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Tableau - Business Intelligence and Analytics
We make breakthrough products that change the way people use data.

Apa sih Tableau ?
Menurut ane pribadi ya gan emoticon-CoolTableau adalah sebuah tools yang dapat menganalisa/menggambarkan suatu kumpulan data untuk disajikan dalam bentuk yang ciamik.

Contoh nya mari kita lihat preview tableau dibawah ini;
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Dibalik Tableau - "It began with three guys from Stanford"

"It started with a brilliant computer scientist, an Academy-Award winning professor and a savvy business leader with a passion for data. They came together to solve one of the most challenging problems in software – making data understandable to ordinary people. These were the fundamental ingredients for Tableau."

"Helping people answer their questions"

We believe in the triumph of facts. A collection of data is a collection of facts, and facts are the foundation of human progress. Hear first-hand how our customers are using Tableau to harness the power of data.

"Using data to make a difference in the world"

Every day there are millions of opportunities to improve people’s lives by making better use of data. Disease research, education patterns, industrial efficiency, patient care, government spending – the opportunities are endless.

Sebagai informasi Tableau ini merupakan business intelligence yang tidak diragukan lagi kemampuannya, hasil research Gartner Report Februari 2016, Tableau menduduki chart/kuadrant teratas dibidang Platform BI (Business Intelligence) bersama 2 platform sejenis.

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Diubah oleh sapm 25-05-2016 02:41
zukii.vixii memberi reputasi
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