[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2016/08/22/3736382_20160822074328.png)
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REAL TOUCH:Di bagian ini kita bisa melihat para pemain mengontrol bola dengan cara unik dan berbeda sesuai bagaimana kita mengendalikannya, mendikte aliran permainan berdasarkan bagaimana mereka bereaksi terhadap gerakan tak terduga dari bola .

PRECISE PASS: Dikombinasikan dari fitur REAL TOUCH dan REAL BALL PHYSICHS(?)
Banyak faktor yang menentukan kecepatan dan ketepatan bola saat mengumpan, passing yang dilakukan pada situasi terbaik akan menghasilkan umpan yang sempurna
GOAL KEEPING: Di bagian ini kita bisa melihat bagaimana kiper lebih gesit dalam sejarah PES
TOTAL TEAM CONTROL: Disini kita bisa langsung mengubah mentalitas Menyerang dan Bertahan Tim.
ADVANCED INSTRUCTION: Di bagian ini kita bisa melihat bagaimana kita bisa mengatur strategi tim seperti Tiki Taka, strategi tim diatur layak seperti aslinya di menu Advanced Instructions (Kalau pencet gameplan). Intinya bagaimana sesuai tim itu bermain (Seperti aslinya).
CORNER KICK STRATEGIES: Di bagian ini kita bisa melihat bagaimana pemain saat corner kick saling menjaga satu sama lain (Pemain kita jagain pemain lawan sambil dorong-dorongan biar gak lolos saat corner kick)
ADAPTIVE AI: Ini ane gak tau gimana maksudnya, tapi katanya pertama kali digunakan dalam game sepakbola.
AUTHENTIC VISUAL: Tampaknya ada upgrade besar-besaran di PES 2017 ini, Fox Engine ada tambahan lebih (gak tau apa) Intinya Model pemain, Pencahayaan, Penonton, Lapangan dan stadium sudah berubah total (Bakal lebih real)
NATURAL PLAYER MOVEMENT: Ratusan gerakan pemain telah ditambahkan agar para pemain terlihat lebih nyata. Tidak hanya itu, Real Touch dan precise Pass memberikan suatu yang baru di PES 2017 ini.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/teaser/logo_myclub.png)
Spoiler for SCOUT:
The Scouts required to sign the players you need are now available through the auction house. If you sign the right Scout with specialty areas covering the star you want, you will have a much higher chance of scouting him. 2017 functions support scouts that keep their word when you specifically describe the player you want to sign.
It is now easier to sign players below the rate of 75 through Top Agents.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_myclub_scout_en_l.jpg)
The Scouts required to sign the players you need are now available through the auction house. If you sign the right Scout with specialty areas covering the star you want, you will have a much higher chance of scouting him. 2017 functions support scouts that keep their word when you specifically describe the player you want to sign.
It is now easier to sign players below the rate of 75 through Top Agents.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_myclub_scout_en_l.jpg)
Spoiler for ANALYSIS:
Now you can check your opponent's play style and tendencies during online matchmaking with Match Analysis. Observe and learn your opponent's approach, and change your Advanced Instructions to take command and control of the next match.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_myclub_analytics_en_l.jpg)
Now you can check your opponent's play style and tendencies during online matchmaking with Match Analysis. Observe and learn your opponent's approach, and change your Advanced Instructions to take command and control of the next match.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_myclub_analytics_en_l.jpg)
Spoiler for TUTORIAL:
New tutorials have been created when starting myClub, making it easy for newcomers and veterans to learn everything about the mode.
New tutorials have been created when starting myClub, making it easy for newcomers and veterans to learn everything about the mode.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/teaser/logo_ml.png)
Spoiler for NEGOTIATION:
Significant changes to the transfer system, with new dedicated budgets for transfer funds and player wages. More variety in the negotiation, such as a 6-month loan and signing a player during his loan period.
The element of time has been added to the last day on transfer windows, setting a deadline to add excitement and tension to sign your players, just like in real-life soccer.
Directors will also play a role in giving advice to the player during negotiations.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_ml_en_l.jpg)
Significant changes to the transfer system, with new dedicated budgets for transfer funds and player wages. More variety in the negotiation, such as a 6-month loan and signing a player during his loan period.
The element of time has been added to the last day on transfer windows, setting a deadline to add excitement and tension to sign your players, just like in real-life soccer.
Directors will also play a role in giving advice to the player during negotiations.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_ml_en_l.jpg)
Spoiler for TEAM ROLE:
Team Role
Team roles, which have been a popular addition since 2016, see further enhancement, with 22 roles now, compared to 10 in PES 2016. Added roles include "Hero" and "Bad Boy". This allows for more character creation for your team.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_ml_role_en_l.jpg)
Team roles, which have been a popular addition since 2016, see further enhancement, with 22 roles now, compared to 10 in PES 2016. Added roles include "Hero" and "Bad Boy". This allows for more character creation for your team.
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_ml_role_en_l.jpg)
Spoiler for PLAYER GROWTH:
Player Growth
The Player Growth system has been improved, with players now acquiring not only abilities as in PES 2016, but also skills. Some players may see a boost in their abilities while on loan.
The Training system has been further improved, with players now being able to learn skills and establish their play style through Training. In PES 2017, players can now learn their position, enabling you to further realize your ideal player and team.
The Player Growth system has been improved, with players now acquiring not only abilities as in PES 2016, but also skills. Some players may see a boost in their abilities while on loan.
The Training system has been further improved, with players now being able to learn skills and establish their play style through Training. In PES 2017, players can now learn their position, enabling you to further realize your ideal player and team.
Spoiler for Real Life Kick Off Times:
Real Life Kick Off Times
Day and night match balancing throughout the season, taking into account real-life kickoff times.
Day and night match balancing throughout the season, taking into account real-life kickoff times.
Versus Data - Match Analysis
New feature within certain match modes tracks your player history for offline matches with friends, as well as your playing styles
Never have to wonder who is better between you and your friends, as the mode will track everything from games won, lost, drawn, to goals scored and conceded
VERSUS also deeply tracks playing styles, such as possession play or whether you like to counter attack. It will also let you know your favorite move, such as sliding tackles or interceptions
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_versus_data_en_l.jpg)
New feature within certain match modes tracks your player history for offline matches with friends, as well as your playing styles
Never have to wonder who is better between you and your friends, as the mode will track everything from games won, lost, drawn, to goals scored and conceded
VERSUS also deeply tracks playing styles, such as possession play or whether you like to counter attack. It will also let you know your favorite move, such as sliding tackles or interceptions
![[OT] Pro Evolution Soccer 2017](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.konami.com/wepes/2017/s/img/screenshots/ss_versus_data_en_l.jpg)
Minimum Requirements
- CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 1.8GHz / AMD Athlon ? X2 240 or equivalent processor
- RAM: 1 GB
- OS: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 SP1, Vista SP2
- Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 1024 MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / AMD/ATI Radeon X1600 / Intel HD Graphics 3000 or better)
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
- Free Disk Space: 8 GB
Recommended Requirements
- CPU: Intel Core i3 530 / AMD Phenom ? X4 925 or equivalent processor
- RAM: 2 GB
- OS: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 SP1, Vista SP2
- Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 1024MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / AMD/ATI Radeon HD4850 / Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better)
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
- Free Disk Space: 8 GB
Diubah oleh imcrazyofu 28-10-2016 04:00

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