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"27 two-word lessons" buat nutup bulan terakhir di 2015 dengan EPIC! :)

Spoiler for no repost:


1. Try It. You won’t know if you like it until you do. It’s technically the only way you can discover your passion. You’re never born with passion. It’s something you discover by falling in love with something you experience.

Kamu gak bakal tau passion kamu dimana kalau kamu gak mau nyoba, mencoba itu cuma satu-satunya cara buat nemuin passion kamu, gan! Passion itu bukan karunia sejak lahir, passion itu datengnya dari proses pencarian jati diri saat kamu "ngerasa suka" waktu melakukan sesuatu hal. suka karena sudah terbiasa, suka karena ngerasa banyak kesenangan, ataupun suka-suka lain yang bikin kamu "enjoy dalam ber-progress".

Spoiler for always try:

2. Start Now. The best time to plant an oak tree was fifty years ago. The next best time is today. You and your retirement account will thank me.

Waktu terbaik buat menanam pohon oak itu 50 tahun yang lalu sebelum bencana dateng, terus sekarang udah telat dong kalau mau nanem? belum, waktu terbaik kedua setelah 50 tahun yang lalu itu yah hari ini.

Spoiler for Start to be great:

3. Eliminate First. This is something 99% of the world doesn’t understand. Everyone wants to add things to their lives. The secret to accumulating more and accomplishing more is by doing things in this order: Evaluate, Eliminate, Try, Review, Clean Up Mistakes, Repeat. Number two makes numbers three through six a lot easier. This works great with clothes, people, and generally anything else you can think of.

Rahasia menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik itu simpel, ngejalanin hal-hal ini dalam ngebentuk kebiasaan positif: evaluasi, eliminasi, coba, review, rapihkan, dan ulang. Meng-eliminasi kebiasaan jelek jelas mempermudah langkah kita dari step 3 ke step terakhir dalam membentuk kebiasaan positif.

Spoiler for eliminate unnecessary:

4. Go Big. Your accomplishments will be in direct proportion to the height of the goals you set for yourself. Whoever said, “Failure is not an option,” was a fool. Failure should be your most probable outcome when you first attempt something. If it’s not, you didn’t set your goal high enough!

Pencapaian kamu yah tergantung tujuan yang kamu set dari awal. Gagal ketika baru pertama kali mencoba sesuatu itu biasa. kalau gak gagal ada kemungkinan bahwa "goal" yang kamu set dari awal itu emang terlalu mudah buat dicapai

Spoiler for go big or go home:

5. Keep Moving. It’s always easier to direct an object in motion than a stationary one. You can be concerned with checking all the boxes on your lesson plan before you take your first step. Alternatively, you can work on checking the boxes along the way.

Kamu tinggal pilih mau diem aja nunggu kesempatan dateng atau mau bergerak mencari dan membuka kesempatan selebar mungkin.

Spoiler for closer than yesterday:

6. Quit Sooner. Don’t be a fool by spending time on things you don’t love.

Jangan ngabisin waktu ngelakuin sesuatu yang gak kamu suka, apalagi kalau gak ada manfaatnya sama sekali.

Spoiler for try hardest but nothing made it better:

7. Time Wins. Time is the only commodity you can’t win back, earn back, or recreate. When it’s gone, it’s gone for-your-ever.

Waktu gak bisa dibeli atau dibuat, kalau dia udah pergi, ya udah gak bisa balik lagi.

Spoiler for hard time:

8. Give first. It’s better to be a giver than a taker. It’s really better to ask for a favor after you’ve given one. But, don’t keep a scorecard. Just consider it goodwill.

Memberi selalu lebih baik dari menerima.

Spoiler for give without remembering:

9. Own It. Take responsibility and accountability for your actions. It’s important to understand you need to take responsibility for your response to any situation. I promise you’ll be the criminal in every crime scene in your life. At this moment, you are the sum total of your decisions from your yesterdays. Own them all.

Segala konsekuensi perbuatan kamu sepenuhnya ya milik kamu sendiri, tanggung jawab yang penting.

Spoiler for owning:

10. Say No. The faster you learn to politely say “No”, the happier you’ll be. More than half the problems in your life won’t be due to misfortune. They’ll exist because you said, “Yes” without thinking first.

Belajar buat ngomong "tidak", kebanyakan masalah dateng dari persetujuan kamu buat bilang "iya" pada sesuatu yang kamu gak suka/setujui.

Spoiler for saying is easy:

11. Read More. It’s fun. You’ll learn things. You’ll sound smarter. You’ll write better.

Perbanyak membaca. membaca itu menyenangkan kok.

Spoiler for time to read:

12. Write More. It doesn’t matter if your spelling is poor or your grammar is bad. It doesn’t have to be for an audience. Writing will help empty your brain and relax you. For some reason, thoughts get disentangled when they pass over the lips and through the pencil tips (or, uh, fingertips). More importantly, what gets written down tends to get accomplished. Who knows? You might even become a published author someday.

Ga peduli seberapa jelek spelling atau grammar kamu. Nulis juga nambah pengetahuan, beberapa ide malah lebih enak ditulis daripada diucapkan.

