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Argentina Armed Forces in Resurrection?
Akhirnya setelah neglected for several years, Argentina Armed Forces mulai kembali membangun kekuatan militernya dan mencoba pendekatan yang lebih realistis....

Argentina interested in F-5s as a stop-gap fighter

Santiago Rivas, Buenos Aires - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 May 2016

Argentina plans to negotiate with the US government the possible sale of a batch of Northrop F-5E Tiger IIs (likely between 12 to 14 planes), and a batch of Beech T-34C Turbo Mentors.

Angel Tello, the Argentine Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) secretary of strategy and military matters, will lead negotiations during a mid-May Washington visit.

The planes are intended as a stop-gap after the Argentine Air Force retired its Dassault Mirage fleet in November 2015, meaning the country currently has no supersonic fighters in service.

An MoD source told IHS Jane's that the aim is to obtain some of the modernised planes currently used by the US Navy's Fighter Composite Squadron (VFC) 111 'Sundowners' as 'aggressors' at Naval Air Station Key West in Florida.

Argentina to buy more radars to fight drug trafficking in Formosa

Diego Gonzalez, Argentina - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 May 2016

Argentina has ordered two more L-band radars from INVAP to monitor low-flying aircraft in that country's efforts against drug trafficking.

The two radars will be installed by the end of 2016 in the northwest province of Formosa, which already has six of the systems. Additionally, Argentina's logistics secretary for the defense, Walter Ceballo, has ordered four more of INVAP's 3-D electronic scanning radars to be delivered in 2017.

Each radar costs USD16 million and an additional USD4 million to install. The radars are equipped with a monopulse antenna with very low-level sidelobes, digital signal processing, an automatically updated clutter map, and electronic counter-countermeasures capability.

Argentina in negotiations with France for A 69 corvettes

Diego Gonzalez, Buenos Aires - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 May 2016

Argentina is currently in negotiations with France to receive three A 69 corvettes from the French Navy following its disposal of nine ships of the same type.

The ships under discussion belong to the same category as the French-built Drummond-class corvettes (ARA Drummond , ARA Guerrico , and ARA Granville ) commissioned in Argentina between 1978 and 1982, used during the Falkland War.

The deal is driven by a recent Argentine Navy report, supported by its Chief of Staff Julio Martinez, that determined the Drummond or A 69-type vessels are reliable, especially when it comes to the ships' propulsion system, availability rate (among the best in Argentina's entire fleet), and low operating cost.

di list request mereka ada 3 corvettes, satu squadron F-5, radar, dan kemungkinan tambahan M-113 untuk ground forces
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