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  • Film Scoring - Music background instrumental yg membangkitkan semangat

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Film Scoring - Music background instrumental yg membangkitkan semangat
Welcome gan,
kali ini ane mo share mengenai film score / film score bukan maksudnya film judulnya "score" yah gan tapi film score itu istilah dari soundtrack2 yg di pakai untuk mengiringi sebuah film, ato gak game
score yaitu berupa music yg mengiringi game tsb dsb

apa sih film score itu?

pas ane nanya mbah google, trus mbah google nanya lagi

ke babeh wiki emoticon-Big Grin ini nih definisinya
Spoiler for

ane terjemanin sedikit bahasa londohny y gan , pengen translate pake google translate takut jadi ngaco bahasanya heheheemoticon-Ngakak, jadi pokok intinya, film score itu
adalah soundtrack film yg diaransemen menjadi background musik ato istilah nya music yg mengiringi dari film tersebut secara insidental, music itu ditulis untk mengaccompany film tersebut ("mengiringi" kali yah emoticon-Big Grin) "bisa juga untuk game lebih ke soundtrack kali yah//sebenernya soundtrack2 film2 bejibun jumlah nya dan gak mungkin ane sebutin satu satu, felmnya pun juga
macem2 y gan, film hollywood, film anime, film india, film bokep dllemoticon-Embarrassmentops
tapi dalam trit ini ane lebih fokus ke musik2 soundtrack film/game "instrumental"seperti orchestra dan yg menurut ane bisa membangkitkan semangat pas ngedengerin nya gan, biasanya sih music2 ini di pake
di film/game action ato perang2 gitu ye gan CMIIW emoticon-Big Grinkarena music2 soundtrack film biasa di setel secara insidental disesuaikan pas moment untk mengiringi sebuah film ato game, maka ane mo sajikan dalam bentuk
yg sudah di mix oleh yutubers2 dan di gabung jadi satu, musicnya di gabung gan, ad yg setengah jeman sampe 5 jeman emoticon-Hammer2juga ada gan yg udah di mix tentunya, tapi kalo perjudul juga bisa gan, ente dongdot aj tulis judul masing2 musicnya hehehen yg ane fokusin disini "musik" loh, bukan "lagu",
kalo musik itu yg ane tau instrument doang, kalo lagu ada liriknya/// sotoy modeemoticon-Embarrassmentn CMIIW yah gan, music yg bertema celtic mungkin lebih tepatny, ane masih kurang mudeng dgn genre2 musik inioke gan, cekidot deh, sebelumnya ane mohon mangap gan, karna untuk menikmatinya agan2 harus buffer dlu,
apalagi durasinya bisa 1 jeman :bedukas, tapi ane yakin gak bakal rugi gan, music2nya keren kog emoticon-Big Grin, ato ente bisa lngsung dongdot mp3nya di situs2 dondot mp3 youtube, byk di google, ente search aj tinggal copy urlnya, trus gak lama di kasih dongdot link mp3nya yg udah jadiemoticon-Big Grin


tinggal copy paste url youtubenya gan

nih, dia tracklist2 ny

List Of Epicness -
- Intro Video -
1.0:00 - 2:59 - Brand X Music - Breathless
2.3:00 - 3:56 - Audiomachine - Guardians At The Gate
3.3:57 - 4:24 - Brickwall Audio - Destroyed In Seconds
4.4:25 - 6:50 - Two Steps From Hell - Black Blade
5.6:51 - 9:10 - Brickwall Audio - Digital Warrior
6.9:11 - 9:36 - Music Junkies - Brutal Revolution
- Main Mix -
7.9:37 - 11:09 - Brickwall Audio - Dark Energy
8.11:10 - 11:34 - Audiomachine - Lachrimae
9.11:35 - 12:23 - Audiomachine - Legions Of Doom
10.12:24 - 12:43 - PostHaste Music - Circumnavigation
11.12:44 - 13:16 - Immediate Music - Hyperdrive
12.13:17 - 13:46 - Immediate Music - Firebender
13.13:47 - 14:22 - Position Music - Vendetta
14.14:23 - 14:48 - Immediate Music - Ra
15.14:49 - 15:27 - Chris Haigh - Ascend To Power
16.15:28 - 15:50 - Future World Music - Until Justice

