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The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist


The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist


(disadur dari berbagai sumber mulai dari wikipedia,fourfa.com,youdontknowemo.tk,jonathan vance facebook chat,eric grubbs fb chat, interview di absolutepunk.net,alternative press dan rateyourmusic)

Dulu ada sebuah masa ketika muda-mudi ini disebut EMO-KIDS dan mereka seperti ini

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

Dan sekarang evolusi Emo kids menjadi istilah yang lebih sering pada masa - masa sekarang ditambatkan pada anak-anak berambut poni lempar (padahal gaya poni lempar pertama kali dipopulerkan orang-orang new wave di tahun 80an dan Phillip Oakey dari Human League sebagai pelopornya dan kemudian entah bagaimana emo kids mengadopsi gaya tersebut untuk kemudian diklaim sebagai gaya emo)

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

The True EMO Thread | Oldschool & Revivalist

dengan celana pensil alias celana ketat dengan bagian betis superketat.
Stereotip kebanyakan yaitu mendengarkan musisi dengan nama genre sama (ini sekte atau klan ya?)yaitu Emo, dengan lirik cenderung tersirat keputusasaan , kecemburuan brutal,dan merasa puitis hanya dengan tambahan kata - kata "i love you til my heart bleeds" atau "cut my wrist and black my eyes",benar - benar menyimpan makna yang sangat sado masokhis,mungkin bisa dibilang tengku fakhri anak emo ya hehehe.Disamping itu band - band yang membawakan musik "emo" ini biasanya menyisipkan teriakan atau lebih sering disebut scream bahkan bisa sampai taraf growling dengan begitu rapinya sampai terkadang terdengar sintetik atau diada - adakan untuk tujuan mencapai nuansa penuh emosi.Bahkan ada yang membentuk suatu komunitas dan terfokus pada pamer - pameran gaya berpakaian dan obrolan tentang musik yang menurut mereka "emo" padahal belum tentu.Bahkan ada yang menempelkan kata emo pada gambar band "OASIS",kalau taraf ini sudah gawat friend ([url]www.emo-united.com[/url]). Mungkin sebelumnya telah ada situs - situs yang telah memberi penjelasan dengan author langsung dari musisi pelaku ataupun scenester kala itu([url]www.fourfa.com[/url], [url]www.youdontknowemo.tk[/url]) atau bahkan menulis buku tentangnya(Nothing Feels Good:Punk Rock, Teenagers and Emo by Andy Greenwald kontributor SPIN magazine dan seorang observer diluar scene Eric Grubbs dengan bukunya Post: A Look at the Influence of Post-Hardcore-1985-2007). Namun karena jauhnya sumber informasi nyata dari negara ini Dari sini saya perlu menyampaikan bagaimana awalnya sesuatu yang disebut "emo" atau Post Hardcore itu bermula.

beberapa FAQ repost dari youdontknowemo.tk:
Being a semi-avid listener of the genre of Emo, and boasting the fact that I know more about the genre than the fuckers who think they know, I get a lot of questions. For those who ask a lot of questions, I've created this FAQ, so that I don't get mass amounts of mail asking these questions. This FAQ also serves as a cheat sheet for the site, for those who really don't want to read all of the history and whatnot on the genre.

* Q: So, what the heck IS Emo, anyway?

A: Emo is a form of DIY Hardcore, which is short for Emotional hardcore.

* Q: But I thought it only stood for Emotional!

A: No, that's simply not true! If it were short for Emotional, it would encompass all music, since all music is emotional, right?

* Q: But I thought that was Emocore!

A: No. Emocore is yet another bullshit term. There is only one Emo, and that Emo is not Saves the Day.

* Q: But then why aren't bands like My Chemical Romance and Senses Fail Emo? They're pretty hXc to me!!!1

A: Well, if these bands are hardcore to you, you need a fucking frontal lobe. These bands may have emotional lyrics, but nothing about them is hardcore at all.


A: And I think you're an illiterate cuntfunnel. Pipe down.

* Q: What really makes Emo, then?

A: For one, it can't be mainstream. Emo is a subgenre of punk, making it inherently DIY. If a band is mainstream (a record label is a controlling factor in the creative process), it really isn't Emo, no matter what sort of music they play. Emo bands don't get dressing rooms at concerts that are sponsored by Ford, they aren't going to be this Tuesday's musical guest on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.
I've realised it's hard to describe exactly what makes a band Emo, but I can tell you that the lyrics are usually fairly poetic. If it's very, very loud, and the lyrics resemble something that a poet should be reading at Open Mic Night in a SoHo coffee shop, it's probably Emo. And, when I say loud, the vocals sound akin to the painful screams of a woman being repeatedly sodomized with a candlestick. If you think I'm way off when I say that, I say: look no further than a great lot of Palatka's music, and, of course, Pg. 99, who I simply cannot mention enough.

* Q: Well what about The Used and Thursday? Are they Screamo?

A: No. Screamo is merely another word for Emo. They are synonymous.

* Q: Then why does the label Screamo exist?

A: That's a good question, Billy-Bob Jean. I, personally, have yet to figure this out.

* Q: Why do Emo kids dress like that? And why do they cut themselves and be all sad?

A: Because they are posers. None of this is Emo, at all. See, Emo is a genre of music, and nothing more. It is impossible to dress like a genre, and if one could dress Emo, they wouldn't be wearing tight clothing, and they wouldn't have over-gelled hair.

* Q: Who started Emo?

A: Well, this is something that's been talked about a lot. Some people say it started with Husker Du's "Zen Arcade" album, but some say it started with Rites of Spring. A few people have said that it started with Fugazi, which is inane, because there are former members of Rites in Fugazi. All we know is Rites was the first band to be called Emo.

* Q: Where can I find some Emo music?

A: You just have to look. It may take some searching, but you're bound to find at lest one Emo record in an independent record store. Recently, much to my surprise and general dismay, I found at least 10 Emo records in a Portland record store, and that was after a brief scan of their CD selection. If all else fails, go online and look. Also, remember one rule about the internet: you can find anything you want to buy, if you know how to look.

PS:untuk post hardcore yang beralur lebih dramatis bahkan memasukkan unsur post rock silahkan ke thread agan toroelmar di THE WAVE


tapi kalo mau post band the wave di sini juga ga masalah toh masih satu rumpun emotive. kalo disini bebas yang 90s poppunky math post hardcore,ato twinkle daddy ato emocore macam moss icon,native nod,navio forge ato bahkan prog macam ATDI atau TRAIL OF DEAD awal.silahkan2



kalo kerasa masih ga cocok ama post hardcore yang kami tawarin boleh - boleh aja tapi pindah ke sebelah yeee

di your everyday emo bands


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