PT PP (Persero) was established under the name of NV Pembangunan Perumahan based on the Notarial Deed No. 48 of August 26, 1953. At the time it was established PT PP (Persero) was entrusted to build houses for the officers of PT Semen Gresik Tbk, a subsidiary of BAPINDO in Gresik. Along with increased trust, PT PP (Persero) received the duty to construct large projects that were related to war compensations the Government of Japan paid to the Republic of Indonesia, namely : - Hotel Indonesia, Bali Beach Hotel, - Ambarukmo Palace Hotel and - Samudera Beach Hotel.
In compliance to Government Regulation No. 63 year 1960, PN (Perusahaan Negara) Pembangunan Perumahan changed into PN Pembangunan Perumahan.
In 1962, PT PP (Persero) completed the construction of Hotel Indonesia, a 14 stories with 427 rooms, which at the time was the highest building in Indonesia.
In compliance to the Government Regulation No. 39 year 1971, PN Pembangunan Perumahan changed and become PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), which was legalized through the Deed No. 78 dated March 15, 1973. The Company's core business was construction services.
For more than five decades, PT PP (Persero) has been a key player in the national construction business. Several mega projects have been constructed in that period. Subsequently, starting in 1991, PT PP (Persero) diversified its business, including office space rental at Plaza PP and realty business development in the area of Cibubur, and also the establishment of several subsidiaries through partnerships with foreign companies, among others PT PPTaisei Indonesia Construction and PT Mitracipta Polasarana.
In 2009, in line with business growth and increaseingly strong financial condition, then PT PP (Persero) to prepare a transformation where in 2009 PT PP (Persero) will implement the program in Public Offering Shares to the Public (Initial Public Offering/IPO). Where implementation of program IPO of PT PP (Persero) has received approval from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the Indonesian Goverenment Regulation No. 76 Year 2009 in Amendment of State Shareholding Structure through Issuance and Sale of New Share in the Company (Persero) PT Pembangunan Perumahan dated December 28th 2009
With new Regulation from the Government regarding the Changing of the Ownership Structure of State's Shares, therefore on February 9th 2010 PT PP (Persero) has fulfilled the listing requirement in PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Commencing from the abovementioned date, PT PP (Persero) Tbk shares have officially been listed and could be traded in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)
To be a Leader in Construction and Investment Business by Providing Excellence Added Value to Stakeholders.
Providing Construction Service and doing Investment to give added value to Stakeholders supported by Healthy Financial Structure, Efficient, Innovative, Green Program as one of competitive advantage, Global Vision and also having Prosperous Employees.[/quote]
The Company’s Current Business Activities
In business operations through the skills of its workforce and the ability to multi-discipline, PT PP (Persero) Tbk provides various services and providing solutions to clients in every stage of the project activity which owned by Client. With current Business Activity are :
1. Construction Services
1. Construction Services PT PP (Persero) Tbk is dealing with Public Construction Services as the core business which includes : High-Rise Buildings, Roads and Bridges, Dams and Irrigations, Hydro Electric and Coal Fire Power Plants, etc. Those Constructions are not merely great value to the Society, but also monumental and landmarks to the Nation. Some project landmarks PT PP (Persero) Tbk is as follows : a. High-Rise Buildings : Hotel Indonesia - Jakarta, Bali Beach Hotel, Samudera Beach Hotel - Pelabuhan Ratu, Ambarukmo Palace Hotel - Yogyakarta, Bapindo Tower Building - Jakarta, Sapta Pesona Building - Jakarta, BTN Building - Jakarta, Indosat Building - Jakarta, Menara Kuningan Building - Jakarta, Mahkamah Konstitusi RI Building - Jakarta, Departement Agama Building - Jakarta, etc. b. Power Plant HEPP : Musi Hydroelectric Power Plant - Bengkulu, Tangga Hydro- electric Power Plant Asahan - North Sumatera, Tunnel of Saguling