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Last night I posted this thread and someone was fed up because I used Bahasa Indonesia. But my intention is to share a knowledge which I hope everyone got it. I don’t mean to underestimate any of you guys, I’m so sorry. I don’t want any misunderstanding. So here is the English version.
The kinds of time or the time basis in English Tenses are 3, they are present, past, and future. But its growth is much. But if you guys classified them, the characteristics of each will be seen and it will be easily memorized. Here is the discussion.

Information : Verb = Kata Kerja
Adjective = Kata Sifat
Noun = Kata Benda
Adverb = Kata Keterangan

1. Present ContinousTense
S (Subject) + to be (is/am/are) + V (Verb)+ing
Example: We are studying English now.

S + to be + being + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
Example: She is being diligent.

2. Past Continous Tense
S + to be (was/were) + V+ing
Example: They were watching a movie last night.

S + to be + being + ANA
Example: He was being rude.

3. Future Continous Tense
S + will be + V+ing
Example: I will be waiting for you tomorrow.

S + will be + being + ANA
Example: You will be being a hard worker.

The characteristic of continuous tense is the using of Verb+ing which is always. Because continuous tense shows that the activity is ongoing. Aside from verb, you just add the word being after ‘to be’. You guys just have to memorize the ‘to be’ for each time basis.

1. Present Perfect Tense
S + Have/Has + V3
Example: We have done our homework.

S + Have/Has + Been + ANA
Example: She has been here for a long time.

2. Past Perfect Tense
S + Had + V3
Example: I had seen this movie before.

S + Had + Been + ANA
Example: Life had been tough last year.

3. Future Perfect Tense
S + Will Have + V3
Example: They will have graduated next month.

S + Will Have + Been + ANA
Example: He will have been honest next morning.

The characteristic of perfect tense is the use of the third form of the verb (V3). Because perfect tense shows that the activity is already done. Aside from verb, you guys add the word been after the underlined word(s). And you just have to memorize those underlined word(s).

1. Simple Present Tense
S + V1
Example: I work in a bank everyday.
He works in a bank every day.

S + to be (is/am/are) + ANA
Example: She is beautiful.

2. Simple Past Tense
S + V2
Example: My father washed the car yesterday.

S + to be (was/were) + ANA
Example: He was a musician.

3. Simple Future Tense
S + Will + V1
Example: I will work in a bank next month.
He will work in a bank next month.

S + Will Be + ANA
Example: We will be there soon.

For simple tense, you guys have to memorize the form of the verb which is used for each time basis. In Simple Present Tense, subject He, She, and It, has to be added –s/-es in its verb. But you don’t do it in Simple Future Tense though it is also used the first form of verb (V1). That’s all, I hope this is useful (and no one is angry wkwkwk).
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