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- discord yg memuat semua Battlefield series by EA (on process)
update 22 Mei 2018 : Total Member sekarang 846+ User, Aktif maen BF1 tiap hari 5-20 orang
Battlefield 1 is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by EA DICE
and published by Electronic Arts. Wikipedia
Initial release date: October 21, 2016
Series: Battlefield
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA DICE
Designer: Daniel Berlin
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
Battlefield 1 is releasing worldwide on October 21, 2016 for Xbox One, Origin on PC, and PlayStation 4
[Deluxe Edition Early Enlister Can Play 3 days earlier]
Spoiler for Standard Edition / Deluxe Edition / Ultimate Edition:
With Battlefield 1 we set out to create some of the largest, most dynamic battles in FPS history while continuing to tap into what fans love most about the franchise. One of the things that makes World War I such an amazing era is just how advanced it really was. Almost everything that you know about the conflicts of the next century, from the massive battles across land, air and sea, to the powerful and efficient weaponry, is there. Tanks, planes, machine guns, artillery – a lot of the tech you've used in other Battlefield games was perfected during this era, letting the classic Battlefield DNA shine through.
You'll be able to join in massive 64-player battles and experience unexpected Only in Battlefield moments in a setting where the old world was destroyed, giving way to the new one. We're turning destruction up a few notches too, so expect some surprises when you hit the battlefield.
Excited? So are we. We'll have a lot more information in the coming weeks. In the meantime, circle the date on your calendar: Battlefield 1 is releasing on October 21 for Xbox One, Origin on PC, and PlayStation 4.
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pesan TS : thread ini saya buat sebagai wadah diskusi / tanya jawab / semacamnya. Mengenai info game bajakan / pirating saya tidak tahu menahu karena saya sendiri beli game orinya gan. Have a good game
tambahan rules dari gua (zuppaclub)
tolong jangan bahas cheat, baik itu curhat ketemu cheater, bahas metode cheat, share cheat, jualan cheat, nanya cheat, pokoknya topik mengenai cheat. biar jelas, sama2 enak, adil dalam mengeksekusi banned, n bisa meminimalisasi kericuhan. nuhun >
(Pertanyaan yang biasa ditanyakan)
Q : gamenya download dimana gan?
A : sebelum lebih jauh kita mau jelasin kita disini bahas tentang game original kan, support your game developer, jadi beli, kalo agan cari bajakannya bisa dicari sendiri ada google yang gak pernah berhenti ngasih kamu jawaban
Q : trus game nya beli ya gan? beli nya dimana gan?
A : kalo agan punya paypal / kartu kredit bisa beli langsung di origin, tapi banyak juga seller2 game online lokal yang jual lebih murah, selalu cek FJB buat harga2 ga selalu di kaskus bisa di toped, fesbuk, dll
Q : gamenya itu ada multiplayer dan singleplayer ya gan?
A : iya kalo agan beli gamenya bisa maen online up to 64 player 1 room. perang2an seru 32 vs 32. singleplayer juga ada. tapi dari dahulu game battlefield ini fokus di multiplayer, kalo cari singleplayer yg mantep bisa di cari game laen (ex : COD, dll)
Q : servernya kalo online gmn gan?
A : sementara untuk Asia (updated 10 jan 2017) ada server Jepang, dengan estimasi ping 50-200 tergantung koneksi agan, tenang aja server sekarang ane bisa bilang server game online terbaik yang ada, TS sendiri pernah maen sampe 300 ping tapi kerasa kaya 50 ping di game2 laen. tapi kalo agan pingin serius tentu butuh ping lebih kecil, nah EA katanya mau open server Hongkong juga jadi stay tune saja.
Notes : kalo ada pertanyaan laen bisa ditanyakan langsung di thread ini, kalo mau jawaban lebih cepet bisa join Discord kita ato Grup Line (QR Code/Invite cek Discord)
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Seberapa Exited-kah Agan dengan Game ini
Diubah oleh dS E N S O R7 22-05-2018 09:35
tata604 memberi reputasi
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