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  • [DISKUSI] Klasifikasi Kapal Perang Dunia (Tonase,Fungsi,Persenjataan)

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[DISKUSI] Klasifikasi Kapal Perang Dunia (Tonase,Fungsi,Persenjataan)
Tertarik membuat trit ini karena banyak pemahaman tentang klasifikasi Kapal perang yang berbeda. nah sebelum mendiskusikan lebih banyak,saya akan memulai dari pembahasan klasifikasi kapal perang yang dianut oleh:

1. Amerika Serikat
2. Inggris
3. Rusia
4.dll (proyek jangka panjang negara lain)

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1.panjang kapalemoticon-Kiss (S)
2.fungsi kapalemoticon-I Love Kaskus (S)
3.persenjataanemoticon-Army (S)

mohon bagi formiler:
1.baca ROE sblm posting.
2.jgn nyampah atau jadi troll disini
3.klo mau berbagi foto tolong di "spoiler" dan kasi judul

Terima kasih selamat menikmati
[DISKUSI] Klasifikasi Kapal Perang Dunia (Tonase,Fungsi,Persenjataan)
Klasifikasi Kapal Perang Amerika Serikat

Pada tahun 1975 US Navy mengklasifikasi ulang kapal perangnya. Ini untuk merespon "Gap cruiser" yang hanya ada dikertas ketika membandingkan angkatan laut Soviet dan US. Penyebab utama pengklasifikasian ini karena klasifikasi cruiser di AL soviet berbeda dengan AL amerika. di AL amerika ,cruiser adalah kapal bersar,lebih kecil dari Battleship,tetapi didesain untuk berperang digaris depan. Soviet mengklasifikasikan cruieser sebagai "small escort vessel"

Diatas kertas,Soviet memiliki lebih banyak "cruisers" daripada yang dimiliki Amerika,tetapi karena perbedaan besar dan kapabilitas kapal diantara kedua negara maka sebenarnya tidak ada gap. walau bagaimanapun juga,AL Amerika merasa perlu untuk mengklasifikasikan ulang kapal mereka supaya dapat menganalisa serta membandingkan kekuatan dengan armada Soviet.

a. Kategori Kapal perang Amerika saat ini:
1. Aircraft Carriers allowing the mobile projection of Naval Air Power across the globe.
Spoiler for US CVN:

2.Amphibious Assault Shipsdeploy and support U.S. ground forces in remote locations
Spoiler for LHD:

3. Cruisersmulti-mission warships capable of engaging multiple simultaneous targets and employed in force support or independent action
Spoiler for US cruiser:

4. Littoral Combat Ships fast, agile, focused-mission platform designed for operation in near-shore environments yet capable of open-ocean operation.
Spoiler for US LCS:

5. Destroyersfast warships providing multi-mission offensive and defensive capability, independently or in fleet support
Spoiler for US DDG:

6.Frigateswarships designed to protect other ships and as anti-submarine warfare combatants
Spoiler for FFG OHP:

7. Submarinescapable of underwater operations and designed to carry out research, rescue, or specific wartime missions
Spoiler for US SUB:

B.Varian Kapal
1.Aircraft Carriers - CVN
Kapal induk adalah pusat kekuatan Angkatan Laut Amerika. Secara rutin Kapal induk AS latihan berdasarkan Navy core capabilities power projection, forward presence, humanitarian assistance, deterrence, sea control dan maritime security.

General Characteristics, Nimitz class
Spoiler for Nimitz:

Builder: Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding Co., Newport News, Va.
Date Deployed: May 3, 1975 (USS Nimitz).
Unit Cost: About $8.5 billion in constant year FY 12 dollars.
Propulsion: Two nuclear reactors, four shafts.
Length: 1,092 feet (332.8 meters).
Beam: 134 feet (40.8 meters); Flight Deck Width: 252 feet (76.8 meters).
Displacement: Approximately 97,000 tons (98,560 long tons) full load.
Speed: 30+ knots (34.5+ miles per hour).

Crew: Ship's Company: 3,000-3,200, air wing: 1,500, other: 500.
Armament: Multiple NATO Sea Sparrow, Phalanx CIWS, and Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) mounts.
Aircraft:Approximately 60+.
USS Nimitz (CVN 68), Everett, WA
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), Norfolk, VA
USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), San Diego, CA
USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), Norfolk, VA
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), Norfolk, VA
USS George Washington (CVN 73), Yokosuka, Japan
USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74), Bremerton, WA
USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), Norfolk, VA
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), San Diego, CA
USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), Norfolk, VA

General Characteristics, Enterprise class
Spoiler for Enterprise:

Builder: Huntington INgalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding Co., Newport News, Va.
Date Deployed: November 25, 1961 (USS Enterprise).
Propulsion: Eight nuclear reactors, four shafts.
Length: 1,101 feet 2 inches (335.64 meters).
Beam: 133 feet (39.9 meters); 252 feet (75.6 meters).
Displacement: 89,600 tons (91,040 long tons) full load.
Speed: 30+ knots (34.5+ miles per hour).
Crew: Ship's Company: 3,350 - Air Wing 2,480.
Armament: Multiple NATO Sea Sparrow, Phalanx CIWS, and rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) mounts.
Aircraft: Approximately 60+.

