is somewhat similar to the famous Mayan pyramids and is also a unique military target. So in the course of Russian-American exercises, in which the ability to detect small targets from Engenio, only "Don-2n" radar could detect, and then build a flight path for small space object diameters only 5 cm at a distance of 1500-2000 km.
The operation of the radar station is provided by part of the powerful productive complex, built on the basis of 4-x supercomputers "Elbrus-2". Apparently, Don-2n "will also be" eyes and ears "for the prospective missile defense system a-235. In doing so, it will have to improve their performance through hardware upgrades, in particular the installation of supercomputers "Elbrus-3 m". For military purposes based on the "Elbrus-3 m" going 64-processor system with the same name.
Multichannel ABM / FFP missile system to intercept long-range missiles includes the 14TS033 firing system with command and control computing point 14P078 developed by ROC "Nudol" as part of a missile defense system A-235.
Apparently, the guidance of missiles on target will be a team, perhaps as a final step, using the GSN. While missile and radar will be involved 235-Don-2n/5N20 and ground radar "Don-2NP/5N20P with updated hardware and software part of total work guidance system interceptors of the A-235 on purpose will be similar to the existing A-135 ABM system.
The A-235 can be guided by a radio signal from the ground to within centimeters of the target. The Samolyet-M [Plane-M], developed by the design bureau "Innovator" in Yekaterinburg, performed tasks different from those of the well-known now-400 "Triumph" and advanced S-500 "Prometheus". It had more height (up to 30 km) and range (up to 100 km) defeat. In addition, the A-235 is able to intercept the fastest existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

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better koalisi sama russian kristen orthodox nih indonesia
panglima TNI yg baru harusnya lebih waras bisa koalisi dengan russia emoticon-Traveller
Diubah oleh phdinhatred 06-12-2017 02:14
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