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  • Waspada, Modus Baru penipuan jual beli online via whatsapp ( 18+ )

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Waspada, Modus Baru penipuan jual beli online via whatsapp ( 18+ )
Maaf agak panjang tapi ini penting banget buat kita semua agar terhindar dari penipuan

03/04/2016, 12:54 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Hi
03/04/2016, 12:58 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Do you still have the samsung Nx 5000
( lo masih punya samsung NX 5000 )
3/04/2016, 13:03 - GUA: Hi, yes still have
( Ya masih ada )
03/04/2016, 13:03 - GUA: Sorry, you are not from indonesia?
( maaf, lo bukan dari indonesia )
03/04/2016, 13:04 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah

03/04/2016, 13:04 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Am from Lebanon ( gue dari Lebanon )

03/04/2016, 13:05 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: But currently in Nigeria for a fashion show and that's why am buying the camera
( tapi gue lagi di nigeria untuk fashion show itulah kenapa gue beli kamera )

03/04/2016, 13:05 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: To take pictures of latest fashion designing
( untuk mengambil gambar design terbaru )
03/04/2016, 13:05 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I will add the shipping fee
( gue bayar shipping nya )
03/04/2016, 13:05 - GUA: Ooo yaaa i see i see

03/04/2016, 13:06 - GUA: But i must learn first how to shipping this to you
( tapi gue mesti pelajarin dulu cara kirim ke lo )
03/04/2016, 13:06 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah

03/04/2016, 13:06 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: What's your final price?
( berapa harga akhir lo )
03/04/2016, 13:06 - GUA: I never ship to worldwide before.. I just cash on delivery in indonesia
( gue belom pernah kirim mendunia, cuma cod ) kaskus bgt
03/04/2016, 13:08 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 13:08 - GUA: If we make a deal.. I must count for the price with shipping cost too... And you must transfer money to my account first then i will
check my account
( Jika kita membuat kesepakatan .. saya harus menghitung harga dengan biaya pengiriman ... Dan Anda harus mentransfer uang ke rekening saya, maka
saya akan memeriksa akun saya )
03/04/2016, 13:08 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Do you have dhl over there? ( lo ada dhl disana? )
03/04/2016, 13:08 - GUA: Yes

03/04/2016, 13:08 - GUA: I will check first to dhl
( gue bakal cek ke dhl )
03/04/2016, 13:08 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah

03/04/2016, 13:09 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I will make the payment first before you ship
( gue bakal selesaikan pembayaran sebelum lo kirim barang )
03/04/2016, 13:09 - GUA: Yup

03/04/2016, 13:09 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: So what's your final price for the camera? ( jadi berapa harga akhir lo ? )
03/04/2016, 13:10 - GUA: I open it from 8.5 million in IDR (rupiahs) negotiable
( gue buka 8.5 juta nego )
03/04/2016, 13:11 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: That's how much in Us dollar ( berapa dalam dollar ?)
03/04/2016, 13:11 - GUA: I'm on my lunch now, i will Whatsapp you again in maybe an hour ( gue lagi makan siang, gw wasap lg sejam lagi )
03/04/2016, 13:11 - GUA: How? ( gimana ?)
03/04/2016, 13:12 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Convert it ( convert ke rupiah )
03/04/2016, 13:13 - GUA: Yes i will convert it, and i will inform it to you soon. ( gue bakal convert, dan gw info secepatnya )
03/04/2016, 13:13 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 13:13 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Enjoy your lunch ( nikmati makan siang lo )
03/04/2016, 13:14 - GUA: Thanks, and sorry whats your name? You can call me *** ( siapa nama lo ? lo bisa panggil gue **** )
03/04/2016, 13:15 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Lara

03/04/2016, 13:15 - GUA: Ok lara.

03/04/2016, 13:17 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah

ane ngabarin dia nih udah cek Telpon ke dhl harga shipping nya ke lebanon atau nigeria masuk zona 9 nya dhl.

03/04/2016, 13:43 - GUA: So expensive for the shipping cost with dhl ( mahal kirim pake dhl )
03/04/2016, 13:44 - GUA: A half of the camera price itself ( setengah dari harga kamera nya )
03/04/2016, 13:44 - GUA: 4 millions rupiahs ( 4 juta rupiah )
03/04/2016, 13:44 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I want the amount in dollars ( gue mau jumlah dalam dollar )
03/04/2016, 13:45 - GUA: Sorry 345 usd for the shipping cost exclude tax in your country ( maaf 345 usd untuk pengiriman diluar pajak di negara lo )
03/04/2016, 13:45 - GUA: And 660 usd for the camera ( dan 660 usd untuk kamera nya )
03/04/2016, 13:46 - GUA: Its too high i think... Why you don't buy it there lara? It can be cheaper than this.. ( terlalu tinggi menurut gue, kenapa lo ga
beli di sana? )
03/04/2016, 13:48 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I don't have time for shopping here ( ga punya waktu belanja disini )
03/04/2016, 13:48 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: You know what

