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[Official Server] CABAL ONLINE II
[Official Server] CABAL ONLINE II
The Warrior is a melee class that walks the line between DPS and a Tank. The class wields a two handed sword, allowing you to wreak havoc amongst your enemies. In addition, the plate armor allows you to survive for a long period of time while in combat. If you like to play classes that can do decent damage, but also take a lot of damage in the process, then this is the class for you.
The Wizard is a powerful ranged class that uses a number of skills to defeat the enemy, including AOE, and direct damage skills. This class would be considered the main damage dealer, or primary DPS class.
The Wizard has minimal defense, but can do an extreme amount of damage. Those who play the wizard must always be thinking on their feet, utilizing the skills that increase distance between you, and your foe.
Armed with a sword and a shield, the Force Shielder is the main tank. This class is the first line of defense in any group, taking on the toughest opponents. Armed with many self buffs, this class is very difficult to take down.
In most situations, the Force Shielder is the last class in a group to die. While they are equipped with a high number of abilities, they will do minimal damage. In addition to the self buffs, this class can also “taunt” it’s foe, taking the attention away from the other group members, and especially the Priest.
The Force Blader is the DPS alternative to the Wizard. While not this class doesn’t deal as much damage as the Wizard, it has far more survivability. This class is most practical for those who are good at achieving high combo’s, and practice proper skill timing. As indicated by it’s difficulty rating, this class can be difficult to play. However; If played properly, it’s very rewarding. Skill rotation is important, amongst proper utilization of the full range of abilities.
The Force Archer is the primary support class for Cabal 2. In addition to it’s support abilities, the Force Archer has the ability to debuff the enemy. This becomes crucial in many dungeons, as some bosses activate very powerful buffs, which can only be debuffed by the Force Archer.
This class has a wide range of abilities. Thus, it can be difficult to properly utilize the class. These abilities include DoT’s (damage over time), stuns, roots, buffs, debuffs, and more. The Force Archer can be one of the most important classes in the game, so a high skill level is recommended to play this class.
The Priest is a healing powerhouse. Utilizing the many healing abilities, a player is able to shield themselves, and their allies from harm. The Priest is one of the most important classes in the game. With a good Priest, it will be much easier for groups to advance through complex stages of the game.
The Priest has some damage abilities, but they are mostly utilized in emergency situations. This class has a low difficulty rating due to the fact that the survivability rate is high. However, the Priest can only withstand a short amount of time under direct attack. A lot of aggro is generated while healing, so it is important to stay near the tank, and allow him/her to capture the aggro.
For More Info http://cabal2.playthisgame.com/Classes
Yang mw dimasukin silakan post dengan format
IGN : YapWilly
CLASS : Force Shielder
IGN : LordSinclair
CLASS : Warrior
IGN : Prastuju
CLASS : Force Archer
CLASS : Priest
IGN : Shannonpix
CLASS : Wizard
IGN : DeadBullet
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : pramuria
CLASS : Force shielder
IGN : Zoir
CLASS : Force Blader
IGN : YiFei
CLASS : Wizard/Mage
IGN : Exforth
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : Janjan
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : JendralMabok
IGN : GaLz
CLASS : warrior
IGN : Siratutoge
CLASS : priest
IGN : Sunbaenim
CLASS : Wizard
IGN :Yelyah
Class :Force Blader
IGN : Yongkayz
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : Kuvick
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN: Timbuktu
Class: Force Archer
IGN : Vignet
CLASS : Force Blader
IGN: NightWish
CLASS: Priest
IGN : Kuvick
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : Fisterro
CLASS : Force bladder
IGN: Clayra
Class: wizard
IGN: Vasco
class: F shielder
IGN : Zephyrus
Class : Force Archer
Spoiler for RULES:
- Yang di maksud junk post di sini adalah pembicaraan yang ga nyambung dengan tred ini
contoh junk post:
"absen dulu gan"
"ijin menyimak dulu gan"
"ini tred apa sih"
2 Gunakanlah fungsi multi quote dengan baik dan benar
jangna dopost/tripost dengan sengaja
3 Mengenai pembahasan cheat
Sangat di larang membahas cheat ato apapun di tred ini, langsung request
banned ke momod kalo ada yang ngebahas cheat
4 Mengenai Aktifitas Jual Beli
ini Thread buat discuss sama sharing game online bukan pasar jualan
5 Mengenai Flammer Dan Bad Reputation Point (BRP) Gelap
Disarankan untuk menahan diri memberikan BRP kepada Flammer di setiap Thread. Gunakan fasilitas Report untuk melaporkan postingan yang tidak sesuai kepada Moderator. Fasilitas Report ditandai dengan Icon Tanda Seru di samping Icon pemberian Reputation Point (timbangan).
