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Tikoow Malon ketangkep nyuri henpon balik bawa temen2 FPI/FBR rusuh!!!!
M’sians condemn Low Yat riot

Many are reminded of the racial riots of May 13, 1969 and insist this particular incident must be seen as one of theft and not race.

PETALING JAYA: Twitter is abuzz with angry, disappointed, saddened and maddened Malaysians who have condemned the Low Yat Plaza riot early this morning, likening it to the bloody racial riots of May 13, 1969, a black mark in the nation’s history where the Malays and Chinese clashed leaving a trail of blood and destruction behind.

The hashtag #LowYat is the top trending local Twitter topic of the day and many have tweeted that racial tensions have reached horrifying levels in the country.

Mr P tweeted: “May13,1969 anyone? Do we really want a sequel? July13, 2015? Have we not learn anything in 46 years? We are so much better than dis” while luqmanhakimbh tweeted: “Be selective in your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.”

Michelle Yesudas was optimistic that Malaysians were better than those involved in the riot yesterday when she tweeted: “What you’re seeing is a loud mob that will not contribute to our nation’s progress. Courageous Malaysians greatly outnumber them.”

Many also pointed out that the issue at the heart of the matter was theft, plain and simple and nothing whatsoever to do with race.

Alif Amdan said: “If its ‘scam’ it should be labelled as a ‘scam’. If its a ‘robbery’ it should be labelled as a ‘robbery’ Race shouldn’t be mentioned.” while Shafiq Hanafi said: “Yeap its not Malay vs Cina, it is Pembeli vs Peniaga (Customer versus Trader).

From the many videos going viral about the incident, it certainly did look as if the alleged theft went spirally out of control into a full-fledged racial riot with Chinese men on one side doing battle with Malay men on the other.

Racial slurs and expletives from both sides were shouted throughout the kicking, pushing and punching and with mob psychology being what it is, it was hard to call for calm when tensions had run high.

Police however have since declared the case solved and have arrested a 22-year-old suspect believed to have scooted off with a cellular phone from a shop on the first floor without having paid for it, the New Straits Times reported.

CCTV footage also showed the suspect having a discussion with the sales representative before walking away with the phone the moment the trader looked away for a few seconds.

The suspect was arrested by a group of men on the ground floor, angering his friends who returned later and vandalised the shop where the sales representative who had caught him earlier, worked at.

Last night 100 to 200 men claiming to represent several non-government organisations, showed up in front of the plaza, resulting in a fresh brawl that ended with seven people, including three media photographer suffering injuries in the violent scuffle.

According to the New Straits Times, several areas in Bukit Bintang have since been declared off-limits to members of the public, with city police chief Tajuddin Md Isa saying, “We will continue monitoring the area and policemen are placed there to avoid any untoward incidents.”

Commenting on the incident, PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man was quoted by Malaysiakini as saying, “The people are advised to be careful and wary. Even though the Low Yat Plaza incident is worrying, the people should not be trapped into the racial issues that are being fanned.”

He said “bigger issues” regarding the country’s leadership were plaguing the country and needed the people’s attention instead.

The DAP MP for Bukit Bintang Fong Kui Lun meanwhile was reported in the New Straits Times as saying, “I hope the police will beef-up the security within the premises to ensure no more untoward incidents will take place again.

“They (police) must restore peace in the area as more people will come here for their Hari Raya shopping.”

Parasites mengucapkan Bahasa Sandi waaaa

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa

Malon ame Indon kagak beda jauh waaaa


Klo mo keren kerja lhoooo!!!
Diubah oleh hahaiyaa09 17-07-2015 01:32
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