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[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Duelyst adalah tactical turn-based strategy game dengan fitur ranking yang kompetitive untuk PC, Mac dan browser web, Game ini dibuat oleh para developer veteran dan pencipta game legendaris seperti Diablo III, Rogue Legacy, dan the Ratchet & Clank series.

Focus game adalah bagaimana cara memaksimalkan karakter tim di map taktikal untuk mengalahkan tim lawan dengan misi yang sangat mudah, yaitu mengalahkan general musuh. Duelyst sangat simple seperti game taktik klasik tetapi tanpa pasukan standar yang membosankan. Kamu tidak akan menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu untuk menyiapkan pasukan dan strategi untuk setiap pertarungan.

[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Duelyst plays like the classic tactics games of our childhood while avoiding the standard tropes from the past. You'll never need to spend hours on resource management or grind random encounters to get to the next fight.
Jika Kamu sudah pernah atau terbiasa memainkan Hearthstone, game ini akan lebih mudah lagi dipelajari, karena menggunakan system TGC yang mirip, cuma dengan penambahan strategy based phase.

Spoiler for Ada Ratusan karakter yang dapat kamu gunakan di dalam deck::

Spoiler for Gameplay dan Animasi Modern-Retro yang Unik dan Keren:

Beberapa Fraksi yang dapat kamu gunakan di game diantaranya:
1. Lynar
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Songhai Strengths

Your Minions have lots of Health and very efficient combat stats overall for their cost.
You have access to the widest variety of healing options.
Lots of area-of-effect damage so you can blow apart the battlefield.
You can use many different types of Dispels to disrupt bonus effects on other Minions.
Extremely threatening when you're in melee range of your opponent.

Songhai Weaknesses

Difficult for you and your army to catch fleeing enemies.
You have limited Attack options at range.
Difficult for you to break enemy Artifacts.
Your spells often need allied Minions to be alive for at least one turn before they can be effective.
Difficult for you to come back from a losing position when your opponent takes control of the battlefield.

2. Songhai
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Songhai Strengths

You have various options to deal damage, with both direct spell damage and damage-focused buffs.
High combo synergy allows you to deal heavy burst damage in one turn.
You can easily break your opponent's artifacts by using Bloodrage Mask and Four Winds Magi.
Can fight up close or at range using your Minions and spells.
You have the most diverse positioning options, using teleportation to your advantage.

Songhai Weaknesses

Your Minions are very frail.
You have low defensive options outside of retreating.
It's difficult for you to remove big threats.
You can draw ‘bad hands’ - hands without spells, creatures, or specific combo pieces.
If playing aggressively, you can run out of cards quickly; slower Songhai decks can have a higher chance of drawing poorly early game.

3. Vetruvian
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Vetruvian Strengths

Your minions are very powerful if not Dispelled.
You’re good at destroying Artifacts due to Rasha's Curse.
Blast forces your opponent to spread out, allowing other spells like Stars' Fury to become more effective.
You have excellent late game Spells and Minions, such as Time Maelstrom and Aymara Healer.
Your Minions gain value over time - while Obelysks are alive, they generate Dervishes and some Obelysks also buff other Dervishes.

Vetruvian Weaknesses

Dervish tokens die at the end of the turn unless buffed by Dunecaster to remain on the battlefield.
Not very effective at repelling aggressors once they have already reached you.
Dispel removes a lot of power from your creatures.
Conditional, expensive removal. Your ability to neutralize enemy creatures only works in certain situations.
Positional requirements on many of your spells means your opponent can outplay you with well thought out movements.

4. Abyssian
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Abyssian Strengths

Your battlefield advantages can be quickly converted into damage with Deathwatch.
Numerous Rush minions and damage spells allow you to be very aggressive.
You possess many different forms of Minion removal.
Moderate amounts of "vampire" healing that damages your opponent.
You can use a variety of different deck archetypes and strategies.

Abyssian Weaknesses

Difficult to come back after you have no more Minions on the battlefield.
Your removal is expensive, requiring a sacrifice of your own Minions or a lot of Mana.
Your Minions are not very efficient and rely on Deathwatch to gain effectiveness.
Difficulty against Dispel; your Deathwatch and Shadow Creep are both Dispellable.
Low cost creatures that fuel Deathwatch are very frail and survive mainly by outnumbering your opponents, causing Area of Effect damage to be highly effective against you.

5. Magmar
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Magmar Strengths

Your Minions are very resilient and can be buffed for a very low cost.
Using Kujata and Flash Reincarnation, you can reduce the cost of your creatures.
Your great Area-of-Effect and single target removal keeps the battlefield clear of threats.
Extremely powerful when in melee range of your opponent.
You have many ways of using Frenzy, including Makantor Warbeast, a Minion with both Rush and Frenzy.

Magmar Weaknesses

Some of your Spells and Minions have high costs for their effects.
Your Minions may take a while to reach your opponent unless you’re playing with lots of Rush.
It’s difficult to remove your opponent’s Artifacts.
You don’t have extra card draw outside of neutral cards.
Many of your Spells and Minion effects can damage or destroy your Minions. Some can also damage your General!

6. Vanar
[Free2Play] Duelyst - Multiplayer Turn Based Tactical Combat

Vanar Strengths

You have excellent Minion removal options.
There are big payoffs for successfully Infiltrating your opponent’s side of the battlefield.
You have very high play making potential and mind games using the Infiltrate and Avalanche zones.
Vespyr based strategies can completely take over the battlefield if your Vespyr minions survive.
It's difficult for your opponent to fully remove threats such as Fenrir Warmaster and Snow Chaser without Dispel.

Vanar Weaknesses

You have very limited card draw options.
Win conditions are very slow without your Minions on the battlefield.
Your Area of Effect spells are very conditional and can be avoided with careful play.
You have no innate healing options.
Most of your Walls have no combat stats and are weak to Area-of-Effect removal.

Installer dapat di download di:
Official Website: www.duelyst.com
Official Forums: forums.duelyst.com
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Duelyst
Follow us on Twitter: @PlayDuelyst
Steam: Duelyst

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Spoiler for Buat yang Pemula, ini ada Share dari Agan Imamuharram baik hati dan berbudi luhur:

Spoiler for Gauntlet Guide dari sesepuh ABGtolol yang ternyata sangat Pintar!:

Diubah oleh rogerxiv 05-06-2016 03:19
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