17.15:51 - 16:24 - Future World Music - Dream Chasers
18.16:25 - 16:39 - Position Music - Dystopic
19.16:40 - 17:13 - Audiomachine - Opus Dei
20.17:14 - 17:43 - Pfeifer Broz. - Absolute Anthropoid
21.17:44 - 18:21 - Two Steps From Hell - Fatal Fury
22.18:22 - 18:34 - X-Ray Dog - Dethroned
23.18:35 - 19:00 - X-Ray Dog - Shadow Of Tyranny
24.19:01 - 19:14 - World Of Warcraft - Seasons Of War
25.19:15 - 19:36 - Two Steps From Hell - Hypnotica
26.19:37 - 20:08 - Immediate Music - Lacrimosa Dominae
27.20:09 - 20:21 - Brand X Music - Captivate
28.20:22 - 21:00 - Immediate Music - Dark Side Of Power
29.21:01 - 21:34 - Mass Effect 2 - Suicide Mission
30.21:35 - 22:21 - Brickwall Audio - Last Stand
31.22:22 - 22:54 - Two Steps From Hell - Flameheart
32.22:55 - 23:23 - Two Steps From Hell - Heart Of

33.23:24 - 23:43 - Two Steps From Hell - Call To Arms
34.23:44 - 24:04 - X-Ray Dog - Centaur
35.24:05 - 24:37 - Audiomachine - Akkadian Empire
36.24:38 - 24:55 - Future World Music - Battle Of

37.24:56 - 25:20 - Audiomachine - Tower Of London
38.25:21 - 25:57 - Two Steps From Hell - False King
39.25:28 - 27:20 - Two Steps From Hell - Love & Loss
- Outro Video -
40.27:20 - 29:12 - Two Steps From Hell - Atlantis
41.29:13 - 30:32 - Two Steps From Hell - Nemesis


nih, dia tracklist2 ny

0:00 - 1:02 Mark Petrie - Richat
1:03 - 1:24 PP Music - Phalanx Diabolus
1:25 - 2:02 Position Music - Vendetta
2:03 - 2:41 Fringe Element Trailer Series - Iron Clad
2:42 - 3:37 Epic Score - Creator Of Worlds
3:38 - 4:41 Music Junkies - Brutal Revolution
4:42 - 5:28 Brand X Music - All Or Nothing
5:20 - 5:50 Brand X Music - Spawn
5:51 - 6:59 Brand X Music - Never Surrender
7:00 - 7:36 Brand X Music - Nemesis
7:37 - 7:58 Brand X Music - Breathless
7:59 - 9:24 Audiomachine - Sands of Time
9:25 - 9:58 Audiomachine - Siege Tower
9:59 - 10:41 Audiomachine - Sword Of Omens
10:42 - 11:29 Brand X Music - Apocalyptic
11:30 - 12:05 Brand X Music - Saints And Sinners
12:06 - 12:47 Groove Addicts - To Salvation
12:48 - 13:50 Immediate Music - Liberation!
13:51 - 15:19 Mark Petrie - Embolden
15:20 - 16:17 Brand X Music - Dawn Of Discovery
16:18 - 17:26 Brand X Music - Dragons Breath
17:28 - 18:25 Brand X Music - Eternal Hope
18:26 - 20:10 Brand X Music - Last Chance
20:11 - 21:10 Brickwall Audio - Digital Warrior
21:11 - 22:14 Chris Haigh - Ascend To Power
22:15 - 23:02 Critical Mass - The Epic Victory
23:03 - 24:06 Danny Cocke - For The Fallen
24:07 - 25:03 Cenk Celebioglu - Heroes And Dungeons
25:04 - 25:25 Cavendish Music - The Hunt
25:26 - 26:48 Sencit Music - The Resistance
26:49 - 29:22 Epic Score - Prepare for the End
29:23 - 30:27 Critical Mass - Brave New World
30:28 - 30:54 Two Steps From Hell - Heart Of Courage
30:55 - 31:51 Cue Storm Music - Night Society
31:52 - 32:47 Cue Storm Music - Skyrise
32:48 - 33:15 Deep East Music - Storming The Gates
33:16 - 33:48 Deep East Music - To The Last
33:49 - 35:00 Distortion MX - In The Blink Of An Eye
35:01 - 36:15 Epic Score - Until The Last Man
36:16 - 36:40 Exitus [?]
36:41 - 37:19 Fifth Floor Music - No Surrender
37:20 - 37:47 Fired Earth Music - Man Of Steel
37:48 - 38:37 Frank Herrlinger - Thousands Of Ships
38:38 - 39:05 Fringe Element Trailer Series - Courage Of Our Fathers
39:06 - 40:29 Fringe Element Trailer Series -