Diharapkan tidak meng-quote atau counter postingan flammer, karena flammer biasanya makin ditanggapi makin senang...... cuekin aja, lama kelamaan dia bosan sendiri karena gak ada yg nanggepin.......
Jika ada Personal Insult (PI), harap segera laporkan ke pihak yg berwenang (Moderator). DAN INGAT!!, jangan balas dengan PI juga karena akan mengakibatkan masalah semakin runyam....... getting angry doesn't solve anything....rite??
6 . Dilarang Berbagi Informasi Apapun Yang Berbau Pornografi.
Segala Bentuk Posting yang ada Picture Pornografi atau BB = Delete Post
7 . Dilarang Melakukan Segala Macam Bentuk Posting Yang Bersifat Menyinggung Unsur-unsur Suku, Ras, Dan Agama (SARA).
Segala bentuk posting yg memancing kerusuhan, sebaiknya diabaikan saja (masukin ignore list), kemudian segera laporkan kepada Moderator yg berwenang, atau lapor ke Hansip.
Segala bentuk pelanggaran akan dilakukan penghapusan postingan, bila pelanggarannya masuk kategori berat akan dilakukan ID Banning.
8 Mengenai pertanyaan berupa trouble shooting di thread ini
Kami tidak akan menjawab pertanyaan seputar trouble shooting di game online, jika ingin bertanya tentang itu silahkan post di sini http://www.kaskus.co.id/showthread.php?t=1096867
- Yang di maksud junk post di sini adalah pembicaraan yang ga nyambung dengan tred ini
contoh junk post:
"absen dulu gan"
"ijin menyimak dulu gan"
"ini tred apa sih"
2 Gunakanlah fungsi multi quote dengan baik dan benar
jangna dopost/tripost dengan sengaja
3 Mengenai pembahasan cheat
Sangat di larang membahas cheat ato apapun di tred ini, langsung request
banned ke momod kalo ada yang ngebahas cheat
4 Mengenai Aktifitas Jual Beli
ini Thread buat discuss sama sharing game online bukan pasar jualan
5 Mengenai Flammer Dan Bad Reputation Point (BRP) Gelap
Disarankan untuk menahan diri memberikan BRP kepada Flammer di setiap Thread. Gunakan fasilitas Report untuk melaporkan postingan yang tidak sesuai kepada Moderator. Fasilitas Report ditandai dengan Icon Tanda Seru di samping Icon pemberian Reputation Point (timbangan).
Diharapkan tidak meng-quote atau counter postingan flammer, karena flammer biasanya makin ditanggapi makin senang...... cuekin aja, lama kelamaan dia bosan sendiri karena gak ada yg nanggepin.......
Jika ada Personal Insult (PI), harap segera laporkan ke pihak yg berwenang (Moderator). DAN INGAT!!, jangan balas dengan PI juga karena akan mengakibatkan masalah semakin runyam....... getting angry doesn't solve anything....rite??
6 . Dilarang Berbagi Informasi Apapun Yang Berbau Pornografi.
Segala Bentuk Posting yang ada Picture Pornografi atau BB = Delete Post
7 . Dilarang Melakukan Segala Macam Bentuk Posting Yang Bersifat Menyinggung Unsur-unsur Suku, Ras, Dan Agama (SARA).
Segala bentuk posting yg memancing kerusuhan, sebaiknya diabaikan saja (masukin ignore list), kemudian segera laporkan kepada Moderator yg berwenang, atau lapor ke Hansip.
Segala bentuk pelanggaran akan dilakukan penghapusan postingan, bila pelanggarannya masuk kategori berat akan dilakukan ID Banning.