03/04/2016, 13:48 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Do you have local post office overthere? ( lo punya pos local disana ? )
03/04/2016, 13:53 - GUA: Yes we have local post here but it will takes time... I ask my friend it can takes 2 months for shipping with local post ( Ya kita
memiliki pos setempat di sini tapi itu akan membutuhkan waktu ... saya meminta teman saya itu bisa memakan waktu 2 bulan untuk pengiriman dengan pos setempat )
03/04/2016, 13:53 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: That's too far

03/04/2016, 13:54 - GUA: Yayaya right so far

03/04/2016, 13:54 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Confirm it it can get here under a month ( konfirmasi, itu bisa sampe sini dibawah sebulan )
03/04/2016, 13:55 - GUA: I do lara, that's the answer from my friend, he used local post office for shipping to USA.. And it takes 2 months ( udah gue cek,
itu kata temen gue dia udah pernah kirim ke usa pake local post, butuh waktu 2 bulan )
03/04/2016, 13:57 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: That's too far

03/04/2016, 13:57 - GUA: I cant promise... I dont want you feel disappointed

03/04/2016, 13:58 - GUA: I'm sorry lara that's all information that i can give to you. ( maaf lara itu semua informasi yang bisa gue kasih ke lo )
03/04/2016, 13:58 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: How many day will it get here with dhl? ( berapa lama pake dhl ?)
03/04/2016, 13:58 - GUA: Maybe for the estimate in 2 weeks ( mungkin 2 minggu )
03/04/2016, 13:58 - GUA: But the cost so expensive ( terlalu mahal )
03/04/2016, 13:59 - GUA: Why dont you buy it from ebay ( kenapa lo ga beli di ebay ? )
03/04/2016, 13:59 - GUA: Maybe it can be easier and cheaper i think ( bisa lebih murah dan mudah pengirimannya )

03/04/2016, 14:00 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:01 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: But if you can help me ship it ( tapi kalo lo bisa tolong gw untuk kirim itu )
03/04/2016, 14:01 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I will pay the money ( gue bayar uangnya )
03/04/2016, 14:01 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Money is not my problem ( duit bukan masalah buat gue )
03/04/2016, 14:01 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: But always a busy type ( tapi selalu itu yang menyibukan )
03/04/2016, 14:01 - GUA: Ship it with dhl? ( kirim pake dhl )
03/04/2016, 14:02 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah
03/04/2016, 14:02 - GUA: Yes if we make a deal, i will ship it to you by our deal. But what method you use for the money transfer? ( ya, jika kita sepakat,
gw bakal kirim ke lo, tapi metode transfer apa yang mau lo pake ? )
03/04/2016, 14:04 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: What method do you preffer ( lo maunya apa ? )
03/04/2016, 14:05 - GUA: Wait ( tunggu )
03/04/2016, 14:06 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Bank transfer? ( transfer bank ? )
03/04/2016, 14:06 - GUA: I have my bank account but i dont know you can transfer the money from your account there to my account here ( gue punya bank
account tapi gue ga tau bisa buat transfer dari lo ke gue apa gak. )
03/04/2016, 14:07 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I can transfer it ( gue bisa transfer itu )
03/04/2016, 14:07 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: It's safe and secure ( ini aman kok )
03/04/2016, 14:10 - GUA: Ok, if you can transfer it ( ok kalo lo emang bisa transfer itu )
03/04/2016, 14:10 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I will ( gue akan )
03/04/2016, 14:11 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Send me your details for payment ( kirimin gue detail pembayaran )
03/04/2016, 14:11 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: And I will notify you as soon as am done with the payment ( gue akan ingatkan lo kalo dah gue transfer )
03/04/2016, 14:11 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: With the transfer

03/04/2016, 14:13 - GUA: Bank Central Asia account number
Swift number ******

03/04/2016, 14:13 - GUA: Yes i will check it too ( ya gue bakal cek juga )
03/04/2016, 14:13 - GUA: Online

03/04/2016, 14:14 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:14 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: What's your full name? ( siapa nama lengkap lo ? )
03/04/2016, 14:15 - GUA: bank account name (********) this is my friend account, i ask help from him ( ini akun temen gue, gue minta tolong sama dia )
03/04/2016, 14:15 - GUA: My full name GUA ( nama lengkap gue GUA )

curiga gue makin besar disini...