Hydroelectric Power Plant - West Java, Tunnel of Cirata Hydroelectric Power Plant - West Java, Tulis Hydro-electric Power Plant - Central Java, Wonorejo Multipurpose Dam - East Java. SEPP : Muara Tawar Steam Power Plant - West Java, Suralaya Marine Work Steam Power Plant - West Java, Paiton Steam Power Plant - Central Java. CCPP : Tambak Lorok Combined Cycle Power Plant - Central Java, Muara Karang Combined Cycle Power Plant - Jakarta, Gresik Combined Cycle Power Plant - East Java, Belawan Combined Cycle Power Plant - North Sumatera. c. Infrastructure Bridges : Barelang Cable Stayed Bridge - Batam Tonton, Siak Cable Stayed Bridge - Riau, Perawang Bridge - Riau, Kapuas Bridge Pontianak - West Kalimantan. Roads : Interchange Padalarang Baypass Tollroad - West Java, Sedi - yatmo Tollroad - Jakarta, Senen Underpass - Jakarta, Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR), Semarang Northern Ring Road - Jawa Tengah. Railways : Kabat - Meneng, Bojonegoro - Cepu. Harbours : Koja Wharf - Jakarta,Tanjung Emas Container Port Semarang - Central Java, Cilacap Fishing Port - Central Java, Bajoe Kolaka Crossing Wharf - South Sulawesi, Tanjung Perak Container Wharf Surabaya - East Java, Pertamina Oil Wharf Pelabuhan Panjang - Bandar Lampung, Merak Bakauheni Ferry Terminals - Lampung, Teluk Bayur Harbour - West Sumatera, Sadeng Fishing Port - Central Java. Airports : Ujung Pandang Airport Makassar - South Sulawesi, Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport Denpasar - Bali, Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) Jakarta International Airport Cengkareng - Jakarta
2. Property and Realty
PT PP (Persero) Tbk undertakes a business development in the area of Property and Realty by developing Idle Assets of the Company and engages in strategic partnership to create a Property development business such as : Apartments, Hotels, Offices, Malls, Trade Centers and Housings for sale and rental. a. Property. To increase the Added Value of the Company, the Company diversified its business into the Property sector that can be expected to provide a contribution to the Company’s Profit. Property is a business expand in long term character and to have, not for sale but for rent. Property has owned and operated by PT PP (Persero) Tbk include : - PP Plaza, Jakarta. - Park Hotel, Jakarta. - Mall at Kapas Krampung Plaza, Surabaya. b. Realty Realty is a business undertaking of a Developer that is short-term in nature and for sale under a strata-title scheme, and not for ownership. PT PP (Persero) Tbk has sold several of these Developers Projects including among other projects : - Juanda Business Center, Surabaya. - Patria Park Apartment, Jakarta. - Paladian Park Apartment, Jakarta. - Bukit Permata Puri, Semarang. - Graha Bukopin Building, Surabaya. - Trade Center at Kapas Krampung Plaza, Surabaya.
3. Investment in Infrastructure Sector
Investment in the Infrastructure Sector has been done through the equity placement of 12.5 % in PT Citra Waspphutowa. This Investment is the construction of the 22.8 km Depok - Antasari Toll Road Project. Currently, the project is in land acquisition process.
Spoiler for In Progress Project:
Spoiler for Gallery:
1. D3/S1 dari semua Universitas di Indonesia
2. IPK D3 Minimal 2,75
3. IPK S1 Minimal 3,00
4. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi
5. Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh Job Site / Proyek PT.PP Persero Tbk.
6. Aktif Berorganisasi
7. Berkemauan keras dan maju
Engineering : Lulusan dari Fakultas Teknik (Teknik Sipil,Teknik Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro)
Administrasi : Lulusan dari Fakultas Ekonomi (Akuntansi, Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, Perpajakan, Administrasi dll)
K3 : K3
1.Seleksi Administrasi
2. Psikotest
3. Interview Psikolog
4. Interview Akhir bersama User, HRD, Kepala Divisi
5. Medical Check Up
1. Seleksi Administrasi
2. Psikotest
3. Interview Psikolog
4. Interview HRD
5. Medical Check Up
Yang mau tanya2, menambahkan atau sharing pengalaman kerja di PP Persero Tbk. monggo post di mari
Bagi yg udah bekerja di PT.PP Persero Tbk. mohon presensi di sini ye!
1. kokohoudini (Staf Accounting) Proyek Relokasi Tol Porong - Gempol
Kalo Berkenan bagi donk gan
Kalo kurang berkenan jangan ye gan . CMIIW
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