Spoiler for written:

13,Listen First. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen first. Listen often. Listen to understand, not to reply. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn. You’ll also be amazed at the number of things you hear that are incorrect.

Alasan kita dikasih 2 telinga sama satu mulut apa coba? mendengar sesuatu yang bagus dapet ilmu, mendengar sesuatu yang jelek juga jadi pengetahuan mana yang bener dan mana yang salah.

Spoiler for listening to my music:

14. Save First.Don’t borrow money you don’t have to buy things you can’t afford to impress people you don’t know. Here are my two best suggestions: Save first; buy second. The only exception to this is rule is if you’re spending money to invest in yourself. This includes schooling, business, and so forth. Technically, in these cases, it’s referred to as an investment.

jangan ngebiasain minjem uang buat beli sesuatu yang gak bisa kamu beli yang tujuannya cuma untuk bikin orang terkesan sama kamu. mending uangnya ditabung buat biaya pendidikam, modal bisnis dll.

Spoiler for left after saving:

15. Travel More.You’ll be far better off if you collect experiences rather than things.

Travelling lah, guys! makin jauh, makin banyak yang diliat, makin jelas gambaran hidup yang didapet.

Spoiler for lives other soul:

16. Call Mom. She misses you. I don’t care if you called her an hour ago. She still misses you.

Telfon mama kamu! walaupun baru sejam lalu ditelfon, mama kamu pasti selalu kangen kok.

Spoiler for call mom:

17. Family First. Contrary to what many people think, you can choose your family. It’s not in a name or a bloodline. It’s your choice.

Pokoknya selalu prioritaskan keluarga nomer satu.

Spoiler for family comes first:

18. Fifteen-Minute Plans. Forget the five-year plans. The people who are most successful and happy in life aren’t the ones who can plan for the future. They’re the ones who live the present to its fullest.

Lupain dulu rencana 5 tahun kedepan kalau rencana hari ini aja kamu gak punya, tentukan rencana besar, bangun dengan rencana-rencana kecil setiap harinya.

Spoiler for plan a book:

19. Ask Her. She won’t bite and you’ll never know how she feels until you ask. Make sure you’re smiling when you do. People like smiles.

Jadilah cowok gentle, itu sudah

Spoiler for ask for lunch:

20. Teach Yourself.I can tell you what it feels like, but you’ll never know until you touch it. When people try to guide you by sharing their experiences, they will forget the most important factor. They’re not you. They can’t do what you can do. They don’t have your heart. Don’t ever forget that.

Orang terbaik untuk mengajari kamu mana yang benar dan salah itu ya diri kamu sendiri, hidup kamu gak dirasain oleh orang lain, gak ada orang yang punya jalan hidup yang sama.

Spoiler for we learn:

21. Work Smarter. This is way better than working harder

Kerja pintar lebih baik dari kerja keras, pake otak juga bukan pake otot aja emoticon-Big Grin

Spoiler for stay hungry:

22. Maintain Contacts. Hang on to everyone’s phone number. You will likely need them someday.

Simpan semua nomer telpon teman kamu, gak tau kan sesuatu saat nanti siapa tau dibutuhkan

Spoiler for trying to know:

23. Question Everything. You won’t believe the number of things you’ll hear that aren’t true. Many of these will be long-held beliefs by many who were too lazy to wonder. Blind acceptance is the fastest way to failure..

Gak semua yang kamu tau itu bener, kalau semua cuma kamu tangkep mentah-mentah aja bisa jadi nanti kamu bakal mudah dibohongin orang

Spoiler for power to question:

24. Be Original.. You’re the only you on this earth. In fact, you’re the only you that has ever, or will ever, be created. Would you rather enjoy being yourself, or pretend to be someone else? That would make one more of someone else the world doesn’t need. Just wasteful.

Kamu itu unik, gak ada yang bisa menyamai. mau jadi diri sendiri atau milih jadi orang lain? itu sih terserah, yang jelas kalau kamu niru orang lain berarti menurunkan harga keunikan kamu sendiri.

Spoiler for be yourself:

26. Don’t Worry. Or you will go through so many terrible, horrible things in your life… before they never happen.

Jangan takut, semuanya baik baik aja kok. kalau kamu bawaannya takut terus ya bakal gak maju-maju, hal hal yang kamu takutin bakal bener kejadian biasanya

Spoiler for avoid temptation:

27. It’s Possible. I cringe every time I hear the word impossible.

Semua mungkin terjadi, yang penting usaha.

Spoiler for made to happen:






Next silahkan mampir kesini bre.
Cerita Kita Untuk Selamanya 3 : Cataphiles

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On going
Cerita Kita Untuk Selamanya 3 : Cataphiles

Note:Ceritanya mengandung unsur kekerasan dan adegan dewasa jadi mohon pengertiannya gaiz
emoticon-Betty emoticon-Betty emoticon-Betty

emoticon-Ngacir2emoticon-Ngacir2 emoticon-Ngacir2
Diubah oleh rendyprasetyyo 18-06-2020 03:41
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