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fight fire with fire - Shakespeare

Sometimes its necessary to fight them in their own way

August 2017. Mulia Hotel Jakarta will held KFX exhibition and summit
reserved only for interested parties

16 August 2017. 0900
Cascade Lounge- Hotel Mulia Jakarta

"I've been waiting for you for an hour" - seorang pria bule berambut pirang berkata dengan soft spoken, tanpa mengalihkan pandangannya dari koran Jakarta Post dihadapannya saat seorang pria berkulit sawo kematangan duduk di depan kursinya

"Sorry, I never know that today will get this much traffic, I mean its 9 in the morning! what a crazy occasion! Ah, have you ordered anything? I would want a coffee. where's the waiter... ah, Mas! saya minta kopi, tolong jangan pakai gula... dan untuk bapak ini, what do you want?"

"Do you have a beer? And a warm croissant would be a nice addition, with a salted butter."
"Sure sir, we have a range from Angker, Bintang, Stark, Stella Artois up until Hoergaarden and Becks. Which one do you prefer?"
"Good Lord, anything but Becks - that thing taste like a stale tea made by Aunt Anne. Stark with less carb would be nice in this morning. Thank you." jawab si bule, sang pelayan mengecek order dan pergi untuk membuat pesanan mereka

"Drinking in the morning? Do you like to drunk or something? its a bad habit, you know - being drunk"

Si bule tertawa sinis, "Mr Romi, Mr Romi. First, wheat beer like Stark aint gonna make anyone drunk! Second, what you're doing now is a lot worse than any drinking habit for the matter... before you're ruining my mood more than this, let's down to business. Do you bring all that I requested"

Pak Romi dengan kumis lebatnya nampak sedikit kesal, "Ok. Here it is. Your target name is this person, his name is Siboro, he's Indonesian Project Director of KFX and the person next to him is Park, he's Korean Project Director of KFX. They are carrying a source code and all the data people ever need for KFX. Source code to enable the KFX to fire Russian, American and Chinese missiles. I want it"

"I believe you're hiding something from me, Mr Romi. You know what... I never open the package that I will take, but... if you're being dishonest - I will have to change the deal. Now tell me... Do you speak the truth?"

Romi menelan ludah, "Yes... I speak everything that I knew. Here's the down payment for this mission."

"Fine then. Let me check... Paid by PT Pisang Roy Perkasa, to my Riksbank account, amounted US$ 500,000. I believe we have achieved a common interest in this regard Mr Romi."

"Yes! Think about when KFX is failed. I believe we can have another cooperation when our air force need a fighter plane, I will arrange that we will buy from your country! Think about a greater good for your country!"

Si bule tiba - tiba tertawa lepas. "Mr Romi... don't mistook me for a person like you. I'm a mercenary, not a politician. I have no interest in petty nationalism. This, *menunjuk nilai uang di rekening yang tampak di layar HP nya* is what makes me interested. You can buy from any country in this earth and I... don't... care. Keep your politician speeches elsewhere"

Pak Romi berdiri dan menyalami si Bule, si Bule ke telinga Pak Romi dan berbisik pelan, "I know what else that Mr Siboro and Park carries. You might not knowing it yet, or you're pretending to... so I will consider that as a bonus for me."

Ia kembali berhadapan di depan Pak Romi dan berkata sambil tersenyum, "Nice to have a business with you, and make sure that you will transfer the rest of the money on time.", dengan cepat ia pergi dari lounge tersebut dan memasuki lift.

Pak Romi terdiam dan menatap layar HP nya, dimana masih terlihat tulisan : Transfer Success. PT Pisang Roy Perkasa to Gustaf Lundberg. Ia menelan ludah dan menelepon seseorang, "Sudah saya temui orangnya pak, besok bisa dieksekusi."

Gustaf Lundberg

Romi ga usah teaser ah. Nanti juga tau siapa emoticon-Ngacir
Poll ini sudah ditutup. - 36 suara
Siapakah penjahat yang terlibat dibelakang kejadian ini?
Pasti Amerika! Pokoknya Amerika %&*@$!
Jangan - jangan Russia...
Eurofighter yang dijual Fourth Reich
Børk! SAAB Gripbørk! Børk! Børk! Børk!
Korea sendiri
India yang jualan Tejas sepaket sama Uttaran
China. Karena krisis Natuna
Diubah oleh 29-04-2016 07:46
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