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[Australia Makin Gila] Australia Beri Beasiswa dengan Nama Terpidana Bali Nine
University scholarships in name of Bali pair

Australian Catholic University has created two scholarships for Indonesian students to study in Australia named after Chan and Sukumaran.

The scholarships will cover the full cost of tuition for up to four years and be awarded on academic merit as well as an essay on the theme “the sanctity of human life”.

“In a small but deeply symbolic way, the writing by Indonesian students on the sanctity of life would be an ongoing contribution towards the eventual abolition of the death penalty in Indonesia,” ACU vice-chancellor Greg Crav­en said in a statement. “The scholarships would be a fitting tribute to the reformation, courage and dignity of the two men.”

Mr Abbott said there could be no truck with drug trafficking and the university’s proposal sent a very unusual message.

He said this was an odd thing for a university to do, particularly an institution which was supposed to stand up for the best values.

Mr Abbott, a staunch Christian, said forgiveness was part of the Christian faith but another part called people to be their best selves.

“We know that they were repentant, we know that they were rehabilitated, we know that they seem to have met their fate with a kind of nobility and all of that is admirable,” he told Sydney radio 2GB.

“But whether that justifies what has apparently been done is open to profound question.”

Professor Craven, a constitutional lawyer by training, had worked behind the scenes in recent months in seeking mercy for the two convicted drug dealers.

He said the scholarships had been created to recognise the university’s commitment to “the dignity of the human person”.

“That applies equally to all human beings: victims as well as to those who have been convicted of crimes,” he said.

However, Professor Craven told The Australian he was surprised to receive an email from a student who opposed the scholarship on the grounds that Chan and Sukumaran “are not heroes, nor were they even rehabilitated”.

“I was unaware of anytime they spent in the community to be rehabilitated.

“They may have changed their ways and beliefs, but that didn’t come till sometime after they were in prison,” wrote the student.

“If they were released early on, would they even be rehabilitated or on the streets again supplying and trafficking drugs again?

“I may have missed an email or two regarding the death of the two Lindt cafe victims and scholarships in memory of them.”

Professor Craven said the scholarships were created as a stance of opposition to the death penalty.

“The death penalty is a ­violent, cruel and immoral punishment that has no place in our ­society. And yet it persists.” he said.

With AAP


Wkwkwk sorry sengaja taro disini supaya kita enggak usah komentarin reaksi australia lagi, disana banyak orang gila yang beri kehormatan untuk penyelundup narkoba secara berlebihan emoticon-Hammer2

dimana logikanya memberi beasiswa pendidikan tapi dengan nama orang yang mengedarkan narkoba yang merusak badan dan pikiran korban emoticon-Hammer2

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