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OtoriShigeruAvatar border
**Dua Dunia Tidak Bisa Bersatu**Satu Dunia Terlalu Sempit**


Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I've been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time... is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage

[Additional verse on Vevo version:]
I know that in the morning now I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time... is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen

The story of my life
I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
Until she's broke (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life


^^About Me^^
Perkenalkan nick kaskus gue otorishigeru...
My real name ferdy....
Gue anak terakhir dari bokap nyokap...
Gue ganteng banget_tapi itu kata ortu gue😥
Hahahaha...jadi ga perlu dipertanyain lagi kan seganteng apa gue....😈
Gue tinggi..gendut jelek...idup lagi...
Tapi gue bangga akan diri gue...gue cukup berprestasi dibidang pendidikan...
Dulunya atlet basket...tapi itu duluuuuuuu.....sebelum gue tumbuh dan mekar😢
Motifasi nulis ini cerita mengabadikan tentang seseorang yang pernah hadir di hidup gue...
Gue seorang gamers addict...cerita ini pun akan bermula dari sebuah game...hingga akhirnya semua menjadi hidup dan berwarna...
letssssssss start.....

Open Beta New Game......

Saat gue sibuk kerja...
Tiba2 seorang kawan lama gue bbm...
Panggil saja Didi

Didi: fer...ada game^sh of g^d
Gue: bagus emank?sapa aja maen di?
Didi: bagus worth bgt deh....
Gue: jgn ditinggal pensi lagi ya?kek di woi...hahahahaha
Didi: serius kok disini banyak anak aik*
Gue: masa?viki maen donk(salah satu lm)
Didi: maen keknya...
Gue: job apa yg bagus ya?
Didi: semua bagus
Otak gue mikir duh sibuk kerja...cari yg gmpng dpet party aja deh....
Hmmmm apa yaa?tp tar ga bs kill...
3jam.....krik krik krik
Done...i pick shanman....
Tujuan biar bs dpet party sama bs suport sahabat gue sie didi...
Didi beberapa game bareng dan gue mayan akrab dan beberapa x gath...
Hari H buka game...sblm jam 12
Temen gue sie didi bkin grup...gue di invite....
Crotz...masuk lah gue digrup....
Wogh...bnyk nama lama digame...
1.sifu wingchun
2.ko awi
dan banyak lagi...grup bbm dalam hitungan detik penuuh
wow.....asik bakal gg bareng....
Jam 11...bnyk chat....
Mreka ngebahas job dan kapan open...atau cara instal...
Canda tawa pun penuh dichat yang jalannya kek jalan tol alias cepet bener mpe mabok....
Wah bnyk cewe jg...pinter da yg bkin grup😚
Gue yg gy sibuk banting tulang tampaknya haruz rela...melepas obt siang ini....
Jam 12....pada teriak...oe kok ga bs ke biru aka seal temple...
Gue dengan otak cemerlang melebihi einsten bilang...
Bikin merahhhhh dulu...cemplungin semua ke merah biar pasti win
Kurang lebih kondisi chat
Nana: ia bikin merah dulu sebanyak2nya
Didi: ia...all semua bkin merah dulu
Gue: ia merahin biar pas war tuyul semua
ven: ia ayu biar mantap...
Wogh antusias sekali....

Dan itulah kisahnya

Malemnya maen game...

Langsung wisp didi..masuk guild emperor...

Dragathen pun memulai petualangannya...

Tapi sambil main....sebenernya gue tertarik dengan orang yg rajin ngeramein chat..

Dy 1guild dengan gue...digrup gue seneng gaya dy chat....

Dy lucu...

Akhirnya gue beraniin diri gue untuk start add pin bbm nya...

