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Jessica Wongso laughs asked laced Mirna Salihin's coffee-cyanide
Accused cyanide murderer Jessica Wongso has been recorded laughing smiling after denying poisoning Mirna Salihin by putting the toxin in her iced coffee.
The reaction from the 27-year-old Australian resident, comes as Mirna Salihin's sister Sandy says Wongso is enjoying the attention from the case, which is at present before the courts in Indonesia.
Her response was captured by 60 Minutes cameras after reporter Ross Coulthart asked: 'Did you put it [cyanide] there?'.
Other footage of Wongso after her arrest shows her grinning and flashing a 'thumbs up' to media.

Murder accused Jessica Wongso, 27, smiles after being asked if she poisoned her friend, Mirna Salihin in Jakarta, Indonesia

Ms Salihin's sister believes Wongso (centre) is enjoying being the focus of media attention

Sandy said she believed Wongso was enjoying being the focus of a lengthy trial and the subsequent media attention.
'I think shes enjoying the attention. I think she likes the attention... I think she's enjoying the media.'
If found guilty, there is a possibility Wongso could face death by firing squad, according to 60 Minutes.

Sandy also said: 'I would like to see justice for my sister and eye for an eye... life for a life'.
Wongso has denied poisoning Ms Salihin - with whom she studied at the Sydney design school Billy Blue - at a restaurant in Jakarta in January after ordering her a Vietnamese iced coffee and lacing it with cyanide.

Prosecutors allege Wongso sought to 'avenge her pain' over a break-up with her Australian boyfriend Patrick O'Connor, whom Ms Salihin did not approve of.
Her alleged crime was described by prosecutors in the Central Jakarta District Court last week as 'cruel' and 'sadistic'.
'The defendant's planning to take the life of victim, Wayan Mirna Salihin, was well prepared and showed the defendant's determination,' prosecutors said.
'The defendant's actions were very cruel because it was committed against her own friend.
'(It) was sadistic because the poison cyanide used to take the life of victim, Wayan Mirna Salihin, didn't immediately kill her, but tortured (her).'
CCTV footage from inside the restaurant showed Mirna taking a sip of the coffee before her head rolled back and she began frothing at the mouth moments later.

She died in hospital hours later.
During the marathon hearing, prosecutors did not give a definitive answer as to where Wongso obtained the cyanide that allegedly killed her friend, arguing instead that it was 'easily available on the black market'
While the charge of premeditated murder in Indonesia carries the maximum penalty of death, the Australian Federal Police only agreed to assist the investigation on the proviso such a sentence would not be sought or imposed.
However, judges feel they aren't bound by the agreement according to reports.
Wongso's legal team are expected to respond in the coming week.


klo kata J asing udah dibeli sama DS emoticon-Angkat Beer

mulai 17:16 kesaksian bosnya J emoticon-Takut (S)
smoga keadilan ditegakkan emoticon-Big Grin
Diubah oleh alva13 14-10-2016 03:23
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