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  • (BREAKINGNEWS) Menhan Korut Dieksekusi Pakai Senjata Anti-Pesawat

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(BREAKINGNEWS) Menhan Korut Dieksekusi Pakai Senjata Anti-Pesawat

Menhan Korut Dieksekusi Pakai Senjata Anti-Pesawat
Media Korea Selatan (Korsel) melaporkan bahwa Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Korea Utara (Korut), Hyon Yong-chol, dieksekusi dengan senjata anti-pesawat. Menteri itu dituduh berkhianat setelah tertidur di acara yang dihadiri pemimpin Korut, Kim Jong-un.

Laporan media Korsel, Yonhap, pada Rabu (13/5/2015) itu bersumber dari Badan Intelijen Korsel (NIS) yang menyampaikan informasi eksekusi itu kepada anggota parlemen Korsel.

Menteri Hyon disebut telah menunjukkan rasa tidak hormat kepada diktator muda Kim Jong-un dengan tertidur pada sebuah acara militer. Laporan lain yang dilansir Reuters, menyatakan eksekusi itu bukan dengan senjata anti-pesawat tapi oleh regu tembak.

Wakil Direktur NIS, Han Ki-beom, mengatakan eksekusi Menhan Korut itu dilakukan pada 30 April 2015 dan disaksikan ratusan pejabat.

Hyon menjabat Menhan Korut baru setahun lalu. Namun, gara-gara tertidur dalam acara yang dihadiri Kim Jong-un, nasibnya menjadi mengenaskan.

Pemerintah Korut belum merespons tuduhan dari intelijen Korsel soal eksekusi menteri Korut dengan senjata anti-pesawat itu. Sebelumnya, Korut pernah membantah laporan NIS soal eksekusi 15 pejabat senior Korut dengan menyebutnya sebagai fitnah besar.
(BREAKINGNEWS) Menhan Korut Dieksekusi Pakai Senjata Anti-Pesawat


North Korea's Defence Minister Hyon Yong-chol has been executed, South Korea's spy agency has told parliament, according to media reports.

South Korea's Yonhap news agency said MPs were told Mr Hyon had been killed on 30 April by anti-aircraft fire in front of an audience of hundreds.

He is believed to have been accused of showing disloyalty to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un.

Reports from North Korea are impossible to independently confirm.

There were few details of the reported execution, but Yonhap - quoting a briefing by the South Korea's National Intelligence Agency (NIS) - said Mr Hyon had fallen asleep during an event attended by Kim Jong-un and had not carried out instructions.

Analysis: Stephen Evans, BBC News, Seoul

Hyon Yong-Chol, as defence minister, was as close to Kim Jong-un as it is possible to get.

Such a public and brutal method of execution as obliteration by anti-aircraft gun would emphasise the cost of disloyalty.

Intelligence reports always have to be treated with scepticism but, in this case, the claims of the South Korean agency will be easy to verify. If they are not true, the defence minister would appear again in public.

Earlier, the South Korean agency said that senior officials were being executed at the rate of one a week. It all adds up to a picture of a leader in Pyongyang who feels very insecure and who is dangerous in his insecurity.

Mr Hyon is believed to have been a general since 2010, though little is known about him. He served on the committee for late leader Kim Jong-il's funeral in December 2011, an indication of his growing influence.
Diubah oleh sulemandra 13-05-2015 03:09
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