Gue: bisa kali di add pin bb nya(modus)lol
Doi: hening no chat
Gue dalam hati wah gagal neh...
Ting...dy add gue......omg......
Accept jgn sampe salah pencet 😆

Gue: hi
Dy: knp?
Gue: gp2...*kaku mode on
Dy: lol
Gue: lagi ngapain gy game ya?nick apa?
Dy: ia maen dikantor...
Gue: wew ga ada bos emank,,?
Dy: dah biasa lol....
Gue: kok bs?
Dy: bisa ini da 2bln ga digaji ya jelas suka2 gue...
Gue: zzzzz mank kenapa mpe ga digaji..
Dy: tau mw nutup keknya
Gue: kerja dmn?
Dy: $/&:*,*(lupa gue hahaha)
Gue: dmn tuh?
Dy: riau..
Gue: oo (jauhnya omg)
Dy: lo kerja dmn?
Gue: diperushaan minuman(sensor no publikasi gan)
Dy: ooo....klo dijakarta gaji brp ya
Gue:minim 2jt seumr lah
Gue:meeting dlo ea ama bos


Jam stgh 6...horreeee plng....
Naek kuda besi gue...meluncur ke rmh....

Buka pintu...masuk lah gue di rmh gue tercinta...

Mandi makan...istirht...n kemudian tgn gatel...

Bbm ahhhhhh

Gue: lagi dmn?
Dy: rmh ni
Gueemoticon-Sorry td meeting jdi tinggal
Pendek2 bener ni anak hahahahaha

Gue: blh minta no lu?(buat cek hode apa bkn)
Hmmm telp ga ya?cek pulsa...
Ah besok2 aja deh...

Simpen no ke phone book...
Gue: hmmm enaknya manggil km siapa?
Dy: nana aja
Gue: sesuai nama di bbm ternyata(dlm hati)...okay deh na...
Nana: emoticon-Smilie
Gue: jgn tdr mlm2 bsok kerja...
Nana: dah biasa..
Gue: sakit tar
Nana: demi gc(mata uang in game)
Gue: okay

buka whatzap

Liat foto soal di bbm gmbr gajelas


Laaaaaaah kok gambar anak kecil

omg hode pro dihodein

Panas membakar jiwa...

Gue: kok wapsap gmbr anak kecil
Nana: gue ga pake watsap
Gue: itu fotonya...(gue kirim)
Nana: hening

Contact is delete...

Hmmmm gg hode....hahaha lol..

Bbm caca aje dah...yg jelas hahahaha
My ex...asik anaknya...selalu jdi tong sampah

Gue: ca lagi dmn lo?
Caca: dihatimu..
Gue: cacing donk lo ca?
Caca: pret
Gue: ngakak.....guling2
caca: lgi dmn?
Gue: dihatimu
Caca: dih fotocopy
Gue: 😈biarin sirik aje
Caca: telp donk,,,
Gue: ora odo pulsa...
Caca: kebiasaan
Gue: maklum males ke counter pulsa
Caca: alasaan
Gue: hahaha

Soundtrack hack gu bunyi dr hape gue

Gue liat no hp caca...

Gue: halooow
Caca: apa c....sok imut(dgn suara imut nya caca)
Gue: speachless hening
Caca: lgi dmn sipit?
Gue: dihatimuuuuuu
Caca: modussssss masih aja
Gue: dkit lah gp2...lo kan yg mulai(lo imut ca kgn gue suara lo saat nulis ini)
Caca: eh pit...kepuncak yu....
Gue: ayu....kapan?
Caca: besok...
Caca: bolos...
Gue:males kerjaan gy numpuk
Gue:gmn kabar cwo lu yg bule
Gue:dikubur dmn?
Gueemoticon-Stick Out Tonguealedut dikira homo
Caca ngakak sekenceng2nya

Sekilas caca...anak campuran bule cina indo...cantik..anak binus...dijakarta sndirian tinggal diapartemen daerah kuningan

Cacaemoticon-Stick Out Tongueit serius ih puncak
Gueemoticon-Takut ca...
Cacaemoticon-Takut apa?
Gueemoticon-Takut kita pergi ber2
Caca:lebai ah
Gueemoticon-Takut plng bertiga...
Gue:jah ngambek deh....
Caca:egp(suara lo tetep imut)
Gue:eh gue gy ditoko buku...(drtd tlp smbil jalan)
Caca:ada komik apa pit?
Gue:hentai mao?
Gueemoticon-Ngakak mpe diliatin kasir....hahahaha
Caca:miss u...
Gue:me too...
Caca:ak mandi dlo ya...
Gue: ok...

Diubah oleh OtoriShigeru 18-10-2014 05:32
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