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Singkat Sejarah Rayban
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Singkat Sejarah Rayban
Ray-Ban adalah perusahaan pembuat kacamata, yang didirikan pada tahun 1937 oleh perusahaan Bausch & Lomb, untuk memproduksi kacamata hitam untuk Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat.
Kacamata hitam Ray-Ban yang banyak dikenal adalah Ray-Ban Aviator yang mulai terkenal ketika dipakai Jenderal Douglas MacArthur saat mendarat di Filipina pada Perang Dunia II, serta Ray-Ban Wayfarer yang menjadi ikon mode abad ke-20.
Kacamata hitam Ray-Ban yang banyak dikenal adalah Ray-Ban Aviator yang mulai terkenal ketika dipakai Jenderal Douglas MacArthur saat mendarat di Filipina pada Perang Dunia II, serta Ray-Ban Wayfarer yang menjadi ikon mode abad ke-20.
Spoiler for From The Skies, Rayban's enduring Legend:
Ray-Ban is a manufacturer of sunglasses, founded in 1937 by Bausch & Lomb. They were introduced for the United States Army Air Corps. In 1999, Bausch & Lomb sold the brand to the Italian Luxottica Group for a reported $1.2billion.
In 1920, balloon pilot Lieutenant John MacCready sustained eye damage on a flight. Determined to protect his eyes from further damage, and offer the same protection with others.
He contacted Bausch & Lomb asking them to create a type of sunglasses that would not only provide protection, but also look elegant.
On May 7, 1937, Bausch & Lomb officially took out the patent.
The U.S. Air Force became one of Ray Bans first clients, with pilots and others benefiting from Ray Bans innovative Anti-Glare technology that employed green-tinted mineral glass that filtered out infrared and ultraviolet rays.
His early aviator sunglasses design from Ray Ban were created to provide the ultimate in comfort and eye protection, under MacCreadys guidance. The light frame of these early Ray Ban sunglasses features gold plated metal, the green mineral glass lenses, and weighed less than 150 grams. At the time, these Ray Ban sunglasses set the standard for comfort, eye protection, and style in the military and out. Indeed, a photograph of General Douglas MacArthur wearing a pair of Ray Ban aviator sunglasses is an iconic image for the ages.
Pilots in the United States Army Air Corps immediately adopted the sunglasses. The Ray-Ban Aviator became a well-known style of sunglasses when General Douglas MacArthur landed on the beach in the Philippines in World War II, and photographers snapped several pictures of him wearing them.
Spoiler for Ray Ban Goes Hollywood:
After serving the U.s. militarys need for comfortable eye protection, Ray Ban history continued in Hollywood. Apparently, the military wasnt big enough to contain innovative Ray Ban style.
Beginning in the 1960s with Audrey Hepurns wearing of Ray Bans Wayfarers in Breakfast At Tiffanys, Hollywood fell in love with Ray Ban sunglasses in a big way.
Those who have worn Wayfarers represent a veritable whos who in Hollywood history, including names like Tom Cruise, John Lennon, Elvis Costello, Will Smith, Dan Ackroyd, John F. Kennedy, Andy Warhol, Jack Nicholson, Mary Kate Olsen, Debbie Harry, and countless others.
Because of their lightweight, high impact plastic construction, and their appealing trapezoidal shape, genuine Ray Ban Wayfarers offer unparalleled comfort, durability, and style.
Despite slumping in the 1970s, and 1990s, Wayfarers reemerged as Hollywood faves in the 1980s and 2000s, thanks to a brilliant product placement agreement in 1982, and a redesign in 2001.
In 1999, Italian sunglass brand Luxottica purchased the Ray Ban line, which is now headquarted in Italy. Wayfarers are now one of Luxotticas best selling sunglass products.
Goldenboi, 16 Januari 2010, Indonesia.
Rayban adalah Brand spesialis pembuatan kacamata yang didirikan pada Tahun 1937oleh perusahaan Bausch & Lomb (BL) - perusahaan yg berasal dari USA, dengan tujuan awal untuk memproduksi kacamata hitam untuk kepentingan Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat.
Sejak tahun tsb Rayban dengan lensa BL dibuat. (Rayban made in USA - menggunakan pengkodean inisial BL pada lensa dan beberapa engrave di framenya.)
Bausch & Lomb (BL) tidak hanya memproduksi lensa untuk Brand Rayban saja, ada beberapa brand lain juga lensanya diproduksi oleh Bausch & Lomb ini, salah satunya American Optical.
Pada sekitar tahun 1998-1999, Bausch & Lomb menjual merek RayBan kepada Grup Luxottica Italia seharga 1,2 miliar dollar pada saat itu.
Sejak Tahun 1999 - keatas Rayban dibuat di Italy secara keseluruhan mulai desain, pengerjaan frame, sampai lensa seluruhnya dibuat di Italy (Grup Luxottica).
Rayban made in Italy - menggunakan pengkodean inisial RB pada lensa dan beberapa engrave di framenya.
dalam perkembangannya pengkodean berkembang menjadi RBxxxx - diikuti oleh 3-4 digit angka dibelakang huruf.
Jadi, apabila di Tahun 2010 s/d saat ini masih ada optic atau person yang menjual Rayban made in USA Original dan itu Baru, pasti itu adalah NEW OLD STOCK.
(yg dimaksud New Old Stock - NOS disini adalah, barang baru tapi stock lama optic atau mungkin seorang kolektor yang menyimpan barang tsb dalam keadaan baik sejak baru. Jadi, dari awal Beli - Pajang - Simpan - Pajang - Simpan - begitu seterusnya dan belum pernah dipakai sampai sekarang.
jadi bisa diperkirakan brg tsb adalah buatan sekitar tahun 1999 kebawah.
Indonesia, 16 January 2010.
copyrights, 2010
Indonesia, 16 January 2010.
copyrights, 2010
Posting Rayban koleksi tetap ditunggu ya gan, lebih wahh lagi kalo itu masi made in USA.
So, mari kita mulai!
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