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Seruan kepada MEDIA untuk mengganti sebutan Islamic State (ISIS) menjadi DAJJAL

ISIS (Islamic State) has been spreading terror, not only in the Middle East but also in the world. This is totally contrary to the teachings of the Islamic religion, is very far from the values of Islam. So whether they are called Islam or criminal? Islam asserts that in order to build a country with religious concept takes the path of peace. In this case they (who claimed to be an Islamic state or ISIS) was not Islam .. almost all Muslims in the world condemned it.

In this world there are many Islamic countries, such as Brunei Darussalam, iran, saudi arabia, they are all peace-loving country by putting the rules of religion in the life of his state. But "Islamic State" (ISIS) that does terror in Syria, Lebanon, turkey, including yesterday in France is not a country, not even apply the concept of Islam, just the name alone of the Islamic State (ISIS). So can we stop using the word ' Islamic state "or its abbreviation to name them?

Spoiler for logo SWASTIKA yang ternoda:

My concern is when a religious symbol that is abused by certain interests would disfigure the symbol of the religion concerned. For example, German in World War 2, the state uses the swastika symbol, gammadion cross, cross cramponnée, or Wanzi which is a sacred symbol for Hinduism, Buddhist and Gallic-Roman beliefs. Because of this, the symbols displayed in public places is prohibited in almost all countries in the world, especially in Europe. This symbol was never rehabilitated or restored again in the order originally .. just forbidden. In fact, the real meaning of the symbols are very sacred and precious. I worry that this will happen on the symbol of Islam in the future. Flags and banners on them, they use the symbol of God (Allah) and the Prophet (Muhammad) .. even if it is their fault, but various media reports that the onslaught of the symbols of Islam, the Islamic State said though - would discredit the character of Islam as opposed to their actions. This one .. this is very wrong.

Spoiler for Gambar Tentara ISIS dan Panjinya yang menodai Islam:

If a officers do a corruption, if he still called officers or criminals (corruptor)? Surely they are called criminals.

Our Prophet, the Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith has explained:
From Anas bin Malik, he said, the Prophet. has said: "It is not a prophet unless he has warned his people against the liar blind eye. Know that the Dajjal blind eye, while God does not blind eye, and between the eyes written Kaaf, faa, Ra. "(HR. Muslim). They themselves are the biggest enemy of Muslims, the enemies of all faiths. Prophet Muhammad calling groups (terrorists or criminals) such as pronouns Dajjal, which means the Antichrist or Beast .. that is a doctrine totally out of religious values and even tend to destroy the true meaning.

So I suggest we do not use the word Islamic State (ISIS) designation but the pronoun is the Dajjal. This is to avoid confusion or misunderstanding among us who fight against these groups not to be confused with the meaning of the Islamic State (actual), I urge all parties, especially the media to avoid a religious symbol or the word Islamic state. We can censor the logo associated with religion, as well as the use of pronouns Dajjal to change its name. It means a lot, to avoid desecration of religion, which is precisely against such acts of terror and the crime.

We need your help to spread awareness of this understanding

Ery Muhtar Muhammad

Diubah oleh erymuhtar 15-11-2015 16:22
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