Title:Nioh | Developer: Team Ninja | Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Genre: Action RPG | Platform: PS4 | Release Date: 9 February 2017
In Nioh, players will traverse war-torn Japan as William, a blonde-haired swordsman whose background as a fierce warrior and seasoned knowledge of the blade allows him to survive in the demon-plagued land of the samurai. Known as Yokai, these demons inhabit a number of dangerous locations and lie in wait in the shadows to ambush unsuspecting victims. Players will also face off with other samurai in supernatural sword battles and intense, multi-target engagements offering a level of difficulty that will truly test even the most hardened samurai’s skills, patience, and strategy.
Offering a deep and original storyline that takes place during the Warring States Period of Japanese history alongside strategic sword-fighting action, Nioh will challenge players in a way that makes every mission and accomplishment feel earned and worthwhile.
Master every fighting style – learn the flow of combat and move with precision. Unleash combinations of attacks and dodges specific to a range of authentic samurai weapons, including polearms, katanas and axes.
Explore a fantastical and dark vision of 16th century Japan – fight alongside and against legendary heroes and villains of the Warring States period.
Face brutal and grotesque enemies – stand alone against skilled samurai and demons known as the Yokai.
Initial Limited Edition
Limited Period Distribution: February 9 ~ February 22.
Special Bonus:Yukimura Sanada armor set : Crimson Master Armor
*The "Nioh - Deluxe Edition" containing the set with the Season Pass and the original bonus weapon is also available, so please be aware of duplicate purchase.
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