40:30 - 41:17 Fringe Element Trailer Series - Search For Sunrise
41:18 - 42:26 Fringe Element Trailer Series - The

42:27 - 44:32 G Empire Music - Fallen City
44:33 - 44:54 Gina Brigida - Atlantis
44:55 - 45:23 Gothic Storm - Army Of Angels Unleashed
45:24 - 46:27 Gothic Storm - Epic Courage
46:28 - 46:58 Groove Addicts - Swordsman
46:59 - 47:50 ICON Music - In Formation
47:51 - 49:05 Immediate Music - Firebender
49:06 - 49:45 Jon Pierre - Battle Of The Gods
49:46 - 51:09 Kosinus Music - Bravest Of The Braves
51:10 - 52:41 Mark Petrie - Embolden [Yes.. I used this one two times]
52:42 - 54:13 Mark Petrie - From Within
54:14 - 55:08 Mark Petrie - Surpass
55:09 - 55:54 PP Music - The War Machine Approaches
55:55 - END Steve Mazzaro - Redwall

music2 laenny gan
1. epic score - metal rain - ane perna denger ini di kungfu hustle emoticon-Big Grin
2. epic score - i still have a soul
3. epic score - stand tall
4. chrono cross - time scar's
5. Two Steps From Hell - Archangel
6. Epic Score - Creator Of Worlds
7. Two Steps From Hell - Black Blade
8. Two Steps From Hell - Atlantis
9. Two Steps From Hell - Love & Loss
10. chevaliers the sangreal - scoreny davinci code & angel vs demon
11. you'll be free - scorenya gladiator
12. john williams- scorenya terminator
13. steve jablonsky - scorenya transformer
14. follow me (instrument)- muse - scorenya world war z
15. Music2 Final Fantasy series gan, keren2 juga, pas battle theme sama boss themenya, keren dah mulai dari FF3, FF7, FF8 dst
16.Two Steps From Hell - ASAP
17.Two Steps From Hell - Atlantis
18Two Steps From Hell - Infinite Legend
19.Audiomachine - Sword of Omen
20.Battle of Damascus
21.Audiomachine - Eternal Flame
22.Two Steps From Hell - Creator of world
23.Thomas Bergersen - Rada
24.Two Steps From Hell - Prepare for the End
25.Two Steps From Hell - To Glory
26.Two Steps From Hell - Tristan
27.Two Steps From Hell - FlameHeart
28.Two Steps From Hell - Protector of the earth
n DLL gans

prepare for the end

Lacrimosa & Preliator ~ GRV Music [Prelude to Calamity - Final Mix] - Immediate Music

Requiem For A Dream / Requiem For A Tower Theme - Lux Aeterna - Clint Mansell (Piano Arrangement)

coba deh agan2 dengerin lagu2 diatas pas maen game action ato lagi seru2an, ane jamin pasti ente maen jadi lebih jago gan, wkwkwkwk jadi gak perlu ngecheat2 gan, wkwkwk, ane biasa dengerin pas maen game2 action
cem crysis, COD dll dahh pokokny, dijamin adrenalin meningkat hahaha
sekian gan, ane usahain bakal update terus, komen dan saran ato masukan agan2 ane perkenankan seluas2nya gan

jgn lupa KOMEN - RATE & cendolnya gan, aus nih emoticon-Big Grin

baru sempet apdet 10 Feb'13emoticon-Ngakak

kedoyanan kaskuser2 update emoticon-Ngakak


LOTR howard shore, instrumentnya ajib gan, sama EST/ Ending soundtracknya yg judulnya "Into The West" gan, mantep banget, merinding dengernya kalo abis selesein nonton trilogynya denger lagu ESTnya bverasa sedih gitu ganemoticon-Berduka (S), coba deh agan setel LOTR - the return of the king, di bagian creditnya itu


best comment so far :thumbsup


bener banget gan, felm score keren2 jadi infotainment score klo di siniemoticon-Berduka (S)


emoticon-Ngakakdipake di infotainment sengaja biar gossipnya lebih cetar gan, yg nonton jg jadi dibikin serius, pedaal gak semua gossip itu bener, sebagian besar malah didramatisir doang


wkwkwk emoticon-Ngakakemoticon-Ngakak selow gan.. klo video diatas sih gw jg lebi demen nongtonny dari pada denger lagunyemoticon-Ngakakemoticon-Ngakak
Diubah oleh Levansin 11-09-2015 21:48
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