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Vietnamese Navy Want Sigma 10514 Replacing Sigma 9814

27 Juni 2016

Sigma 10514 of the Indonesian Navy (photo : BUMN)

Vietnam Navy's Sigma-9814 to skip straight to the larger vessels

Project Sigma-9814 protector ship was postponed at the last minute when the shipyard has ready and just wait to start, affordable Vietnam Navy ships diverted select larger classes?

The new candidate is 10514 Sigma class ships, as well as Damen Group (Netherlands) designed with 105m length and 14m width 3.7 meters draft, displacement of water with approximately 2,500 tonnes.

Sigma's weapons configuration 10514 is not much different from Sigma-9814 which had been offered to the Navy Damen Vietnam (HQVN), but larger size allows customization of weapons and reserves journey Sigma's 10514 superior.

This is extremely necessary to force the water surface warships are missing the boat HQVN missile sizeable displacement and offshore capabilities prolonged warfare.

PKR Sigma 10514 (image : Damen)

Fleet air defense capability needs to be strengthened

Minutes team's combat surface ships currently lacks a layer HQVN mid-sized ships, capable of protecting non-boundary before the attacks from the air. Sigma-10514 with room configurations becomes the perfect piece for Vietnam border war fleet.

Equipped with air defense missile Aster-30, Sigma-10514 can establish a non-zone with a radius of 120 km around it, ready to destroy any threat from the air in the protected area, qua it and improve survivability of the vessels in the wings.

On the other hand Sigma 10514 can also undertake the command and target designation for fast-attack missile boats and even lead Molynia shoot for the Kh-35 missiles if the integrated control system.

If ordered, the HQVN 10514 Sigma will bring the most modern configuration, with 8 Exocet subsonic anti-ship missile with range 80km block III, Oto Melara 76mm gunboats, torpedo system 324mm, and 2x20mm fast artillery.

VLS systems simultaneously on Sigma 10514 12 tubes will also equip close range air defense missile Aster-15 (maximum range of 30 kilometers) instead of MICA missiles, to make it a non-real ship. Or even medium-range air defense missile Aster 30 can destroy air targets at distances up to 120km.

Considering the urgency of the need soon added a destroyer class ship is capable of protecting the entire boundary water surface combat fleet before the threat from the air such as Sigma-10514 is a pretty perfect choice.

Sigma 10514 will assume the position level air defense destroyer squadron 2 for the minutes of HQVN until we have additional destroyers of relaxation room with water level 1 larger.

Sigma 9814 (photo : WarComissar)

Choices for the Future

Designed in modular integration should enable customization of Sigma 10514 is very high, this does not only lie in the diversity comes equipped weapons, but it also opens up the chance to play a missile escort vessel size medium sized with displacement up to 2,500 tons or more in the future, based on Sigma 10514.

Open design and fully customizable on demand and given the task, as well as raise the level of play in a small frigate current and other ships with a larger amount of water relaxing.

Sigma 10514 choice at this point also solve the growing number of warships to HQVN water, while still ensuring modern elements, not backward compared with the region and the world.

Enough to protect sovereignty over sea and islands, Vietnam Navy requires stepping up the pace to be modernized further. At the same time, strengthening defense cooperation with Western partners alongside traditional partners trusted by Russia will also contribute to change the face of the Vietnam Navy in the future.


Ngincar AA dan jelajah lebih jauh ya.
Diubah oleh AbdiYazkiHermit 27-06-2016 09:20
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