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Mungkinkah??? Andreas Lubitz Co-Pilot Of Flight 9525 Was A Muslim Convert

German News Reporting Andreas Lubitz Co-Pilot Of Flight 9525 Was A Muslim Convert

Mungkinkah??? Andreas Lubitz Co-Pilot Of Flight 9525 Was A Muslim Convert

The loss of human life on Germanwings flight 9525 is undoubtedly tragic and as new evidence begins to surface and illustrate just who Andreas Lubitz might have been, emotions are turning from sadness to confusion and anger.

Independent German news outlets are now reporting that Lubitz was a Muslim convert and that the downing of flight 9525 was more than likely an act of terrorism. But is that really the case… Was Lubitz truly a Muslim convert or is this the rumor mill moving in full swing as people struggle to find reason in such tragedy?

Let’s take a closer look at the information in circulation:

Andreas Lubitz Suffered from Mental Illness

As German prosecutors investigate the events surrounding the crash of Germanwings flight 9525, evidence is pointing to the possibility that Andreas Lubitz had a long history of mental illness.

German authorities have stated that “We have found something which will now be taken for tests. We cannot say what it is at the moment, but it may be a very significant clue to what has happened.” Additionally, what we are learning now is that a sick note from a doctor dated Tuesday was also located during the search of the Lubitz home. The off work order would have allowed Lubitz time off the day of the crash but authorities indicate that he tore up the note and went to work anyway.

Via USAToday
The co-pilot blamed for deliberately crashing a German airliner into the Alps had concealed an illness from his employers and tore up a doctor’s note that called for him to go on medical leave on the day of the tragedy, according to a statement from German prosecutors.

The statement by the Dusseldorf prosecutors office said, however, that police found no suicide note or claim of responsibility from the co-pilot, who investigators said deliberately crashed the plane on Tuesday, killing all 150 on board. They also didn’t find evidence of a political or religious background linked to the tragedy.

“Torn-up current medical certificates — also pertaining to the day of the act — were found, which after preliminary examination, support the assumption that the deceased hid his illness from his employer and his professional circles,” the statement said.

This newly discovered evidence about Lubitz’s mental health appears to be corroborated by the statements of his friends. Individuals claiming to have known Lubitz have stated they saw him as unstable and that he suffered from burned out requiring him to take six months off during training. All of these statements after vastly different in comparison to Lufthansa’s previous statement that Lubitz was “100% fit to fly.”

Bild reported that on several occasions his training at Lufthansa’s flight school in Phoenix, Ariz., was interrupted for mental health reasons after he had a “serious depressive episode”… Lubitz may even have undergone treatment after being what [is] called “demoted” several times during his training in the United States.

Further reports state:

…sources familiar with the investigation, saying that Lubitz suffered from a “personal life crisis,” following a recent breakup with a girlfriend.

German reporters found Lubitz’s former classmates, who said he took a six-months break from training due to “burnout-syndrome” or “depression,” Der Spiegel’s Matthias Gebauer wrote on Twitter.

Andreas Lubitz Was a Muslim Convert

More or less this theory seems to be nothing other than a rumor at the present time as no real evidence truly supports the theory. I am not saying to completely rule this out as a possibility, but I am saying we need to be cautious with accepting rumors as fact until there is hard evidence to back up such statements.

Likely these rumors have stem from various pro-Islam/pro-Andreas Lubitz fan pages that have began to appear on Facebook, one of which Pamela Geller was able to screenshot before it was taken down. Additionally, various independent German news outlets have began to run with this explanation though they all seem to point back to one source.

Mungkinkah??? Andreas Lubitz Co-Pilot Of Flight 9525 Was A Muslim Convert

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa

Eng ing eng....The TRUTH is out there.

RIP emoticon-rose may the souls of those innocent Ppl killed by this lunatic rest in peace
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