USS Enterprise (CVN 65), Norfolk, VA

General Characteristics, Gerald R. Ford class
Spoiler for gerald ford:

Builder: Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Va.
Propulsion: Two nuclear reactors, four shafts.
Length: 1,092 feet
Beam: 134 feet, Flight Deck Width: 256 feet.
Displacement: approximately 100,000 long tons full load.
Speed: 30+ knots (34.5+ miles per hour)
Crew: 4,539 (ship, air wing and staff).
Armament: Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile, Rolling Airframe Missile, CIWS.
Aircraft: 75+.

PCU Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
PCU John F. Kennedy (CVN 79)

2.Amphibious Assault Ships
2.1 Amphibious Assault Ships (LHA/LHD)
kapal terbesar untuk operasi amfibi,hampir mirip dengan kapal induk kecil. dapat berfungsi Vertical/Short Take-Off dan Landing (V/STOL), Short Take-Off Vertical Landing (STOVL), Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) tilt-rotor dan Rotary Wing (RW) aircraft operations; mempunyai dek yang dapat digunakan untuk mendaratkan pesawat, Air Cushioned (LCAC) dan watercraft (kecuali produksi awal LHA(R) class ships, LHA 6 dan LHA 7, yang tidak mempunya well deck). LHA 8 mempunyai well deck.

General Characteristics, LHA(R) Class LHA (6)
Spoiler for LHA 7:

Builder: Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc., Ingalls Operations, Pascagoula, Miss.
Date Deployed: Scheduled for delivery to the fleet in 2013.
Propulsion: Two marine gas turbines, two shafts, 70,000 total brake horsepower, two 5,000 horsepower auxiliary propulsion motors.
Length: 844 feet (257.3 meters).
Beam: 106 feet (32.3 meters).
Displacement: Approximately 44,971 long tons full load (45,695 metric tons).
Speed: 20+ knots.

Crew: 1,059 (65 officers)
Load: 1,687 troops (plus 184 surge).
Armament: Two RAM launchers; two NATO Sea Sparrow launchers (with Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)); two 20mm Phalanx CIWS mounts; seven twin .50 cal. machine guns.
Aircraft: A mix of: F-35B Joint Strike Fighters (JSF) STOVL aircraft; MV-22 Osprey VTOL tiltrotors; CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters; UH-1Y Huey helicopters; AH-1Z Super Cobra helicopters; MH-60S Seahawk helicopters.

Homeport: PCU America (LHA 6), No homeport - under construction; PCU Tripoli (LHA 7), No homeport, under construction.
PCU America (LHA6), No homeport - Under Construction

General Characteristics, Wasp Class
Spoiler for wasp:

Builder: Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Ingalls Operations, Pascagoula, MS.
Date Deployed: July 29, 1989 (USS Wasp)
Propulsion: (LHDs 1�7) two boilers, two geared steam turbines, two shafts, 70,000 total brake horsepower; (LHD 8) two gas turbines, two shafts; 70,000 total shaft horsepower, two 5,000 horsepower auxiliary propulsion motors.
Length: 844 feet (253.2 meters).
Beam: 106 feet (31.8 meters).

Displacement: LHDs 1-4: 40,650 tons full load (41,302.3 metric tons)
LHDs 5-7: 40,358 tons full load (41,005.6 metric tons)
LHD 8: 41,772 tons full load (42,442.3 metric tons)
Speed: 20+ knots (23.5+ miles per hour).
Crew: Ships Company: 66 officers, 1,004 enlisted
LHD 8: 65 officers, 994 enlisted
Marine Detachment: 1,687 troops (plus 184 surge).
Armament: Two RAM launchers; two NATO Sea Sparrow launchers; three 20mm Phalanx CIWS mounts (two on LHD 5-8); four .50 cal. machine guns; four 25 mm Mk 38 machine guns (LHD 5-8 have three 25 mm Mk 38 machine guns).
Aircraft: 12 CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters; 4 CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters; 6 AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft; 3 UH-1N Huey helicopters; 4 AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters. (planned capability to embark MV-22 Osprey VTOL tilt-rotors).
Landing/Attack Craft: 3 LCACs or 2 LCUs.
USS Wasp (LHD 1), Norfolk, VA
USS Essex (LHD 2), Sasebo, Japan
USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), Norfolk, VA
USS Boxer (LHD 4), San Diego, CA
USS Bataan (LHD 5), Norfolk, VA
USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), San Diego, CA
USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7), Norfolk, VA
USS Makin Island (LHD 8), San Diego, CA