03/04/2016, 14:16 - GUA: I'll record this conversation yaa ( gw rekam perbincangan ini )
03/04/2016, 14:17 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Don't you have your own personal account? ( lo ga punya akun pribadi ? )
03/04/2016, 14:20 - GUA: You can use that account ( lo bisa pake akun itu )
03/04/2016, 14:20 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:20 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: What's your email address? ( email lo ? )
03/04/2016, 14:21 - GUA: For? ( buat ? )
03/04/2016, 14:21 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Confirmation of payment ( konfirmasi pembayaran )
03/04/2016, 14:22 - GUA: Wait ( tunggu )
03/04/2016, 14:23 - GUA: *********

03/04/2016, 14:23 - GUA: Your details? ( details lo ? )
03/04/2016, 14:24 - GUA: Shipping to, contact number, receiver. ( kirim ke, kontak, penerima )
03/04/2016, 14:24 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:24 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: It's my driver that will pick it for me ( supir gue yang bakalan ambil barang )
03/04/2016, 14:24 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I will send you is address soon ( gue kirim alamat dia secepatnya )
03/04/2016, 14:25 - GUA: 660+345 = 1005 usd

03/04/2016, 14:26 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:27 - GUA: Your full name please ( nama lengkap lo plis )
03/04/2016, 14:27 - GUA: Sorry before... Can i trust you lara? ( maaf sebvelumnya... dapat gue percaya ke lo lara ? )
03/04/2016, 14:27 - GUA: Im very sorry for asking that question ( gue minta maaf banget untuk bertanya seperti itu )
03/04/2016, 14:28 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Lara haroutioun khederian

03/04/2016, 14:28 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah sure

03/04/2016, 14:28 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: That's my lebanesse I.d

03/04/2016, 14:29 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: IMG-20160304-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

03/04/2016, 14:30 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Do you trust me now? ( lo percaya gue sekarang ? )
03/04/2016, 14:30 - GUA: Can you take a picture of your face ( lo bisa ambil gambar muka lo )
03/04/2016, 14:31 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:31 - GUA: Sorry..

03/04/2016, 14:32 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: IMG-20160304-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

03/04/2016, 14:32 - GUA: I can trust you when i see the money transfer on my bank account hha, and you can trust me when i give you tracking dhl number ( gue bisa percaya lo kalo lo dah transfer ke gue, dan lo bisa percaya gue kalo gue udah kasih lo tracking number dhl )
03/04/2016, 14:36 - GUA: Oke lara i will wait for your good news ( gue tunggu kabar baiklo )
03/04/2016, 14:40 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Ok

03/04/2016, 14:40 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Thanks for that

03/04/2016, 14:41 - GUA: Ok lara, btw That's nice photo.

03/04/2016, 14:42 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Thanks

03/04/2016, 17:57 - GUA: I received the email of transfer ( gue terima email dari transferan )
03/04/2016, 17:57 - GUA: I dont want this method ( gue gak mau cara ini )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - GUA: This method need copy of shipment to confirm n complete the transfer ( cara ini nyuruh gue ngasih bukti pengiriman untuk complet transfer nya )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Yeah

03/04/2016, 17:58 - GUA: It means i must ship the camera ( itu artinya gue harus kirim kamera gue )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: My money has been deducted here ( duit gue udah kepotong disini )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - GUA: I dont want it.. Sorry ( gue gak mau, maaf )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - GUA: Nope ( gak )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - GUA: I dont trust you ( gue ga percaya lo )
03/04/2016, 17:58 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: They are just waiting for the shipping details for verification ( mereka nunggu shipping details untuk verifikasi )
03/04/2016, 17:59 - GUA: Just cancel it thanks. ( batalin aja )
03/04/2016, 17:59 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I can't now ( gue gak bisa sekarang )
03/04/2016, 17:59 - GUA: Nope... The procedur is my bank account receive the money ( gak..! prosedurnya akun bank gue terima uangnya )
03/04/2016, 17:59 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: My money has been deducted ( duit gue udah kepotong )
03/04/2016, 17:59 - GUA: Nope i dont trust it ( gak, gue gak percaya )
03/04/2016, 18:00 - GUA: Wth... U want to cheat me ( bangke, lo mau nipu gue ? )
03/04/2016, 18:00 - GUA: This is not real royal bank ( ini bukan royal bank asli )
03/04/2016, 18:00 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Am not cheating you ( gue ga nipu lo )
03/04/2016, 18:01 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: It's the real royal bank ( itu royal bank asli )
03/04/2016, 18:01 - GUA: Logic think... ( mikir logis )
03/04/2016, 18:01 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: Am just heading back to work now ( gue lagi balik kerja sekarang ) hahaha jam kerja nigeria sama indo sama ???!!!
03/04/2016, 18:02 - GUA: The procedure is you transfer it to my bank account, I'll check it if i receive it than i will send it

03/04/2016, 18:02 - GUA: In the middle i must give a copy of shipment... Hahaha im not stupid

03/04/2016, 18:02 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: That's for them to verify it

03/04/2016, 18:03 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: I have done my part

03/04/2016, 18:03 - GUA: Nope...

03/04/2016, 18:03 - ‪+234 806 828 5352‬: It's left to you now

03/04/2016, 18:03 - GUA: Sorry... My account didn't receive your payment

03/04/2016, 18:03 - GUA: I wont this method

03/04/2016, 18:03 - GUA: Its fake

03/04/2016, 18:04 - GUA: I will publish it to the Internet

after this last message and she is GONE...!!!! hahahaha liar

berikut hal hal tipuan yang dikirim ke gue DARI MULAI FACEBOOK, KTP, FOTO SAMPAI ISI EMAIL.
Spoiler for barbuk:

Diubah oleh danoewins 04-03-2016 12:33
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