8 Mengenai pertanyaan berupa trouble shooting di thread ini
Kami tidak akan menjawab pertanyaan seputar trouble shooting di game online, jika ingin bertanya tentang itu silahkan post di sini http://www.kaskus.co.id/showthread.php?t=1096867
Spoiler for Game Story:
Spoiler for Class:
Spoiler for Warrior:
The Warrior is a melee class that walks the line between DPS and a Tank. The class wields a two handed sword, allowing you to wreak havoc amongst your enemies. In addition, the plate armor allows you to survive for a long period of time while in combat. If you like to play classes that can do decent damage, but also take a lot of damage in the process, then this is the class for you.
Spoiler for Wizard:
The Wizard is a powerful ranged class that uses a number of skills to defeat the enemy, including AOE, and direct damage skills. This class would be considered the main damage dealer, or primary DPS class.
The Wizard has minimal defense, but can do an extreme amount of damage. Those who play the wizard must always be thinking on their feet, utilizing the skills that increase distance between you, and your foe.
Spoiler for Force Shielder:
Armed with a sword and a shield, the Force Shielder is the main tank. This class is the first line of defense in any group, taking on the toughest opponents. Armed with many self buffs, this class is very difficult to take down.
In most situations, the Force Shielder is the last class in a group to die. While they are equipped with a high number of abilities, they will do minimal damage. In addition to the self buffs, this class can also “taunt” it’s foe, taking the attention away from the other group members, and especially the Priest.
Spoiler for Force Blader:
The Force Blader is the DPS alternative to the Wizard. While not this class doesn’t deal as much damage as the Wizard, it has far more survivability. This class is most practical for those who are good at achieving high combo’s, and practice proper skill timing. As indicated by it’s difficulty rating, this class can be difficult to play. However; If played properly, it’s very rewarding. Skill rotation is important, amongst proper utilization of the full range of abilities.
Spoiler for Force Archer:
The Force Archer is the primary support class for Cabal 2. In addition to it’s support abilities, the Force Archer has the ability to debuff the enemy. This becomes crucial in many dungeons, as some bosses activate very powerful buffs, which can only be debuffed by the Force Archer.
This class has a wide range of abilities. Thus, it can be difficult to properly utilize the class. These abilities include DoT’s (damage over time), stuns, roots, buffs, debuffs, and more. The Force Archer can be one of the most important classes in the game, so a high skill level is recommended to play this class.
Spoiler for Priest:
The Priest is a healing powerhouse. Utilizing the many healing abilities, a player is able to shield themselves, and their allies from harm. The Priest is one of the most important classes in the game. With a good Priest, it will be much easier for groups to advance through complex stages of the game.
The Priest has some damage abilities, but they are mostly utilized in emergency situations. This class has a low difficulty rating due to the fact that the survivability rate is high. However, the Priest can only withstand a short amount of time under direct attack. A lot of aggro is generated while healing, so it is important to stay near the tank, and allow him/her to capture the aggro.
For More Info http://cabal2.playthisgame.com/Classes
Spoiler for New Feature:
Spoiler for System requirement:
Spoiler for List Player:
Yang mw dimasukin silakan post dengan format
--- Our Player Pegasus---
IGN : YapWilly
CLASS : Force Shielder
IGN : LordSinclair
CLASS : Warrior
IGN : Prastuju
CLASS : Force Archer
CLASS : Priest
IGN : Shannonpix
CLASS : Wizard
IGN : DeadBullet
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : pramuria
CLASS : Force shielder
IGN : Zoir
CLASS : Force Blader
IGN : YiFei
CLASS : Wizard/Mage
IGN : Exforth
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : Janjan
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : JendralMabok
IGN : GaLz
CLASS : warrior
IGN : Siratutoge
CLASS : priest
IGN : Sunbaenim
CLASS : Wizard
IGN :Yelyah
Class :Force Blader
IGN : Yongkayz
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : Kuvick
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN: Timbuktu
Class: Force Archer
IGN : Vignet
CLASS : Force Blader
IGN: NightWish
CLASS: Priest
IGN : Kuvick
CLASS : Force Archer
IGN : Fisterro
CLASS : Force bladder
IGN: Clayra
Class: wizard
IGN: Vasco
class: F shielder
IGN : Zephyrus
Class : Force Archer
Yang berkenan ane terima dan di bagi yang g suka tolong komeng na ya n jangan dilempar
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