General Characteristics, Tarawa Class
Spoiler for tarawa:

Builder: Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS.
Date Deployed: May 29, 1976 (USS Tarawa)
Propulsion: Two boilers, two geared steam turbines, two shafts, 70,000 total shaft horsepower.
Length: 820 feet (249.9 meters).
Beam: 106 feet (31.8 meters).
Displacement: 39,400 tons (40,032 metric tons) full load.

Speed: 24 knots (27.6 miles per hour).
Crew: Ships Company: 82 officers, 882 enlisted
Marine Detachment 1,900 plus.
Armament: Two RAM launchers; two Phalanx 20 mm CIWS mount; three .50 cal. machine guns; four 25 mm Mk 38 machine guns.
Aircraft: 12 CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters; 4 CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters; 6 AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft; 3 UH-1N Huey helicopters; 4 AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters.
Landing/Attack Craft: 4 LCUs or 2 LCUs and 1 LCAC.
USS Nassau (LHA 4), Norfolk, VA
USS Peleliu (LHA 5), San Diego, CA

2.2 Amphibious Command Ships (LCC)
Amphibious Command ships menyediakan command and control untuk komandan armada (fleet comander)

General Characteristics, Blue Ridge Class
Spoiler for blue film:

Builder: Philadelphia Naval Shipyard - LCC 19
Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. - LCC 20.
Propulsion: Two boilers, one geared turbine, one shaft; 22,000 horsepower.
Length: 634 feet (190 meters).
Beam: 108 feet (32 meters).
Displacement: 18,874 tons (19,176.89 metric tons) full load.
Speed: 23 knots (26.5 miles, 42.4 km, per hour).

Crew: 34 officers, 564 enlisted.
Aircraft: All helicopters except the CH-53 Sea Stallion can be carried.
USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19), Yokosuka, Japan
USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), Gaeta, Italy

2.3 Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD)
Amphibious transport dock ships adalah kapal perang yang membarkasikan, mentransport, dan menurunkan elemen darat (kekuatan pendarat) untuk berbagai misi expeditionary.

General Characteristics, San Antonio Class
Spoiler for SAN ANTONIO:

Builder: Huntington Ingalls Industries
Propulsion: Four sequentially turbocharged marine Colt-Pielstick Diesels, two shafts, 41,600 shaft horsepower.
Length: 684 ft
Beam: 105 ft
Displacement: Approximately 24,900 long tons (25,300 metric tons) full load
Draft: 23 ft

Speed: In excess of 22 knots (24.2 mph, 38.7 kph)
Crew: Ship's Company: 360 Sailors (28 officers, 332 enlisted) and 3 Marines. Embarked Landing Force: 699 (66 officers, 633 enlisted); surge capacity to 800.
Armament: Two Bushmaster II 30 mm Close in Guns, fore and aft; two Rolling Airframe Missile launchers, fore and aft: ten .50 calibre machine guns.
Aircraft: Launch or land two CH53E Super Stallion helicopters or two MV-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft or up to four CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters, AH-1 or UH-1 helicopters.
Landing/Attack Craft: Two LCACs or one LCU; and 14 Expeditionary Fighting Vehicles/Amphibious Assault Vehicles
USS San Antonio (LPD 17), Norfolk, VA
USS New Orleans (LPD 18), San Diego, CA
USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19), Norfolk, VA
USS Green Bay (LPD 20), San Diego, CA
USS New York (LPD 21), Norfolk, VA
USS San Diego (LPD 22), San Diego, CA - Christened June 12, 2010.
USS Anchorage (LPD 23), San Diego - Christened May 14, 2011, Commissioned May 4, 2013
USS Arlington (LPD 24), Norfolk, Va. - Christened March 26, 2011, Comissioned April 6, 2013
PCU Somerset (LPD 25), Under construction
PCU John P. Murtha (LPD 26) - under construction - San Diego, CA.
PCU Portland (LPD-27), Authorized for US Navy construction

General Characteristics, Austin class
Spoiler for austin power:

Builder: LPD 4-6, New York Naval Shipyard
LPD 7 and LPD 8, Ingalls Shipbuilding
LPD 9, 10, 12-15, Lockheed Shipbuilding.
Date Deployed: Feb. 6, 1965 (USS Austin)
Unit Cost: $235-419 million.
Propulsion: Two boilers, two steam turbines, two shafts, 24,000 shaft horsepower.
Length: 570 feet (171 meters).
Beam: 84 feet (25.2 meters).
Displacement: Approximately 17,000 tons (17,272.82 metric tons) full load.
Speed: 21 knots (24.2 mph, 38.7 kph).
Crew: Ship's Company: 420 (24 officers, 396 enlisted), Marine Detachment: 900.
Armament: Two 25mm Mk 38 guns; two Phalanx CIWS; and eight .50-calibre machine guns.
Aircraft: Up to six CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters.
USS Cleveland (LPD 7), San Diego, CA
USS Denver (LPD 9), Sasebo, Japan
USS Dubuque (LPD 8), San Diego, CA

2.4 Command Ships (AGF) kapal latih tiang tinggi
General Characteristics
Builder: Col. George Claghorn, Edmond Harrt's Shipyard, Boston, MA.
Date Deployed: October 21, 1797.
Unit Cost: $302,718 (1797 dollars).
Propulsion: 42,710 sq. ft. of sail on three masts.
Length: 204 feet (62.16 meters) (billet head to taffrail); 175 feet at waterline (53.32 meters).
Height: Mast height: foremast, 198 feet (60.33 meters); mainmast, 220 feet (67.03 meters); mizzenmast, 172.5 feet (52.56 meters).
Beam: 43.5 feet (13.25 meters).
Displacement: 2,200 tons.
Speed: 13+ knots (approx. 14.95 miles per hour, 24 km. per hour).
Crew: 450 including 55 Marines and 30 boys (1797).
Armament: 32 24-pounder long guns; 20 32-pounder carronades; and, two 24-pounder bow chasers.
Landing/Attack Craft: One 36-ft. long boat; two 30-ft. cutters, two 28-ft. whaleboats; one 28-ft. gig; one 22-ft. jolly boat; and one 14-ft. punt. Anchors: Two main bowers (5300 lbs.); one sheet anchor (5400 lbs.); one stream anchor (1100 lbs.); and two kedge anchors (400 to 700 lbs).
Homeport: Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, MA.

2.5 Dock Landing Ships (LSD)
Dock Landing Ships mendukung operasi amfibi termasuk Via Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), conventional landing craft and helicopters, terhadap pantai musuh

.General Characteristics, Harpers Ferry Class
Spoiler for herper:

Builder: Avondale Industries Inc., New Orleans, LA.
Date Deployed: 7 January 1995 (USS Harpers Ferry)
Propulsion: Four Colt Industries, 16 Cylinder Diesels, two shafts, 33,000 shaft horsepower.
Length: 609 feet (185.6 meters).
Beam: 84 feet.
Displacement: 16,708 tons (16,976.13 metric tons) full load.

Speed: 20+ knots (23.5+ miles per hour).
Crew: Ships Company: 22 officers, 397 enlisted; Marine Detachment: 402 plus 102 surge.
Armament: Two 25mm MK 38 Machine Guns, Two 20mm Phalanx CIWS mounts and Six .50 cal. machine guns, two Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) mounts.
Landing/Attack Craft: Two Landing Craft, Air Cushion.
USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49), San Diego, CA
USS Carter Hall (LSD 50), Little Creek, VA
USS Oak Hill (LSD 51), Little Creek, VA
USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52), San Diego, CA

General Characteristics, Whidbey Island Class
Spoiler for widbey:

Builder: Lockheed Shipbuilding, Seattle, Wa. - LSD 41-43
Avondale Shipyards, New Orleans, LA - LSD 44 - LSD 48.
Date Deployed: Feb. 9, 1985 (USS Whidbey Island)
Propulsion: Four Colt Industries, 16 Cylinder Diesels, two shafts, 33,000 shaft horsepower.
Length: 609 feet (185.6 meters).
Beam: 84 feet.
Displacement: 15,939 tons (16,194.79 metric tons) full load
Speed: 20+ knots (23.5+ miles per hour).
Crew: Ships Company: 22 officers, 391 enlisted; Marine Detachment: 402 plus 102 surge.
Armament: Two 25mm MK 38 Machine Guns; Two 20mm Phalanx CIWS mounts and Six .50 cal. machine guns, two Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) mounts.
Landing/Attack Craft: Four Landing Craft, Air Cushion.
USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41), Little Creek, VA
USS Germantown (LSD 42), Sasebo, Japan
USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43), Little Creek, VA
USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44), Little Creek, VA
USS Comstock (LSD 45), San Diego, CA
USS Tortuga (LSD 46), Sasebo, Japan
USS Rushmore (LSD 47), San Diego, CA
USS Ashland (LSD 48), Little Creek, VA

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