Twelve years ago in Kyuushu, an epic event occurred in which a falling comet brought upon an unknown calamity to the world. At the same time as this natural phenomenon, a baby boy named Ouriku whose soul was touched by this mysterious entity was born, oblivious to his inevitable destiny.
In present day, almost nobody remembers this great star event. However, a powerful family of the Reiken clan have decided to conduct an entrance examination at the God's assembly. Their goal is to find the most talented and powerful disciples, fit to work as sages. Ouriku decides to take this exam, unaware of the special powers he possesses. Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage is the story of Ouriku and his journey to becoming a powerful sage
Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jan 9, 2016 to Mar 26, 2016
Premiered: Winter 2016
Source: Light novel
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Magic
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Yamaguchi Yuriko as Oubu
Yonaga Tsubasa as Ouriku
Hayashi Daichi as Bunhou
Eguchi Nako as Bunshitone
Matsuda Ken`ichirou as Iemoto
Nishida Masakazu as Kaiunho
Kobayashi Daiki as Ouchuu
Nakamura Eriko as Rei
Hatanaka Marie as Rurisen
Itou Kento as Shushin
Director: Iku Suzuki
Character Design: Makoto Iino
Art Director: Hirofune Hane
Chief Animation Director: Yumiko Ishii
Color Design: Kazuhisa Yamabe
Sound Director: Kazuya Tanaka
Sound Production: Half H.P Studio
Studio: Studio Deen
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